Favorite Ninjutsu book?

Samurai used Ninjutsu as one of their fighting styles. As for the others it's more of the philosophy that I follow.
Okay... firstly, ninjutsu is not a "fighting style" that samurai used... it's a subset of military strategies based around espionage and information gathering. Most people engaged in activities we would call "ninjutsu" were samurai, but that's not the same thing. Secondly, the idea of all samurai having the same "fighting styles" is also wildly off base, making such generalisations simply impossible to be accurate. Lastly, while Bruce's books and similar may be "philosophy that you follow", that doesn't give them relevance to this topic. Cool that you like them, but their value here is limited to nothing.

Ninja's were in full swing during my childhood. There was a limited amount of information about them. We had the Sho Kosugi movies. Enter the Ninja was the first one I watched. Headed to London with my family and they bought me the Tiger Scrolls of the Koga Ninja which I read over and over again. Every now and then we could get Ninja magazine from the local newsagents, back then it was difficult to get American magazines on obscure topics like ninjas and martial arts.

It was all a lot of fun. We watched the movies and played with shuriken. We knew it was mostly fabricated and popularised by Hollywood, but it was a good laugh. The stories about Ninja were so unbelievable that I am still surprised adults are interested in studying this topic and trying to seek out authentic teachers of ninjutsu :)
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29 years in the art. I don't know if I have a fave book or material that is authentic. For that matter a source for it. All I can do is learn and be influenced by what I think works and apply it to what I think I know.

Ninja's were in full swing during my childhood. There was a limited amount of information about them. We had the Sho Kosugi movies. Enter the Ninja was the first one I watched. Headed to London with my family and they bought me the Tiger Scrolls of the Koga Ninja which I read over and over again. Every now and then we could get Ninja magazine from the local newsagents, back then it was difficult to get American magazines on obscure topics like ninjas and martial arts.

It was all a lot of fun. We watched the movies and played with shuriken. We knew it was mostly fabricated and popularised by Hollywood, but it was a good laugh. The stories about Ninja were so unbelievable that I am still surprised adults are interested in studying this topic and trying to seek out authentic teachers of ninjutsu :)
I remember getting some issues of "Ninja" magazine as a kid. I wish I could find them now just to go through them and reminisce and see what all was in there. The only actual article I actually remember was one on plants that you could use and they had a bunch of uses for the dandelion. lol