Ok, first lesson done...I don't wanna say anything coz I haven't been at other classes of Tai Chi, but I let you decide.
"I arrive first and she explains me that in Tai Chi we breathe trhough the nose keeping the tongue kinda curled up attached to the top of the mouth. End breathing explaination. Then arrive another couple of new guys and she shows us the first 3 or 4 movements of the 8 form. We are supposed to copy her without her correcting our feet or positions. After a little while practicing the 8 form here come the old students. So all together we start (the new guys) copying the first 5 or 6 movements of the 24 form. Of course even in this case, pure copying, no correction or suggestions. I got out of there that I remember 0, but really 0".
Tai Cheese??? I hope the class with the second teacher will be better, because like this I am afraid of learning only wrong stuff.
Most teachers, or at least my experience has been, that most teachers, myself included when I use to teach, do not do a whole lot of correction in the beginning.
When I taught 24 I would show my students the form and get them roughly close. After they had the entire form I would then refine. However if someone was way off in the beginning you need to correct his or her form. If they are fairly close then wait for refinement.
My Traditional Yang style teacher would teach about 10 forms a class and it is not uncommon to leave class and remember little or nothing, particularly in the beginning. You are focusing on everything in the room, the other students, the teacher, the room, etc.
Also going over breathing in the beginning is a good thing, but I do not believe going over breathing in detail is a good thing in the beginning.
Sorry I need to use a name here to make the point.
My teacher's teacher (Tung Ying Cheih) when asked about breathing generally answered, "yes you should" when asked by beginners.
It is also hard to judge many classes by the first class, go to a few and then see how you feel about it
But the best thing to do, is not let any of us influence you, go with how you feel about it, give it a little time.