For Geeks and Superdelegates the Choice is Obvious!


Senior Master
Nov 18, 2005
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Speaker Pelosi and Party Chair Dean have given the superdelegates a few days to get off the fence and support a candidate.

Candidates can (and do) say anything to make themselves more attractive to voters. You can't trust position papers or speeches. Even flag pins don't necessarily prove who loves the country more.

There's just one test that will tell you who is forward looking enough to meet the challenges of the future, who has the fiscal responsibility and spiritual purity to run the country. It will also tell you who is mired in the past and a slave to Business As Usual.

It's all about the website.

According to Slashdot Senator Clinton uses Windows/IIS. Senator Obama is running Linux/Apache. And he's looking for LAMP developers and a good security expert.

Open Source. Attention to Security. The choice is obvious. Unless he's using Debian. Then he's heretic scum who needs to be cast into Outer Darkness to wail and be gnashed by Steve Ballmer's teeth :D
I have no earthly ideal what anybody is talking about, I only vote for the person if they can make a great meatloaf.
Debian doth suck. I wonder that they're still in business.
If Obama didn't code the website, and the server upon which it runs, all by himself using only the 0 and 1 keys, then I'm afraid he's not the candidate for me. I expect nothing less from a man whose tears, it is whispered, cure cancer, and who is the only person who can wash away the many sins of America.
If Obama didn't code the website, and the server upon which it runs, all by himself using only the 0 and 1 keys, then I'm afraid he's not the candidate for me. I expect nothing less from a man whose tears, it is whispered, cure cancer, and who is the only person who can wash away the many sins of America.

NOBODY expects Barack Obama! My chief weapon is coding...coding and binary...binary and web pages.... My two weapons are coding and binary...and efficiency at curing cancer.... My three weapons are coding, binary, and efficiency at curing cancer...and an almost fanatical devotion to washing away the many sins of America.... My Amongst my weapons.... Amongst my weaponry...are such elements as coding, binary.... I'll come in again.
If Obama didn't code the website, and the server upon which it runs, all by himself using only the 0 and 1 keys, then I'm afraid he's not the candidate for me.

Obama doesn't use the 1 anymore, since it made him angry and he round-house kicked it into oblivion.