First Tournament


3rd Black Belt
Sep 8, 2006
Reaction score
I hope this finds everyone well. I have been training I GJJ
for about 5 years now. I listed who I train with on a different post.
Well I have decided to try out my first BJJ tournament.
It will be in Natick Ma. I did not know there where so mant rules to this.
But I am really fired up and look forward to it. any advise will be great.
I been to many kempo tournaments and open ones.

when is the tournament???? where???

just relax you know what to do

oh keep the shoulder/arm protected you don't need more time off
Good luck with the competition! Remember to go out there and make your opponent play your game. Have a good time!
natice ma, 10/21/07

Good luck to you mate, just remember to keep breathing, I remember my first BJJ tournament I almost passed out because in the middle of the match I forgot that breathing is an essential part of life. Just remember what you've been taught, use only what works for you, and try your best!