Fast and Furious, the real deal...


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
Well, the press has done it's best to ignore the gun running scandal titled Fast and Furious. Sure, 1000's of weapons were sold to drug cartel's, under the orders of the Justice Department, and Mexican citzens and an American Border patrol agent were killed with those weapons, but hey, the press wasn't interested. They thought it ranked up there with the issue of obama's birth certificate and anyone interested in Fast and Furious was a tea "bagger" nut.

Well....that was yesterday. Now that eric "Americans are Cowards," holder has asked his boss for Executive Priveledge protection, and obama gave it to him, it moves this scandal right into the White House and makes obama a direct part of it.

As Rush pointed out today, now the press has to cover it as a real story. We'll see where it goes from here...
Yahoo is reporting eric "Americans are cowards," holder has been held in contempt of congress by the oversight committee. Now the vote goes to the whole house.

Now, here is a preemptive response to those who are going to say "Bush did it first," in relation to Fast and Furious...

On several occasions during the multiple hearings at which he’s testified, Attorney General Eric Holder has repeatedly (and smugly) tried to assuage his investigators by insisting that Operation Wide Receiver, which was implemented under the Bush administration, was the template for Operation Fast and Furious. Firstly, as Rep. Dennis Ross noted during this morning’s Oversight Committee meeting, comparing F&F and Wide Receiver is a “red herring” the DOJ is using to try and redirect blame back on the Bush administration — the tactics used in the two operations were fundamentally different. Secondly, the DOJ just retracted Holder’s statement last week that his Bush-administration predecessor had been briefed on the operation. Here’s the memo from Sen. Chuck Grassley:

From the embedded link...

Wide Receiver vs. Fast and Furious

Didn't this all start under Bush? Didn't he do the same thing? Didn't his "Wide Receiver" operation use the same tactics?

The short answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT. The longer and more accurate answer follows.

Under the Bush administration, several sting operations were conducted in which straw buyers were allowed to purchase guns and attempts were made to follow the guns to, and in some cases over, the border. The largest and most well known operation was called “Wide Receiver”. The other operations were similar. During these operations approximately 200-250 firearms “got away”. The fact that some guns did cross the border is the only similarity between the Bush era program and Fast and Furious.

Let’s compare the two programs:

Cooperation with Mexico:
Wide Receiver: Mexican Law Enforcement notified, Mexico consented and was a full partner.
Fast and Furious: Mexico intentionally kept in the dark. No coordination or consent.

Surveillance of Firearms:
Wide Receiver: Agents attempted to keep track of the guns at all times.
Fast and Furious: Agents were ordered not to track the guns after they were purchased.

Use of Tracking Devices:
Wide Receiver: Extensive – placed in every lot of guns purchased
Fast and Furious: One “agent built” device in one gun

Performance of Tracking Devices:
Wide Receiver: Smugglers figured out how to defeat trackers
Fast and Furious: Smugglers didn’t have to do anything

Number of Firearms Sent to Cartels:
Wide Receiver: About 250
Fast and Furious: Exact number unknown, but over 2,500

Actions at the Border:
Wide Receiver: Attempted to hand off surveillance to Mexican law enforcement
Fast and Furious: ATF worked with Customs to make sure guns were not stopped at border

Reaction to guns “getting away”:
Wide Receiver: Program terminated. William Newell wrote memo saying “never again”
Fast and Furious: Program continued – recovered guns tracked and mapped.
Well, more obama supplied guns turned up in an assassination plot...

Drug cartel operatives used weapons from Operation Fast and Furious in a failed attempt to assassinate a high-ranking Mexican law enforcement official, the El Paso Times reports in an article that follows up on an initial report from Breitbart News’ Mary Chastain.
The gun — which “was seized in Tijuana in connection with a drug cartel’s conspiracy to kill the police chief of Tijuana, Baja California, who later became the Juárez police chief” — is tied to Fast and Furious.
“The firearm was found Feb. 25, 2010, during an arrest of a criminal cell associated with Teodoro ‘El Teo’ García Simental and Raydel ‘El Muletas’ López Uriarte, allies of the Sinaloa cartel,” Diana Washington Valdez wrote on Monday for the El Paso Times. “Tijuana police said they arrested four suspects in March 2010 in connection with a failed attempt to take out Julián Leyzaola, and that the suspects allegedly confessed to conspiring to assassinate the police chief on orders from Tijuana cartel leaders.”
“Leyzaola, a retired Mexican army officer, reportedly survived several attempts on his life while trying to bring order to Tijuana, a city torn apart by turf battles following the arrests and deaths of Arellano Felix cartel leaders,” Valdez added.
Leyzaola has since moved to Ciudad Juarez, a town right across the border from El Paso, Texas, to become the police chief there.
This new information comes on the heels of the release of a lengthy congressional report into Fast and Furious from House oversight committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Chuck Grassley. That report — the first of three — named five Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives officials Grassley and Issa believe are ultimately responsible for Fast and Furious. On the same day of the report’s public release, one of those officials — former deputy ATF director William Hoover — resigned his position.

