Fanatics and Cooks Giving the Arts a Bad Name


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 20, 2003
Reaction score
Cleveland, OH
I recently came across a report of a milkman killed at an intersection by a man who stabbed him in the chest and face with a sword while dressed as a ninja. The report is located at:
Question: Do people like this make it hard for people like us to train? Are people smart enough to see this man is disturbed and not a good representation of an average martial artist?
Originally posted by OULobo
I recently came across a report of a milkman killed at an intersection by a man who stabbed him in the chest and face with a sword while dressed as a ninja. The report is located at:
Question: Do people like this make it hard for people like us to train? Are people smart enough to see this man is disturbed and not a good representation of an average martial artist?

No...I don't think the public is smart enough to differentiate.

O.K....if asked, I think most of the public will be logical and say that this man is not a good representation of the average martialartist. No problems here.

Where this seperation falls short is in regards to the law. Stupid stunts like these only propigate stricter regulations in terms of weapons carrying and transportation. The public, appalled at such a horrific act, immediatly thinks, "We need to crack down" "people shouldn't be allowed to have swords like that", or "there should be laws to prevent such things." Then our legislature takes our rights as martial artists away...all due to stupid stunts. They are not thinking that no law would have prevented a man like this from going insane and doing what they did.

Situations like this are never good...because they always justify stricter regulations for martial artists in the end.

Originally posted by KenpoTess
you do mean Kooks not Cooks right ? :D

OOPS. . .got me there, but you never know there are some pretty kooky cooks out there too. BAM!:D
Stupid stunts like these only propigate stricter regulations in terms of weapons carrying and transportation. The public, appalled at such a horrific act, immediatly thinks, "We need to crack down" "people shouldn't be allowed to have swords like that", or "there should be laws to prevent such things."

And we all know how strict we (the US) are on gun control... :rolleyes: Why don't they crack down on the members of NRA???
Originally posted by Kempo Guy
And we all know how strict we (the US) are on gun control... :rolleyes: Why don't they crack down on the members of NRA???
Let's please not start that argument. Back to the original topic, yes it does make things tougher for the serious martial artists. Back in the 80s someone. a kid who I believe was about an orange belt, robbed and beat a liquor store clerk to death with a pair of nunchakus. It happened in Massachussettes. That began Ted Kennedy's crusade to ban all martial arts weapons and regulate martial arts teachings. I find that ironic as hell. There was a big write up on it in Black Belt in about 86, I believe.
Originally posted by Kempo Guy
And we all know how strict we (the US) are on gun control... :rolleyes: Why don't they crack down on the members of NRA???

You see....I wouldn't mind "smart control." I, for one, feel that all gun owners should have to register their guns like we do our cars, gun license should be like a drivers license, and every set of rounds or firearm we buy gets logged under our "gun license."

We need better, more organized gun and weapon control, but not stupid regulations. In Michigan, my Fiancee' can't carry a non-lethal tazer for self protection because its illegal, yet I can buy shot gun at wallmart, saw the sucker off, and go to town. Any idiot in my state can get a CCW, and become a rooten tooten gun toten machine, yet I could get hassled for carrying my bladed weapons in a bag to a martial arts class that I TEACH.

"Tighter" regulation on weapons is not the answer...a crazy person who thinks he is God with a sword is not going to care what the regulations are. Yet, when people hear stories like that, it wrongfully justifies tighter regulation in most peoples minds.

"Smarter" regulation, though...? I am all for that.

Let's please not start that argument. Back to the original topic, yes it does make things tougher for the serious martial artists.

As far as I'm concerned we are on topic. There are enough morons out there who do some da*n stupid things with guns, which is no different than a live sword or a knife for that matter. Why do people think guns are any different? As if it's ok for some guy to go 'postal' with a gun is any different than a wannabe ninja going nuts with a sword.

My point was that although we hear of crazy individuals with guns on almost a daily basis, we have not seen any stiffer regulations (to speak of)... I just wonder why this is.

Paul wrote:
I wouldn't mind "smart control." I, for one, feel that all gun owners should have to register their guns like we do our cars, gun license should be like a drivers license, and every set of rounds or firearm we buy gets logged under our "gun license."

I agree wholeheartedly. I own several rifles and handguns (I have started to collect old-school "martini load rifles") as well as a couple of Shiken ('live' swords), which I keep in a gunsafe, yet I'm totally for licensing gun owners properly.

Do people think that someone Dressed as a ninja is the same as a regular martial artist? No slam on ninjutsu, but maybe being involved in an attack with your Gi on also looks bad. Not sure what my point was, Joe
Originally posted by Kempo Guy

My point was that although we hear of crazy individuals with guns on almost a daily basis, we have not seen any stiffer regulations (to speak of)... I just wonder why this is.KG

I disagree, at least in my area they are making stiffer regulations... Recently Chicago banned gun ownership PERIOD. You cannot own a firearm in the city of Chicago.

