Drills to get comfortable with head contact



What drills do you use at your school to get people used to getting hit in the head while sparring? I'll be honest...I'm asking for my own benefit here. I have the nasty habit of sometimes turning my head when inside & it bugs the hell out of me. I'm afraid it's just going to get worse because I had surgery on a deviated septum a few weeks ago & I haven't sparred much since then. I figure if I'm gonna come back slowly, I might as well do it right & I'd be appreciative of any help you guys could offer.
I start my students off by "getting hit" with empty safety gear. First softly to finaly rather hard. I try to avoid direct nose and eye contact though. Aside from that it's a "mental" thing. You have to see what's coming in order to respond. I don't stress head contact for lower rank sparring since head contact is not allowed at the tournaments I take my students to until brown belt.
Originally posted by AZ_Kenpoist

What drills do you use at your school to get people used to getting hit in the head while sparring? I'll be honest...I'm asking for my own benefit here. I have the nasty habit of sometimes turning my head when inside & it bugs the hell out of me. I'm afraid it's just going to get worse because I had surgery on a deviated septum a few weeks ago & I haven't sparred much since then. I figure if I'm gonna come back slowly, I might as well do it right & I'd be appreciative of any help you guys could offer.

Hmm, you might have a tough time there. When you go full contact your nose will get plastered into your face. The only way to ease back into full contact is use a lot of slow motion freefighting and make sure someone is coaching you to kill the bad habits immediately... they grow.

I see alot of people that do this when they fight, I used to be one of them. By no means have I licked the problem yet either. There are times when as I get tired I tend to turn my head and end up getting plastered. I have found that since I have been training in kenpo, I am much more comfortable inside on people and don't turn my head as much now.

In the mean time you might get some head gear that has a protective cage for your face. What is a deviated septum?

Originally posted by AZ_Kenpoist

What drills do you use at your school to get people used to getting hit in the head while sparring? I'll be honest...I'm asking for my own benefit here. I have the nasty habit of sometimes turning my head when inside & it bugs the hell out of me. I'm afraid it's just going to get worse because I had surgery on a deviated septum a few weeks ago & I haven't sparred much since then. I figure if I'm gonna come back slowly, I might as well do it right & I'd be appreciative of any help you guys could offer.

Time in the square and a concerted mental effort to not turn your head is the best way, I would say. I would also suggest you look into some different head gear.

I bought some from my preferred vendor here in Houston, Tx



It works for me and gave me more confidence to get back in after I got my nose broken last year while sparring. Basically the cheek protectors give your nose a little extra protection.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

He won't want to let me hit him again......... whaddya think?

Yeah, I don't think so either, but will he have a choice?...LOL..

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

He won't want to let me hit him again......... whaddya think?

What kind of drill is that:confused: ahhhh the tyson drill:eek:

Originally posted by C.E.Jackson
I start my students off by "getting hit" with empty safety gear. First softly to finaly rather hard. I try to avoid direct nose and eye contact though. Aside from that it's a "mental" thing. You have to see what's coming in order to respond. I don't stress head contact for lower rank sparring since head contact is not allowed at the tournaments I take my students to until brown belt.

Control is paramount in the lower divisions and in the lower ranks....... If not... we then have poor control during the Brown and Black Era!

If you start your students off right then I think as they progress to contact they have learned the value of both and can better decide which to use when necessary.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

He won't want to let me hit him again......... whaddya think?

You mean..........Mike Tyson is in Kenpo now???:eek:
When Tyson makes his way to kenpo, he is required to have a mouth piece, muzzle, and an updated record of all vacinations.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7


What was it like working out with Steve "Nasty" Anderson, Benny "the Jet", Bill Wallace & Chuck Norris? Did you get to spar with any of those guys?

would come to the studio at least twice a week. It was fun, he was a great help and fun to have around. These guys are natural Instructors..... they are nice and help the lower students a lot... Benny tends to let you score on him then dust you later and let you know what you can do better. Bill has a lot of fun showing off with his foot..... excellent control and a clown.
I never worked out personally with chuck other than in the seminar.
