Foundation Of Kenpo



If this has been addressed in a previous thread, my apology.

I have been told that the foundation on which Kenpo is based is on what is called a barrage / multi strikes counter mind set. I have heard both Jeff Speakman and Sensi Parker both refer to this term. In the few movies that Mr. Speakman has been in, he seems to have validated that statement. :asian:
In my opinion, the foundation of Kenpo is the principles of motion that is based on logic and science.
Why can't it be both? And even some more things on top of those?
I agree with Zoran. "On top of those," is exactly the problem---both in terms of looking above stances and basics, and paying attention to superficialities rather than foundations.

At bottom, the principles of kenpo are the same as that of any real martial art. It's just that, in my opinion, kenpo's arranged and taught more rationally.
IMHO, the "base" of Kenpo is staying on your feet and striking with yout hands.
Originally posted by Elfan
IMHO, the "base" of Kenpo is staying on your feet and striking with yout hands.

I always thought the base of Kenpo was a .....

Boot to the groin!

:D :D :D :D

I've been learning Kenpo for almost a year now, and at least a third of the techniques involve something groin-related.
Striking the groin is a very useful strategy and the ball of the foot is often a good weapon for this. However it is not necesary, Delayed Sword works find without kicking.
Originally posted by qizmoduis
I always thought the base of Kenpo was a .....

Boot to the groin!

:D :D :D :D

I've been learning Kenpo for almost a year now, and at least a third of the techniques involve something groin-related.

That is because it is a male centered art and we all know men really think below the belt.
Originally posted by Elfan
Striking the groin is a very useful strategy and the ball of the foot is often a good weapon for this. However it is not necesary, Delayed Sword works find without kicking.

Without the kick what is delaying the sword.
The sword need not be delayed. If, after launching back into a "right neutral bow" and "blocking," you are at contact penetration for your handsword then go for it. I find that this where I end up most of the time. If however, you are not in range with your hand but are at contact penetration with your foot then go and insert the kick. The kick covers a common "what if" in my opinion but is not the base.
Originally posted by Rob_Broad
Without the kick what is delaying the sword.

In Chinese Kenpo---you'd be left with the technique "Chinese Sword.":)
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
Could you define for me exactly what is "CHINESE" Kenpo?


Chinese Sword is a Tracy's technique.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
Yes, I know that. But that was not the question.


Quit trying to start something, wiil ya!:mad:
And what if the kick followed the chop? In the NCKKA (National Chinese Kenpo Karate Association) we would call it Inward Defense.

THEME: This technique was designed to teach you how to create distance while blocking your opponent's extended arm with your forward arm. You then can follow up with a longer range weapon (in this case a kick using the forward or lead leg) to a target that is further removed from you. It also teaches you how to gauge long distance with your kicking leg, which enables you to properly gauge the distance of your extended hand weapon.

Rearranged by Mr. Parker, you get to use BORROWED FORCE, not to mention utilizing an ANGLE OF DISTURBANCE checking height width and depth with the kick, while simultaneously creating an ANGLE OF ENTRY, maximizing the ANGLE OF INCIDENCE and thus they fall into the handsword, due to the "boot to the groin." (There is more:))

I just love EPAK, 'cuz you get to hit 'em reeeeeaaal hard!

Originally posted by Michael Billings
And what if the kick followed the chop? In another Kenpo Association) we would call it Inward Defense.

THEME: This technique was designed to teach you how to create distance while blocking your opponent's extended arm with your forward arm. You then can follow up with a longer range weapon (in this case a kick using the forward or lead leg) to a target that is further removed from you. It also teaches you how to gauge long distance with your kicking leg, which enables you to properly gauge the distance of your extended hand weapon.
**Rearranged by Mr. Parker, you get to use BORROWED FORCE, not to mention utilizing an ANGLE OF DISTURBANCE checking height width and depth with the kick, while simultaneously creating an ANGLE OF ENTRY, maximizing the ANGLE OF INCIDENCE and thus they fall into the handsword, due to the "boot to the groin." (There is more:))
**I just love EPAK, 'cuz you get to hit 'em reeeeeaaal hard!Oss,

Butttttttttttttttttttttt, that was only the ideal scenario at it's lowest common denominator. If you use the re-arrangement concept under the "Self Defense" Section (1/3 of the Art) you understand that many different possibilities exist with different principles to apply. If you "Kick" first utilizing a direct line of entry. you create an angle of disturbance, by the direct angle of incidence which now has increased the depth and utilize borrowed force by dropping the height and opened the target area to apply a "forward swordhand" which is fitted into the centerline as you settle forward while moving up the circle towards 1 'o clock and execute an inward rotational (clockwise)strike while re-orbiting into a right inward elbow strike (with a backstop formed by the left hand), inserting a right buckle to the opponents left leg to drop his height (simultaneously striking with quarter beat timing a right back elbow & left eye slice), all the while supplementing these precise timed actions with breathing to maximize your effectiveness! You then cross out to the zone of sanctuary to scan for further action, you then cross back in and deliver a right back stomp to the .............(There is more:))

Originally posted by Goldendragon7
No! I'm not ......... I'm tempting Ricardo!:rofl:

I thought the other thread was the pick on Richardo thread.