Frustrated and want to improve my physical performance


Green Belt
Mar 22, 2018
Reaction score
United States
I need to increase my strength and cardio. I think my weakness in strength is my core. But my cardio is so weak, I don't know why. I sometimes can't catch my breath and feel like I will pass out, especially doing burpees during the warm up part of class. I get very frustrated with myself but I just can't seem to stick to a workout plan at home.
I have noticed that when I jump rope every day, it helps my cardio, but there are still times when I just can't catch my breath during/after some exercises. I've been doing pushups (full), hand stands against a wall, and planks for core strengthening.
Sometimes I get bored of jump roping and I'd like to switch up my cardio and alternate days.
What do you all do for cardio and strength training?
It's hard to know where to start without knowing where you are physically - i.e. what shape you're in now...

Losing the ability to breathe from burpees could be terrible if it's after like 3 of them - or it could be perfectly normal if you've done 10 minutes of intervals and are on burpee no. 37.

Sometimes, core and cardio can be linked - if your body is compensating in everything it's going to get hard quick.

Planks are only good up to a point (if you can hold a technically correct plank for a minute, it's time to mix it up), and only if you do them right - the very vast majority cheat them and things like hip flexors get recruited which does nothing for your core except give you a pain in your lower back (butt in the air) or they sag with all the load taken away from the core.

Press ups are the same - if you don't do them right there's no benefit and no point.

Wall hand stands? The wall takes 90% of the core out of it - just standing up straight would do more good... Put a cushion on the floor, do a head stand with no support except your hands. Again, only useful to a point.

As for the breathlessness - how many times can you walk up and down a flight of stairs before getting to the gasping stage?

10-15 steps, go up and come down - repeat. Don't rush it, but don't dawdle either. Aim for normal walking pace. Try not to rely on any bannister/handrail.

If you can't do that 5 times with nothing more than slightly heavier than normal breathing, go see a doctor, seriously.

You mentioned skipping (jump rope) - what style? Just one jump per rotation, both feet together? How long can you keep that up?
The most jumping rope I've done is 5 minutes straight and 3 reps. But normally, I do 2 minutes and rest for 30 seconds, repeat 5-7 times. I would guess I'm in like average shape. I'm trying to lose 13 pounds though. Sometimes I can do 20 burpees and I'm fine. But other times, I get lightheaded and out of breath, feel my pulse in my ears after just a few. Maybe I'm doing them wrong?
I don't believe I am cheating my planks or pushups, as far as I know.
My style of jump roping varies from both feet together, high knees, butt kickers, jogging, skipping, etc. But only one jump per rotation, I haven't been able to do more than that.
What else should I do to be able to go longer during cardio?
Also, as of now, I can do 20 full pushups in a row, and plank for 1 minute. I have 5lb weights that I use sometimes too.
I need to increase my strength and cardio. I think my weakness in strength is my core. But my cardio is so weak, I don't know why. I sometimes can't catch my breath and feel like I will pass out, especially doing burpees during the warm up part of class. I get very frustrated with myself but I just can't seem to stick to a workout plan at home.
I have noticed that when I jump rope every day, it helps my cardio, but there are still times when I just can't catch my breath during/after some exercises. I've been doing pushups (full), hand stands against a wall, and planks for core strengthening.
Sometimes I get bored of jump roping and I'd like to switch up my cardio and alternate days.
What do you all do for cardio and strength training?
burpees suck for everyone. It's not an easy exercise and I don't think it ever becomes easy. Some things are just physically demanding. With burpees some people make them look easy but it's a challenge even for them.

For example, running at your fastest speed will always be a challenge. There is no cruise control / easy button for running at your fastest.
burpees suck for everyone. It's not an easy exercise and I don't think it ever becomes easy. Some things are just physically demanding. With burpees some people make them look easy but it's a challenge even for them.

