Ever look at your old videos and just cringe?


Black Belt
Dec 28, 2010
Reaction score
San Francisco
Hey Folks,

Was looking through some of my old training clips and I found my first ever chi sao comp i did in like... I wanna say 2011/2012?

Funny enough, I've only ever gotten training in 2-handed chi sao from HFY recently. Unfortunately, our system take a very long time to learn. Looking back at this though... yeesh. Terrible horse, grabbing too much, doing more sumo than chi sao really.

And man, that ponytail was a bad look (was growing my hair out to donate so I've got an excuse). You guys got any fun relics to share?

Haha! You should try to watch yourself in VHS format in '86-'88. Hilarious! I had them converted to digital which I think just made it worse. Oddly, if you use an actual CRT TV the playback seems better.
I realize this is not the point of your post but when you go far enough back that any kind of video was a big(ger) deal you learned not to rely on it too much.
If you are serious about competition get an experienced trainer specific to the type of competition.

Always good for a laugh though.
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Hey Folks,

Was looking through some of my old training clips and I found my first ever chi sao comp i did in like... I wanna say 2011/2012?

Funny enough, I've only ever gotten training in 2-handed chi sao from HFY recently. Unfortunately, our system take a very long time to learn. Looking back at this though... yeesh. Terrible horse, grabbing too much, doing more sumo than chi sao really.

Great job! I liked how you used your horse to invade and destroy your opponent’s base with your step to disrupt his balance. This looks more in line with Moy Yat Ving Tsun rather than HFY. However I am not a fan of extending out my bridges as far as you have in the clip as I feel it’s over reaching and does not optimize structure. Thanks for sharing!
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Great job! I liked how you used your horse to invade and destroy your opponent’s base with your step to disrupt his balance. This looks more in line with Moy Yat Ving Tsun rather than HFY. However I am not a fan of extending out my bridges as far as you have in the clip as I feel it’s over reaching and does not optimize structure. Thanks for sharing!

Welp, I'd be surprised if you knew what HFY's version of chi sao looks like unless you're part of our org. If so, hello!

Your observation is accurate though, at this point my skill set was more an amalgamation of Moy Yat's WC, HFY, Yin Fu Bagua and what I had picked up from my primary sparring partner who did I Liq Chuan.

Things have changed a lot since I moved to train with our lineage head in late 2011. Seeing this old clip made that clear for me.
I like my old videos. The remind me of where I was and how far I've actually come. On the flip side, they also remind me of my age and that my gears have some mileage.
Do you allow to use your leading leg to jam your opponent's leading leg in that tournament ruleset?

I honestly couldn't tell you. The judges couldn't even agree on what should be going on. Part of the reason I don't do these things anymore.