Females eat more sweets than males?


Senior Master
Aug 25, 2003
Reaction score
Bloomington, Indiana
A study showing that female rats naturally eat more sweets than male rats:


Any thoughts on this? Does it correlate with women of our species? If so, do you think its an adaptive mechanism designed to get more carbs for a fetus's growing brain?

Does this explain Feisty Mouse's penchant for ice cream?


i think it just explains why all the ladies on this board are so sweet....

*rubs the brown stuff off his nose*
bignick - nice one. :)

HHJH - I think my own ice cream obsession is a tangled tale of genetics, environment, family and regional cultural values, and the fact that ice cream is one of the best foods, ever.
Even more than steak. *gasp!*
i dunno, I think my hubby and I are tied on that one. But I probably require more chocolate than him. Its a toss up, whether chocolate is better or ice cream is better. Double chocolate chunk ice cream with peanut butter, there you go.... They must make all chocolate with Splenda! TW
TigerWoman said:
i dunno, I think my hubby and I are tied on that one. But I probably require more chocolate than him. Its a toss up, whether chocolate is better or ice cream is better. Double chocolate chunk ice cream with peanut butter, there you go.... They must make all chocolate with Splenda! TW
No ties in my family :) I can pound down a half gallon of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough in one sitting if I'm not careful.

My wife on the other hand, likes a couple scoops of sherbet. :/ She's such an amateur :p
MMMMmmmmmmm Chocolate....

Its not a sweet!!!! Its a necessary part of all womens diets. We must consume alot ot get the important nutrients and vitamins that we need. We must have it!! No one can stop us!! Its our fuel source.
Feisty Mouse said:
the fact that ice cream is one of the best foods, ever.
Even more than steak. *gasp!*


Feisty Mouse said:
bignick - nice one. :)

and the fact that ice cream is one of the best foods, ever.
The only reason needed and if it is also CHOCOLATE.



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got some mint chocolate in my freezer right now...not just the mint chocolate chip...but with a swirl of chocolate throughout...delicious
:waah: Want ice cream!

:fanboy: So gooood....

:whip1: Where are the ice cream minions when you need them?!?!

(Note to self : must first get minions.)
mmmmm....sweets :D

Icecream is good. Chocolate is lovely, dark chocolate is heaven. Some women prefer chocolate over.... well you can guess. :D

I crave sweets, my husband can do without them. It is definitely a hormonal thing.
OUMoose said:

Wake up! OUMoose! We've found steak-flavored ice cream! Now all creeds can live and eat in harmony.

*angelic choir sings*
Feisty Mouse said:
...the fact that ice cream is one of the best foods, ever.
Even more than steak. *gasp!*


I'm gonna have to pretend I don't even know you, Mouse!

problem easily solved....steak and ice cream dinners...

and there was much rejoicing.....
yeah...the ladies may have the ice cream...and I'll dig on some steak...must have A1 Tabasco.... :fanboy:
Chronuss said:
yeah...the ladies may have the ice cream...and I'll dig on some steak...must have A1 Tabasco.... :fanboy:
Now why do you want to go and ruin a steak like that?

Give me a nice 16oz porterhouse... prefferably rare enough that there's still blood coming out... :fanboy: Only way to eat beef. *nods*

Or, as I tell waiters, "knock off its horns, wipe its butt, and bring it to the table". :)
KenpoTess said:
oh Puhleeeeeeease~!! I have perched next to you whilst you devoured your Ben & Jerrys~!!! And it wasn't Moooo flavored either~!!! *Pokes*
they don't make that flavor anymore, either...dirty, rotten sonsabitches...Apple Crumble...mmm...but I don't think beef flavored ice cream would be too appetizing...
OUMoose said:
Now why do you want to go and ruin a steak like that?

Give me a nice 16oz porterhouse... prefferably rare enough that there's still blood coming out... :fanboy: Only way to eat beef. *nods*

Or, as I tell waiters, "knock off its horns, wipe its butt, and bring it to the table". :)
don't think I could dig on a moozle that's still...well...mooing. :) ...got to be sufficiently dead for me to eat it.