The democrats are ramping up to go after assault weapons...again...perhaps they should ban assault weapons given to drug cartels by President obama and eric "Americans are cowards," holder first.
As I posted elsewhere, it'll likely go the same place Iran-Contra did: with a two-term ex-presidente briefly testifying before Congress,,,,,,

very briefly, because everybody has amnesia?
A new allegation from a Cartel member in custody...Fast and Furious was actually a coordinated effort by the Obama White House and the Sina loa drug cartel to attack the other drug cartels...

A high-ranking Mexican drug cartel operative in U.S. custody says the failed federal operation known as “Fast and Furious” wasn’t about tracking guns at all, the Blaze reports.
Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla, known as the Sinaloa Cartel’s “logistics coordinator.” says it was about supplying them — part of a deal between the U.S. government and Mexico’s powerful Sinaloa Cartel to take down rival cartels.
Zambada-Niebla, who was extradited to the Chicago last year to face federal drug charges, says that under a “divide and conquer” strategy, the U.S. helped finance and arm the Sinaloa Cartel through Operation Fast and Furious in exchange for intelligence on rival cartels.
He adds that the cartel was allowed to traffic massive amounts of drugs across the U.S. border from 2004 to 2009 as long as the intel kept coming.
A soruce in Congress tells the Blaze that some lawmakers are closely watching the case against Zambada-Niebla to see whether any of his claims are substantiated.

So we have a two for one scandal, a plan to restart the gun control debate and supplying drug cartels with "assault" rifles to attack rival cartels, with permission to bring drugs into the U.S....And you can hear the main stream media yawning and snoring and wishing that a Republican was in office so that they could actually report this scandal every night and 24/7 on the cable news networks, with dreams of Pulitzer prizes dancing in their heads. is obama so no pulitzers will be persued...
As I posted elsewhere, it'll likely go the same place Iran-Contra did: with a two-term ex-presidente briefly testifying before Congress,,,,,,

Elder, you just brought it back man. You made me laugh this morning. Remembering when Reagan said "The boysa were tiered." I still loose it today.
A new allegation from a Cartel member in custody...Fast and Furious was actually a coordinated effort by the Obama White House and the Sina loa drug cartel to attack the other drug cartels...

So we have a two for one scandal, a plan to restart the gun control debate and supplying drug cartels with "assault" rifles to attack rival cartels, with permission to bring drugs into the U.S....And you can hear the main stream media yawning and snoring and wishing that a Republican was in office so that they could actually report this scandal every night and 24/7 on the cable news networks, with dreams of Pulitzer prizes dancing in their heads. is obama so no pulitzers will be persued...

That is really nice of you billcihak, I didn't think you would ever attack a republican administration operation. But obviously if it was being done from 2004 to 2008, that would have been the case. Thanks for your bipartisenship! ;-) I just want you to know that no matter what anyone else says, I thank you for that.

Now I don't think that fact provides an excuse for the current administration to not only resurect such a plan, but mishandle it even worse. And I especially don't like declaring the issues there being worthy of hiding behind executive priviledge. That is an obamanation. Or whatever clever title for any other president that may have used executive priviledge to hide illegal acts.

Bottom line, whoever did it, it was wrong. The concept was not bad in and of itself. It is basically a sting. But anyone who believes the mexican police can be trusted to cooperate in such a sting is stupid out of season at best. And with repeated failures on the part of the mexican police, they kept it going. Unbelievable!
Please, no need to say anything about attacking a Republican administration, if someone breaks the law they break the law and need to be caught and punished. I focus on the democrats because they are the ones who shouldn't be in control of anything. I am a conservative who is forced to vote republican because the other choice would be the democrats, of which I was one a while back, even voting for Clinton the first time.