Duster Bennett??


El Oso de Dios!
Lifetime Supporting Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Where the hills have eyes.,and it's HOT!
From the excellent Merriam Webster English Language Technical Manual:

one–man band

Definition of ONE-MAN BAND

: a musician who plays several instruments during a solo performance

Of course, it doesn't mention the "at the same time" part, but I've been fiddling with this stuff for most of my life. I know about Doctor Ross, Juke Boy Bonner, and Joe Hill Louis, but I'd never heard of Duster Bennett until recently-he died too young, and it looks like the British kept him to themselves.A couple of things:

1) As common as it is, playing the guitar and the harmonica at the same time is tough.

Hell, sometimes playing the guitar and singing at the same time is tough.

2)Bending notes on a harmonica is done entirely with the mouth, but it's easier if you're holding the thing in your hands-that's why most people who play one in a holder play it like a straight mouth organ, without bends, ala Bob Dylan. (Also, see 1)

Add drums.Sure, the guitar's pretty rudimentary rythm, but the harp is good- better in other places than here, but this is the only film of him I found. Enjoy!


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