Too bad it has not curbed gun violence in the city. As a matter of fact, that fatal factory shooting where a disgruntaled employee came back and killed all his co-workers in Chicago was not curbed by it...

IMHO The solution isnt more stupid laws against it, Criminals dont CARE what the laws are, and FURTHERMORE, I can purchase an illegal firearm easier than I can legaly already in my state...

The solution I think is better enforcement of the existing laws and stricter penalties for violaters. Lets stop using the police as "Fund Raising Organizations" for the state and let them actually do the job of Serving and Protecting we are told they do.

As far as morons in Ninja costumes, lets ban ninja costumes... before they ban the practice of ninjutsu. hahahaha
Originally posted by Technopunk
I disagree, at least in my area they are making stiffer regulations... Recently Chicago banned gun ownership PERIOD. You cannot own a firearm in the city of Chicago.

Ummm - I wonder if this sounds familiar to the Chicago City Government:

"Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. "

I would expect legal challenges to that...
:soapbox: Hurry, someone call the ACLU...
Originally posted by Seig
That began Ted Kennedy's crusade to ban all martial arts weapons and regulate martial arts teachings. I find that ironic as hell. There was a big write up on it in Black Belt in about 86, I believe.

Could you elaborate on this a little bit, please? (Or perhaps start a thread separately). What was the end result of all that legal posturing?

- Ceicei
Originally posted by OULobo

Question: Do people like this make it hard for people like us to train?]

No, this does not make it any harder for me to train. ;)

Are people smart enough to see this man is disturbed and not a good representation of an average martial artist?

Yes, with a little bit of education. This can be a problem. I live in a small city of about 32,000 people. Up until about 7 years ago or so there was only 2 martial arts schools in the area. One a run of the mill average TKD school, nothing special (nothing against TKD but this school was just DULL), and the other a "Kenpo" school that did not teach Kenpo, but some type of Karate, but it was not Kenpo. That's another story all in it's own. But this owner was no good, he drank heavily was into trouble with the law all the time and there were rumors of cocaine use. Well at one of these parties sometime in the early 80's or late 70's a guy touched this guys sword and he went off and chopped at his hand cutting him badly, of course the town story is that he chopped the hand off. The instructor spent some time in jail and when he got out re-opened a school with someone else because he could not own a karate school after the incident, but he could teach. To this day, when people find out I practice the martial arts the first thing they ask is if I train with the guy who chopped off that guys hand( which the sad part is that at one time I did train there for a few weeks when I was 19, then left because it sucked I wasted my time and it put me off for training in the martial arts for many years to follow). And you know if they ask that, then they think most martial artists are that way. Crazy and ready to go off at any time. I believe we could have a lot more people in the studio if it were not for that guy.
Originally posted by SenseiBear
Ummm - I wonder if this sounds familiar to the Chicago City Government:

"Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. "

I would expect legal challenges to that...
:soapbox: Hurry, someone call the ACLU...

Oh come on, you are talking about the same Mayor who "Decided" he no longer wanted an Airfield in the city, and, against the courts decisions went out in the middle of the night and tore out the airstrips with bulldozers.

As if he cares.

OOPS sorry. Off Thread

Damn ban on martial arts weapons. Why cant I carry some shuriken in my pocket. (there, maybe that is more On Thread)
After reading the article and some of the stories in this thread. It just confirms my theory.........

People are nuts......Just completely insane.....

Well everyone but me...... :eek: ;)
I disagree, at least in my area they are making stiffer regulations... Recently Chicago banned gun ownership PERIOD. You cannot own a firearm in the city of Chicago.

The regulations on law abiding citizens are getting stricter and stricter. The problem is, its very gradual, and its not accrossed the board. Chicago you can't even own a gun, but in Michigan you can buy a rifle just about anywhere, but handguns require permits and have more serious regulation, but in texas I believe you can carry a handgun around your waist.

The regulations aren't consistant...and they are not logical far too often. But they are getting stricter, often without us really realizing it. The sad part is, all it does is prevent law abiding citizens from being able to own and carry. Those who break the law are still going to carry whenever they want, regardless of the laws.

Originally posted by PAUL
but in texas I believe you can carry a handgun around your waist.


Not quite cowboy....
The concealed handgun law is the same here as it is in all other states.

Originally posted by Tapps
I read this thread looking for recipes
:mad: :mad: :mad:

HAHA, I know, I was like, "I just gotta see how cooks are giving the MA a bad name!!".

:rofl: :rofl:

Originally posted by 7starmantis
Not quite cowboy....
The concealed handgun law is the same here as it is in all other states.

Dang nabbit, partner!

You've dispelled my gunslinger fantasies....

Doesn't matter, point still stands.


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