favorite oriental cuisine

best oriental cuisine

  • chinese

  • korean

  • japanese

  • vietnamese

  • thai

  • indian

  • malaysian

  • other

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what the heck, just for fun, im curious, what's yours?
im voting korean-especially the spicy stuff.
Sesame chicken, sweet and sour chicken, beef and broccoli...and fried rice if done right.

I do like a nice Japanese steakhouse too though. I'm sure everything I like is more Sino-American and Japanese-American than legitimate Oriental food.

Indian does nothing for me.
Japanese and Chinese have been my favourites since birth. But I recently had Korean asnd loved it. I do desperatly wanna try out Filipino food tho!
I love sushi, so I have to vote Japanese...

I work in a building in Little Tokyo, Los Angeles, so I've always got access to great, healthy Japanese food. If it wasn't for sushi bars, I'd be living on fast food from the Carl's Jr, but the good availability of great tasting, healthy food really helped me to make a lifestyle change and lose a bit of weight.
I'll put it this way:

#3 Japanese (Saki and sushi mainly)
#2 Chinese (Lots but not as much as #1)
#1 Korean. (Almost everything I eat that is Korean is yummy. But I would have to say Bul Go Gi and kimchi are my #1 fav's).
i had saki and sushi last night. in that order too!!!
Sesame chicken, sweet and sour chicken, beef and broccoli...and fried rice if done right.

Oh man, I love Chinese. There is a Chinese buffet near where I work. They weep when the see me coming.:boing2:
theneuhauser wrote:

"i had saki and sushi last night. in that order too!!!"

I drank all my saki the other night, so I had to settle for beer. But I did have Korean BBQ pork tonight with kimchi of course :D
We used to have saki with promotions in Goju-ryu (orange juice provided for minors). I never liked it.
This is a tough one. I enjoy a good Chinese buffet but who doesn't ? The one nearest my house also has a Mongolian grill and prepares dishes in that tradition also.

Japanese-there are 2 sushi bars near me that also serve traditional Japenese which are both excellent.

Finally, my favorite is Korean. Bi Bim Bop, Dolsot Bi Bim Bop,Bul Go Gi, and Kimchi are all good. I have yet to try Korean that I don't like. Granted I tend to stick with what I know (which isn't much) so take that for what it's worth.

Arnisador- was it hot or cold sake? Sometimes that makes a difference, some prefer the hot.
Originally posted by jkn75

I enjoy a good Chinese buffet but who doesn't ? The one nearest my house also has a Mongolian grill

Chinese buffets are great as long as you don't read the restaurant inspection reports in the newspaper. I like Mongolian grills too.

Arnisador- was it hot or cold sake? Sometimes that makes a difference, some prefer the hot

I've only ever had it cold, now that you mention it.
hmmm... I've only ever had hot saki... I didn't even know it was served cold.
Vietnamese Bun, with chargrilled pork and spring rolls ... awesome

As far as soup goes, Vietnamese Fo ... mouth watering good!

And as an appetizer .. summer rolls ... *drool*
Hot saki is the way to go :D Well, I also don't like the "cheap" stuff. I buy the real Japanese stuff (it's in Japanese on the bottle so I couldn't tell ya the name LOL).
Indian food.
I couldn't tell you the name of most of it, but man...man. I would have voted Chinese, but Indian food gets special bonus points for making meatless food I can actually eat.
Vietnamese! at least 4 times a month.

All time favorite food. Ethiopian!
come in to temps hot and too hot.
I can't believe there is only 3 votes for Thai.

Wonderful stuff.

I grew up eating Japanese (my mom is Japanese) but my favorite food it Thai, hand down.

Thai Iced Tea is my favorite drink. I'm not really into the Thai food, though... probably for two reasons:

1. I've only had takeout.
2. I can't eat really spicy food (unless I feel like paying for it with really bad heartburn later... my uncle's homemade salsa is something I make exceptions for, but so far, I haven't found many spicy foods that are truly worth the pain :D )