


Does anyone know of any kenpo films besides the speakmen films. I love speakmens movies and am glad to see on his sight that he is comming out with a new movie. But I would love a new one? anyone know of any?

I've heard of one called "Fatal Deviation." Never seen it though.

You might want to look for any old films with Mr. Parker. "Kill the Golden Ninja" or "Kill the Golden Goose", and the Pink Panther movies are always nice...LOL
In Star Trek:Insurrection, Worf does some Kenpo-type moves in his H2H fight on the bridge. I think the stunt coordinator was a Kenpo practitioner.
Also, Mark Dacascos learned martial arts from his father and step-mother (and others), and they practice Won Hop Kuen Do, which came from Kajukenbo, which came from Kenpo (in part). In some of his movies, the Kenpo shows through.
Ed Parker also appeared in a movie called "Buckstone County Prison", although the fight scenes do not depict Kenpo in a very good light.
Originally posted by Randy Strausbaugh
In Star Trek:Insurrection, Worf does some Kenpo-type moves in his H2H fight on the bridge. I think the stunt coordinator was a Kenpo practitioner.
Also, Mark Dacascos learned martial arts from his father and step-mother (and others), and they practice Won Hop Kuen Do, which came from Kajukenbo, which came from Kenpo (in part). In some of his movies, the Kenpo shows through.
Ed Parker also appeared in a movie called "Buckstone County Prison", although the fight scenes do not depict Kenpo in a very good light.

I don't want to be a complete geek here but there's also quite a lot of Aikido traditionally in Star Trek, I suppose because it's so passive and suits the Federation. In some of the really old TNG episodes (like series 1) there are sequences with Lnt. Tasha Yarr training with an Aikido simulation program on the holodeck.

OK, I admit it, I am a geek...!

Back on topic...other classic examples of kenpo in film are Williams in 'Enter the Dragon' (he can even be seen talking to Steve Muhammed in a kenpo karate school) and also Danny Inosanto in the entended Game of Death, who executes Dance of Death on Bruce's partner.

Originally posted by satans.barber
I don't want to be a complete geek here but there's also quite a lot of Aikido traditionally in Star Trek, I suppose because it's so passive and suits the Federation. In some of the really old TNG episodes (like series 1) there are sequences with Lnt. Tasha Yarr training with an Aikido simulation program on the holodeck.
OK, I admit it, I am a geek...!

From one geek to another-
After Tasha Yar left, the martial art most seen was Worf's Mokbarra training, which resembled stiffly done Taijiquan. That's why I was so glad to see the switch to Kenpo.
Also, Benny the Jet's (Force Five, and others) system was at one time called Kenpo Shotokan.
Steve (Sanders) Muhammad appeared in a sparring sequence in "Bruce Lee, the Man, the Myth" (or maybe it was one of the other Lee exploitation films, I forget).