Enjoying the Pain in Joint Locks



Hey all,

Maybe its just me, (quite possibly that im sick and twisted) but I actually dont' mind the pain that comes from joint locks.. i mean.. yes i tap out when it becomes too painful.. but for me.. its almost like a good stretch??? I also don't mind being tossed about either.. ARE THERE OTHERS OUT THERE LIKE ME??? or should i seek out professional help??? (kidding)

Just wondering..:shrug:
Originally posted by Eraser
(quite possibly that im sick and twisted)...

Pun intended? :rofl:

Originally posted by Eraser
...but I actually dont' mind the pain that comes from joint locks.. i mean.. yes i tap out when it becomes too painful.. but for me.. its almost like a good stretch??? I also don't mind being tossed about either.. ARE THERE OTHERS OUT THERE LIKE ME???

Yes there are!!! :) For me, I thought the same thing. When I really thought about it, it was actually the fact that I enjoyed learning from the pain. Even then, the pain could be thought of as a negative, but the positive we gain from it makes it so worth it.

Take care Eraser. Good to see you back! :asian:
"Control, Dominate, Submit, is there anything more fun then this?" Yeah, I have to agree with you. Joint locks when done correctly, are fun.
O.K. I admit it, I am one of those Hapkido pain junkies too, the cool thing is that feeling the pain gives you confidence in your techniques because you know for a fact that it works and also you learn to gauge how far to take it on someone else before it breaks,,, not to toot our hapkido horn,, but I've seen many come and go in Hapkido and I believe the number one reason they drop out is because they CAN'T take the pain,,, yes I think we are sick,, hey I'm gonna go do some headbuts on my makiwara board now,, you guys have fired me up!!
Michael Tomlinson
4th Dan
Sin Moo Hapkido
*raises her hand* I don't mind it either. It hurts like a b**ch, and I tap out, but I like it !!!!! Hehehehehehe. I don't mind being the "dummy" for take-downs either:shrug: :D :p
I admit to a certain machoist enjoyment of being hit sometimes but I don't particuarly enjoy joint locks.
WHEW!! what a relief...

Hey Chris... thanks for the welcome back...
I spend a month at my sister's house and doggie sitting.. im so happy to have my own bed.. oh and computer back too!!!

See ya all around!!:cool:
Originally posted by Elfan
I admit to a certain machoist enjoyment of being hit sometimes but I don't particuarly enjoy joint locks.

Me neither, I am glad someone agrees with me, about not enjoying those painful locks so much. I plan to stick with the art though :cool:
I practice Aikido not Hapkido but I usually enjoy the pain. It feels like a good stretch most of the time. I think I sometimes give people the creeps when they're performing one of the more painful joint locks on me and I start laughing hysterically.

Me: :rofl:
Them: :eek: :confused:
Them::rolleyes: :shrug:

Robyn :asian:
Originally posted by Eraser
Hey all,

Maybe its just me, (quite possibly that im sick and twisted) but I actually dont' mind the pain that comes from joint locks.. i mean.. yes i tap out when it becomes too painful.. but for me.. its almost like a good stretch??? I also don't mind being tossed about either.. ARE THERE OTHERS OUT THERE LIKE ME??? or should i seek out professional help??? (kidding)

Just wondering..:shrug:

Yes, there are others. We call ourselves Judoka.

In my class we've actually named the pain from a perfectly done technique - we call it exquisite pain, the kind that you almost forget to tap out of because it's so effective and you're so busy studying it and why it worked so much better than other times! Is it sick and twisted? Probably, but it's also a lot of fun!:cool:
You had me cracking up while I read that. That was awesome. I know exactly what you mean, sometimes when someone really locks one on in class after the person screams and taps they'll say, "dude what did you do? that hurt really bad, do it again so I can figure it out!!!" You have to love it to experience it from this mindset,,, great job,, you could work out with us anytime!!!
Michael Tomlinson
I know that kind of pain- it is an entity. That said, I do NOT enjoy joint lock pain, and when a technique is rendered effective, I tap quickly. If a join gets sore, I'll offer the other side.

But I'm with Elfan- I like being hit, kicked, thrown. Go figure.
In my class we have a tradition. On your birthday everyone in class gets to throw you. Recently, one of my students turned 13, he's about 5'9" and 160 lbs. The mother of his best friend often brings him to class and she sometimes even takes a lesson. Well we were all taking turns to throw our birthday boy when mom asks, can I throw him. I said why not. She comes in for O Soto Gari (Major Outside Reaping Throw) and does it textbook perfect. Her heard drops low and her reaping leg is almost vertical. Birthday boy levels off about waist high, drives for the mat and bounces off the mat a good 6 inches, no exaggeration here. Another student of mine who is a police officer lets out a wince and says, I felt that over here. IT'S ALMOST TOO MUCH JOY FOR ONE PERSON TO HAVE. :D

Waiting for years to do that!!! In our club it's rank related. "In some arts, they get kicked into rank. We get thrown into it. Over. And over. And over and over and over....." HEHE
It seems I am the only one here who doesn't really enjoy the pain in joint locks.. why you guys like it so much ? ;)
It seems I am the only one here who doesn't really enjoy the pain in joint locks.. why you guys like it so much

To me it's like appreciating the skill and power w/in a well executed technique! In Kenpo we "HIT" more than anything, and I've noticed that those who like Kenpo the most end up SMILING when I'm smackin them.
Very disconcerting.

Your Brother