fuel for MA

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ma is good for excersicing and defense. but u cant really rely on ma to keep u in shape. eating right is vital. im not too sure if vitamin pills work.

guys, share some nutrition facts. thansk
you hsould move this to the health tips forum....
vitamins do what they do, your body uses various vitamins for various things, genneraly you probably get enough in the food you eat, but with most of them it's vary hard to over dose them so it wouldn't matter if you suplamented your diet. Only thing I could see it helping would be taking an anti-oxodant like C or E or if you live in a high altitude area maybe A (some research showed that it helped your boddy absorb oxogen at high altitude.

I would have to disagree about MA not getting or keeping you in shape... I did the gym thing.. and i find that MA ( go quite often 4-6 times a week) is doing a better job then the smelly old gym did!!! I do everything and More in my MA class then in the gym,
stretching, cardio, legs, arms..Back (most imprortant to me)
OH sure its not like im getting muscles like Arnold, but.. i have notice a weight decrease and a little muscle tone......
SO you can't say to me that im not getting a work out...
I just won't listen..... hehehehehehehehehehe :p
I know that even after a thoroughly exhausting day, going to Kempo always gives me more energy than I know what to do with. The only bad thing is that then I can't get to sleep at night! x_x Now I really need to start practicing the calming-down part. Meditation is such a challenge for me!
you can't sleep after martial arts because it gets your adrenaline going, and adrenaline makes your body awake, alert, and wired. Cooling down doesn't do a whole lot to help with this, because you're going to be wired until the adrenaline your adrenal gland has already secreted works its way out of your system. A good cooldown may stop you from secreting more adrenaline, but it doesn't help for what's aready there.

Some things to try:

Chamomile tea or warm milk.
they're both natural sedatives (they make you sleepy) and can help you calm down enough to sleep. Hot Cocoa doesn't count because chocolate has caffeine (sorry, folks) but you can put one of the coffee house style flavor syrups in the milk if you want to. I like the Irish Cream flavor. (you can get this drink at coffee houses. its called a "steamer" and is just warm milk and a flavor shot)

Some things NOT to try:

alcohol, artifical sedatives (tylenol PM and sleep aids), nyquil. They will make you fall asleep, but the sleep you get won't be very restful and you'll wake up feeling either groggy or exhausted.

hope that helps

Thanks for the tips!

Hot Cocoa doesn't count because chocolate has caffeine (sorry, folks)

Blast!! Foiled again >_<
I agree with Eraser on the work-out thing. I was outta shape and fat when I started MA. I have a video of me as a white belt (the first time) to prove it :rolleyes: Eeeekkkkkkk. I couldn't keep up. But MA got me in good shape and I lost weight. That's until I moved to NY with my hunny and he cooks well, so I'm working on the weight again :eek: :D But I'm losing weight and getting my muscle tone back with MA alone (too busy to do the gym lately).

As far as vitamins go, it'a a good thing to take them if you are like me. I need ones with calcium (sp?) cause I can't drink milk. Plus Anti-oxodants are always good (to fend off colds and such). But I get most of them from the food I eat. If I can't get my allowances of veggies, I have a V8, or if I don't get a lot of fruit, I have fruit juice (the real stuff, not the fruit flavored crap) handy, ect.
If you're going to go for the vitamin pills, make sure it's in gel form. The hard pills and capsules just get passed through you. It doesn't get absorbed well. If you really want to increase vitamins, eat lots of veggies and fruits. An asian-type diet could help with this, as alot of asian dishes are low-fat and highly nutritious.

Maybe we should have an M.A. cookbook section?
Originally posted by nightingale8472

you can't sleep after martial arts because it gets your adrenaline going, and adrenaline makes your body awake, alert, and wired. Cooling down doesn't do a whole lot to help with this, because you're going to be wired until the adrenaline your adrenal gland has already secreted works its way out of your system. A good cooldown may stop you from secreting more adrenaline, but it doesn't help for what's aready there.

Some things to try:

Chamomile tea or warm milk.
they're both natural sedatives (they make you sleepy) and can help you calm down enough to sleep. Hot Cocoa doesn't count because chocolate has caffeine (sorry, folks) but you can put one of the coffee house style flavor syrups in the milk if you want to. I like the Irish Cream flavor. (you can get this drink at coffee houses. its called a "steamer" and is just warm milk and a flavor shot)

Some things NOT to try:

alcohol, artifical sedatives (tylenol PM and sleep aids), nyquil. They will make you fall asleep, but the sleep you get won't be very restful and you'll wake up feeling either groggy or exhausted.

hope that helps


Are you familiar with any herbal supplements that help? I think
seratonin or melatonin or something-onin was one that I tried
with GREAT results back when I had sleep problems. I was told
it was all natural.
ERASER misunderstood my statement

i couldnt agree any more that MA keeps u inshape. but when i say u can rely on it, i mean u cant expect to be healthy only by excersicing. you also need to eat right, too.
Originally posted by Kirk

Are you familiar with any herbal supplements that help? I think
seratonin or melatonin or something-onin was one that I tried
with GREAT results back when I had sleep problems. I was told
it was all natural.

Yeah. A company called "traditional medicinals" makes a tea that's called "calm" I think that has that stuff in it... the name is escaping me now. The company is really good. i would recommend any of their teas. they have something called "throat coat tea" which is great for sore throats, one called "gypsy cold care" which works way better than cold medicine, and some other stuff too. You can find it at rite aid, savon, and vons, normally. usually either with herbs or teas, sometimes in the "health nut" aisle.
seratonin or melatonin aren't herbal suplaments, they are harmones, melatonin is the stuff your brain puts out to make your skin darker and seritoinin is a harmone that increases the sensativity of your nerves.

AHHH.. ok i see... im glad you clarified things... :D

Eat well eveyone...:asian: