Ever wonder why a group of cows align themselves with one another?


Master of Arts
May 4, 2007
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Northeast, USA
Maybe this question hasn't plagued you since the age of 5 like it has me. But I've always wondered why a herd of cows will face the same direction. Horses often do, too. I can't say I've ever seen cats or chickens do so.

Apparently, cows have a magnetic compass. They align themselves with the earth's north-south magnetic poles.


Now, aren't you smarter than before?
Heard this on the radio this morning...I think it is kinda cool. I also believe there are many similar things in nature that we are just now learning.
Heard this on the radio this morning...I think it is kinda cool. I also believe there are many similar things in nature that we are just now learning.
It really is interesting. I'd like to know how dogs find their way home when they have been stranded/lost miles away.
I've been driving past cattle pastures to get to class for years and have also noticed they will gather when a storm is on the way. Sometimes in a particular corner of the pasture, sometimes in other places. It's fascinating.
I think I could've lived the rest of my life not realizing that I didn't know this ... and died a happy man.
Now I have to wonder about the cows who do not face the same direction as the rest of the herd. Is that because they are rebels, revolutionaries, or just let their nose lead them to another grassy patch?
Now I have to wonder about the cows who do not face the same direction as the rest of the herd. Is that because they are rebels, revolutionaries, or just let their nose lead them to another grassy patch?
Probably it's because they ate a small piece of broken barbed wire that screwed up their magnetic properties. :idunno:
I thought it was for better cell phone reception? :idunno:
It really is interesting. I'd like to know how dogs find their way home when they have been stranded/lost miles away.

I find it really interesting too and I've always wondered about the dogs who travel ungodly miles to find their lost families.

See, this is why I eat beef. These things are creepy and can't be trusted.


Now I have to wonder about the cows who do not face the same direction as the rest of the herd. Is that because they are rebels, revolutionaries, or just let their nose lead them to another grassy patch?

Ummmm....those are the *slow* cows. :D
I always thought they just turned their bums to the wind to keep warm!!
So, if I dunk my Oreo cookie in a glass of milk from a magnetic cow, will it rotate clockwise or counterclockwise?
So, if I dunk my Oreo cookie in a glass of milk from a magnetic cow, will it rotate clockwise or counterclockwise?
If it's raw unpastuerized milk, the oreo cookie will rotate clockwise. If you are using processed, homogenzied, pasteurized milk, the cookie will sink. :D
I've been driving past cattle pastures to get to class for years and have also noticed they will gather when a storm is on the way. Sometimes in a particular corner of the pasture, sometimes in other places. It's fascinating.

I saw this the other day as a rain storm approached the cows all turned to face away from it. Very interesting.

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