Dr. John LaTourrette (The Speed Man)


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Terre Haute, IN
Where does Dr. John LaTourrette (The Speed Man) fit into the kenpo hierarchy? He claims:

Tracy's International Kenpo Karate Federation, 8th Dan
World Kenpo Karate Association, 10th Dan
American International Karate Kung-Fu Schools of Self-Defense, 10th Dan

(Evidently he is the founder of this last, as well as Tae San Ninjutsu.) I read some of his books many years ago and came away with some pearls hidden amid much straw.
I don't know but he is not listed on the WKKA website. The only 10th dan listed is Joe Palanzo. I also read one of his books about 15 years ago. It seemed to me that he had a lot of good ideas, or at least some very interesting ones. It appears as if he's becoming hyped. I don't know why so many really good people tend to inflate their credentials. I can't believe it's not enough to be a 4th dan (or whatever) anymore! Sad.

Originally posted by Jim M
I also read one of his books about 15 years ago. It seemed to me that he had a lot of good ideas, or at least some very interesting ones.

I like that way of putting it--he had many interesting ideas. I did get some good stuff from his books but would surely not endorse them without reservation.

I don't know why so many really good people tend to inflate their credentials. I can't believe it's not enough to be a 4th dan (or whatever) anymore! Sad.

Agreed. Anyone who doesn't make at least 8th dan seems to start their own school and make themselves 10th dan.

I came across this site the other day. Under the sifu's credentials we have:

White Belt 09/79 (by Al Rubin)
Black Belt (1st Degree) 01/83 (by Al Rubin)
Black Belt (2nd Degree) 07/93 (by Dave Hopkins)
Black Belt (3rd Degree) 07/94 (by Dave Hopkins)
Black Belt (4th Degree) 07/95 (by Dave Hopkins)
Black Belt (5th Degree) 07/96 (by Dave Hopkins)
Black Belt (6th Degree) 07/97 (by Dave Hopkins)
Black Belt (7th Degree) 07/98 (by Dave Hopkins)
Master (8th Degree) 01/00 (by Dave Hopkins)

Promoted once a year! Perhaps there was some making up for lost time (the 10 year gap from 1st black belt to 2nd black belt) but I still find it unseemly.
My instructor has told stories about people approaching him and
offering HIGH dollar for black belt certificates. I just don't
understand that at all. Do these people not know how the
reward would come from earning it?

When I was 16, my dad bought a car for my sister and I to share.
It was basically used for us to go to official things, like ball
practice, college (older sis), work and what not. It often came
up where we'd both need it, and one of us (usually me) had
to take the station wagon. Boy was I stylin' in that, long tan
huge vehicle, with the fake wood paneling on the side. It was
SOOO embarassing. I had to take it on dates, and what not,
ugh. So anyways, there came the day where my mean evil
father made me work every single day, rebuilding the engine
in that station wagon. I pretty much did the whole thing myself,
with my father's guidance of course, because he felt that men
should know enough about cars that mechanics won't rip them
off. Can you believe such torture!?!? So about 2 months down
the road, the station wagon had this CLEAN, PURTY V8 engine
purring like a kitten, and it was all ME. (Incidentally, I don't
feel I've ever been ripped off by a mechanic either). The pride,
the joy, the feeling I had is undescribable! When I cranked
that motor over and it started right up, and ran SO well!

From then on, I could care less about the more sporty looking
car that my sister would do anything to drive. I wanted the
station wagon. My father never again had to do any sort of
maintenance on it, the oil was changed regularly, the radiator
was flushed on a regular basis, and always full. The tires were
rotated more than recommended.

A long way of saying .. I could never BUY a black belt.
And I certainly don't understand how anyone could.
If anyone wants to buy a black belt, I'd suggest buying it the inexpensive way. A good laser printer and documents program only cost a couple hundred bucks and then you can take it to Kinko's and get it enlarged to wall size.

Where blackbelts are concerned, you get what you earn, not what you pay for.

Polanzo's WKKA is not the only WKKA in existance. There is a World Kenpo Karate Association too. Polanzo's is the Worldwide Kenpo Karate Association.

As for the Dr T. Well, I hear he's good but I don't think anyone can hit someone 11 times in a second and be effective.

