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Blue Belt
Founding Member
Sep 16, 2001
Reaction score
ontario CANADA
for the record dutch broke into my house and somehow used my computer to posts disrespectfull things that are not appropriate to myself and i apologize to all who were offended by the others actions,i guess you can't go out for 5 minutes these days can ya
And he seemed like such a nice caring sharing kind of guy........

Originally posted by jaybacca72
for the record dutch broke into my house and somehow used my computer to posts disrespectfull things that are not appropriate to myself and i apologize to all who were offended by the others actions,i guess you can't go out for 5 minutes these days can ya

Maybe you should learn to lock your door.
But it's not very often I admit it. :iws:

Well only if they are behaving themselves.
Then they are tolerable to be around. :ladysman:


:angel: dot
Well only if they are behaving themselves.

Betcha men 'behaving themselves' is a matter of opinion, with
a high level of tolerance coming from females involved in m.a.

What YOU call behaved is probably way way beyond what
non m.a. females would call behaved.

Your thoughts?
Is Dutch for real? If I didn't know that Gou had encountered him, I would have thought him to be a troll. Does this guy seriously believe that his Dragon Kenpo video certifcation makes him a superior fighter? Is he actually allowed to promote people to degrees higher than himself? Does his school actually teach based off of the videos?
I love the fact that he was slamming me for learning taekwondo because he thought that it was ineffective and that ever club was a mcdojo. Kind of funny that it turns out that his certificate in martial arts came free with a video....
Originally posted by Kirk

Betcha men 'behaving themselves' is a matter of opinion, with
a high level of tolerance coming from females involved in m.a.

What YOU call behaved is probably way way beyond what
non m.a. females would call behaved.

Your thoughts?

I generally have a high tolerance for men whether in MA or not, perhaps because of my training. Part of that is because I am extremely competative, and though I can't compete with the bigger guys, I do, (well did, when I was training regularily) have the strength and stubborness to keep plugging away.

Participating in what for the most part is (though changing) a male sport. You have to be tolerant of the chest pounding and testosterone that usually get flung around when training is intence. I don't tend to flinch or shy away for guys when they are being macho and agressive as I once did. It also tends to amuse me now, when I see them getting pumped from some sport or activity they are participating in.

I have been very lucky to work with some top knotch guys (with the exception of Gou, he's a lost cause. ;) ) I've never really had to face anyone that thought a female should not be training, though I have heard stories about it. I believe that most guys don't think like that anymore. I also tend to learn a lot more from training with guys then if I'm training with a female, only because of the intensity. A lot of girls still tend to be more delicate in their application of the art. But then again I also know lots of women that give it all they got, when it comes to training.

Martial arts, and the guys in it, have been good to me.

dot :angel:
Originally posted by KenpoGirl

I generally have a high tolerance for men whether in MA or not, perhaps because of my training. Part of that is because I am extremely competative, and though I can't compete with the bigger guys, I do, (well did, when I was training regularily) have the strength and stubborness to keep plugging away.

Participating in what for the most part is (though changing) a male sport. You have to be tolerant of the chest pounding and testosterone that usually get flung around when training is intence. I don't tend to flinch or shy away for guys when they are being macho and agressive as I once did. It also tends to amuse me now, when I see them getting pumped from some sport or activity they are participating in.

I have been very lucky to work with some top knotch guys (with the exception of Gou, he's a lost cause. ;) ) I've never really had to face anyone that thought a female should not be training, though I have heard stories about it. I believe that most guys don't think like that anymore. I also tend to learn a lot more from training with guys then if I'm training with a female, only because of the intensity. A lot of girls still tend to be more delicate in their application of the art. But then again I also know lots of women that give it all they got, when it comes to training.

Martial arts, and the guys in it, have been good to me.

dot :angel:
Thats good oo hear I wish we had more women involved in M.A. I love it when those macho guys get put up against a more skilled woman and get beat. The look of shock and surprise on thier face is priceless:D
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
I have been very lucky to work with some top knotch guys (with the exception of Gou, he's a lost cause. ;)

Damn, et brute?
Kenpo just would't be the same with out Gou Ronin.

Not saying it would be worse of course, but definitely not the same. ;)


I must be missing something who the hell is this dutch character and what the hell happened ???
Dutch is someone who was banned for forum rule violations.
Dutch is crazy. He's like the toast that you drop and it always lands jam-side down on the floor. Just messed up and out of control.

Once I saw him drink a case of beer and then dance with strippers on stage at a nudie bar.

Stay away.
He got his black belt by sending away for the CD-Roms with the techniques. The belt came with the CD-Roms.
Originally posted by GouRonin

Once I saw him drink a case of beer and then dance with strippers on stage at a nudie bar.

But you weren't looking at the hot lil honies on stage at all, huh?
When you fought him .. was that too in a tata bar?
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