For example, running at your fastest speed will always be a challenge. There is no cruise control / easy button for running at your fastest.
That's a good point.
One thing on the cardio. If you aren't breathing correctly (breath in and out at the right time) then it could make things harder than they should be. If you haven't learned to breath correctly for your exercises then that would be the first place I would start working on. If you do know how to breath correctly, then just keep practicing. I'm sure you weren't always able to do the exercises at the same level that you are doing now. Most things take time to see improvement.
One thing on the cardio. If you aren't breathing correctly (breath in and out at the right time) then it could make things harder than they should be. If you haven't learned to breath correctly for your exercises then that would be the first place I would start working on. If you do know how to breath correctly, then just keep practicing. I'm sure you weren't always able to do the exercises at the same level that you are doing now. Most things take time to see improvement.
That's true. When I first joined my MA school a year ago, I could only do pushups on my knees and had to stop during the warm ups because I was too weak or in pain. At least now I can almost always finish the workout... even if I do feel like I'm dying at the end lol
I know this a bit of a lateral step from what your asking but are you eating properly mentioned your trying to drop weight. If you are pushing yourself but aren't taking in the right nutrition then that will effect you.

If your breathlessness is starting to get to you it might be an idea to get a medical check up ...not being an alarmist...
That's true. When I first joined my MA school a year ago, I could only do pushups on my knees and had to stop during the warm ups because I was too weak or in pain. At least now I can almost always finish the workout... even if I do feel like I'm dying at the end lol

That's the most important thing - long term improvement.

There's always going to be peaks and troughs - some days will be worse than others but if the average is improving then it's good.

I'm variable - sometimes 10 normal burpees in the middle of a warmup takes it out of me...

Other times I can do 20 "burpee plus" and barely break a sweat (that's hands down, kick out into high plank, hold for 3, star, reach through either side, legs back in, jump up hands high, sidekick left then right - repeat).

Try putting a mirror somewhere to check your posture in plank or pressup?

One major thing though:

I'm trying to lose 13 pounds

Forget that. Ignore the number.

Look at yourself instead.

Your weight will be what it will be - it will follow your shape and structure.

I'm heavier than I was 3 years ago, but I'm measurably slimmer and in better shape...
I know this a bit of a lateral step from what your asking but are you eating properly mentioned your trying to drop weight. If you are pushing yourself but aren't taking in the right nutrition then that will effect you.

If your breathlessness is starting to get to you it might be an idea to get a medical check up ...not being an alarmist...

That's a valid point.

And the second half echoes what I said in my first reply...
When you are saying the workout at the class are you meaning just the warm up or are you meaning the whole class ???

If it the warm up then great your doing it but if you are trying to compete with the younger or fitter members then don't...yes push yourself but don't compete until your levels are getting near them... That might not make sense

If it the class then martial arts are not a go at mach 2 with your hair on fire ...ok if your going to compete then yes you will have to be up to speed... it is about you and what you want not what some one else wants and don't feel pressured into that in any way if you are being (and yes I seen some classes that are like that ) then look else where ...even mention to your instructor that your struggling a bit and if he worth his salt he should already have noticed but if not he can keep a watchful eye on you
I see by your avatar it says Karate and Kendo ..which is the discipline you follow if it Karate then I'm sure the Karate guys can steer you the right way if it Kendo then although it been a while lol...I'll try and help ...
That's true. When I first joined my MA school a year ago, I could only do pushups on my knees and had to stop during the warm ups because I was too weak or in pain. At least now I can almost always finish the workout... even if I do feel like I'm dying at the end lol
Just a few weeks ago. I told a fellow Jow Ga kung fu practitioner that I always tell myself to train harder after I watch his videos, then a few weeks later I see another Jow Ga practitioner training video and I tell myself to train harder.

So as a result, I never really feel like I'm making progress because I rarely take time to look at where I was compared to where I am now. For me my training is always "where I want to be." vs "accepting where I am."

Every now and then I just have to slow down and remind myself that I'm not as bad as I think I am. For the longest I thought I was just a beginner and then I discovered that I was more advanced than many of the Sifu's out there (I was actually told this by a Sifu). In my mind I still can't imagine that as a reality even after seeing it myself. So I keep training and always strive to be better than what I think I am. I think it's natural for some people to be like this, but we have to always have a balance approach in our training and that includes making sure that we aren't too hard on ourselves.

