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Most of the time you see Dutch is when you're at the boobie bar. I only go for the finger foods.

Fighting Dutch is like kicking the crap out of yourself. Not much point to doing it.
Any video of you pounding this moron? It would be good for the all the beginers so they know what not to do. :rofl:

is that an open invitation as I'd personally love to see that....
I was asked to leave this topic alone. Perhaps we ought to move along. Sorry.
Fair play, let's close this thread and talk more about boobie bars.... :D
Pack the bags boys, we're going to England to see some skin!

It's usually about this point where the threads degenerate into weird, wacky stuff anyway!

Soho in London is your place boys... London England that is... I see what you mean about posts going off at strange angles... :)
I think they've gotten pretty skanky, too many tattoos for my tastes. You guys like tattoos on women? Can't stand myself, looks too masculine for me to like.

What are the laws like in UK? Do they have to leave some clothes on or do they get to remove it all? (Oops, now ya got me acting like Gou :( )

everything goes... or comes off rather. But I'm not too into the dog-ugly and tattooed look that a lot of places have advertised in London, that's why the more classy Soho area would be the place to go.

Hmmm, look but don't touch, that's when you're training in self control comes in handy.
Alrighty, guys, take this one to the Locker Room. It's veered far from the topic of this particular forum.

-MT Mod.-
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