Most of the time we don't need more training. We just need to sustain the training that we are doing until it's time to increase the intensity. And from time to time slow down and look back at where we used to be many months or years ago to where we are today. There will always be improvement if you put in honest training.
One thing on the cardio. If you aren't breathing correctly (breath in and out at the right time) then it could make things harder than they should be. If you haven't learned to breath correctly for your exercises then that would be the first place I would start working on. If you do know how to breath correctly, then just keep practicing. I'm sure you weren't always able to do the exercises at the same level that you are doing now. Most things take time to see improvement.

With the little experience I have seeing other schools, I don't think breathing is taught and emphasized like it use to be. Not only is it a thing needed for good stamina, it is also a source of gi.
I need to increase my strength and cardio. I think my weakness in strength is my core. But my cardio is so weak, I don't know why. I sometimes can't catch my breath and feel like I will pass out, especially doing burpees during the warm up part of class. I get very frustrated with myself but I just can't seem to stick to a workout plan at home.
I have noticed that when I jump rope every day, it helps my cardio, but there are still times when I just can't catch my breath during/after some exercises. I've been doing pushups (full), hand stands against a wall, and planks for core strengthening.
Sometimes I get bored of jump roping and I'd like to switch up my cardio and alternate days.
What do you all do for cardio and strength training?
I think you've answered the question, you can't stick to a work out at home, ,exercising to show consistent improvement is impossible, your body gains and then doesn't then suddenly gains again, but if you are not doing consistent Exercise that probably won't happen

Then how are you measuring you level and your improvement, feeling light headed and struggling to breath is a good thing, that shows you've actually pushed your self enough to inprove, though the actual improvement might take a few weeks to show up.

Here's a thing that worked for me,, set your clock and run as far as you can in five minets, you should be gasping for air at the end,( you do need to push yourself) then repeat every two or three days, you will never stop gasping for air, but the distance your covering will get longer, that's a clear measure of your improvement in feet and inches, that you can easily measure. Jumping rope is difficult for cardio, as it's as much dependent on your co ordination as it is your cardio. And as you run out of oxygen, your co ordination goes and you Mess d up the jump,

Core strength should improve, with your general strength,but there lots of excesses you can do to boost it, when it comes to core, you need to exercise it really every day, you can if course do this by adjusting your pisture, Put your shoulders back, your chest out, your head high, sUck your BeLly in And go for a long walk, ,, If you engage your core muscles for an hour every day, by using them for their primary purpose, Ie standing up straight, And keeping your organs in their correct place, they will come on leaps and bouNds
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I need to increase my strength and cardio. I think my weakness in strength is my core. But my cardio is so weak, I don't know why. I sometimes can't catch my breath and feel like I will pass out, especially doing burpees during the warm up part of class. I get very frustrated with myself but I just can't seem to stick to a workout plan at home.
I have noticed that when I jump rope every day, it helps my cardio, but there are still times when I just can't catch my breath during/after some exercises. I've been doing pushups (full), hand stands against a wall, and planks for core strengthening.
Sometimes I get bored of jump roping and I'd like to switch up my cardio and alternate days.
What do you all do for cardio and strength training?

I felt similar recently and seemed to find a rhythm that helped me improve--which was by changing the rhythm. I attend class three days per week. In between, I alternate workouts, so arms/abs one day, legs/abs another day, and high intensity or cardio the sixth day. Sometimes leg day is kicks, sometimes it's weights and squats. I found by training differently from class on my own, it's made my body more well rounded and I've improved. Finding various exercises keeps you excited, which in turn helps you train harder
First, if you are really concerned, do get a checkup. Make sure you are eating enough fuel to get you through a workout/class. Some little energy giving snacks are good a bit before class. Are you staying hydrated enough? Are you holding your breathe when you are doing strenuous things, I have caught myself doing that.

I get out of breath and dizzy sometimes too. For me it is because I went from doing nothing, besides work which was generally being on my feet and walking, to MA. No consistent exercise before that I am also 100+pounds overweight at the moment. I was straight panting at Now, if I am doing the basic things I learned at first I am fine, but now we are training harder and learning new moves, so yep, I am breathing hard, because my body is working harder.
I see by your avatar it says Karate and Kendo ..which is the discipline you follow if it Karate then I'm sure the Karate guys can steer you the right way if it Kendo then although it been a while lol...I'll try and help ...
I train in American kenpo