Until I feel it I don't believe in it.
I must agree with GouRonin, It says on the front page of the site clocked at an average of 16 hits per second, If thats the case id be checking his gatorade for some methamphetamines, and even then i dont see how that could be enough, seems quite unbelieveable that someone could hit you 16 times in one second if they put any tension/power into their shots, I personally like to consider my speed my main assest, Im not a big guy so i ues what i do best and thats move fast, and ive never clocked myself, but i dont see how i could really land more than 2 or 3 "good" shots in one second, Maybe i should get out the old algebra book and see if i can figure out just how fast he would have to be moving his arms/legs just to hit someone 16 times on a single second. Just a rough estimate, it would seem to me that he would have to keep his arms/legs CONSTANTLY moving at a speed of 200mph plus at all times and for all i know thats probably still not enough. Any major math wizzes out there that would know how to calculate such things. This one i wont believe till i see.
Originally posted by Nate_Hoopes
I must agree with GouRonin, It says on the front page of the site clocked at an average of 16 hits per second, If thats the case id be checking his gatorade for some methamphetamines...

Perhaps they were finger strikes... If you angle your hands *just right* I'm sure you can manage to strike with each finger twice in a second. :)

I don't think it's possible to hit that many times in a second, at least with any meaningful strike at all.

Maybe he was drumming his fingers on the guy.

I saw a guy in a fight in a bar once, he was supose to be a purple belt in kenpo, that had real pretty technique and incredible speed, but no power at all. When he was done with all that speed the guy he was hitting just hit him, with power, and knocked the crap out of him.

Moral: speed without power is useless. Work on power and speed will eventually come.
I have seen some of the Speedman’s tapes, though it was a long time ago now, I can say they were very “entertaining”. The guy has some great theories and definitely can take care of himself, and a lot of his points you can put into practical use, i.e. staying loose until point of impact, placement of the thumb in the fist to cut down tension.

The problem is…. What he call eleven “strikes” in a second. He calls checking striking, or anything that makes contact with the opponent. So if you were sandwiching a persons jaw, that’s two strikes because you are making contact two times, with separate hands. Make sense?!

Oh well, I don’t agree either. I believe a strike is a strike, a block a block, a check a check. Even if any of them do damage, they have other objectives first and foremost.


This very subject came up in a seminar I attended today, and Master Huk Planas referred to such speed striking as a "vibro-massage" and it is reported to really enhance your circulation.
Huk has a lot of views. Doesn't say much though unles you ask him. Even then he won't say much. I find myself agreeing most always with him.
I agree, Gou! Master Planas is a very quiet man. He speaks only when spoken to, and then very little just like you said. When he suits up and gets on the mat, he speaks volumes in few words. For a man who doesn't make a large entrance, he has an extremely large presence! I have to say I was awestruck after watching him perform even basic techniques. It was extremely humbling yet inspirational, and he made it all look as easy as walking.

I can only hope that some day my skills will be half as sharp as his.

Master Planas is a remarkable man indeed.
He's makes an even more impressive entrance when you're doing a technique and he decides you're not doing it right and he pulls out a 9 foot leather bullwhip.

"Leap From Danger" will never be the same for me.
Originally posted by arnisador

Where does Dr. John LaTourrette (The Speed Man) fit into the kenpo hierarchy? He claims:

Tracy's International Kenpo Karate Federation, 8th Dan
World Kenpo Karate Association, 10th Dan
American International Karate Kung-Fu Schools of Self-Defense, 10th Dan

(Evidently he is the founder of this last, as well as Tae San Ninjutsu.) I read some of his books many years ago and came away with some pearls hidden amid much straw.

He also has a 7th degree with the Chin Mu kwan Federation (TKD) under Howard Kang 9th Dan.
Originally posted by Kirk

My instructor has told stories about people approaching him and
offering HIGH dollar for black belt certificates. I just don't
understand that at all. Do these people not know how the
reward would come from earning it?

When I was 16, my dad bought a car for my sister and I to share.
It was basically used for us to go to official things, like ball
practice, college (older sis), work and what not. It often came
up where we'd both need it, and one of us (usually me) had
to take the station wagon. Boy was I stylin' in that, long tan
huge vehicle, with the fake wood paneling on the side. It was
SOOO embarassing. I had to take it on dates, and what not,
ugh. So anyways, there came the day where my mean evil
father made me work every single day, rebuilding the engine
in that station wagon. I pretty much did the whole thing myself,
with my father's guidance of course, because he felt that men
should know enough about cars that mechanics won't rip them
off. Can you believe such torture!?!? So about 2 months down
the road, the station wagon had this CLEAN, PURTY V8 engine
purring like a kitten, and it was all ME. (Incidentally, I don't
feel I've ever been ripped off by a mechanic either). The pride,
the joy, the feeling I had is undescribable! When I cranked
that motor over and it started right up, and ran SO well!

From then on, I could care less about the more sporty looking
car that my sister would do anything to drive. I wanted the
station wagon. My father never again had to do any sort of
maintenance on it, the oil was changed regularly, the radiator
was flushed on a regular basis, and always full. The tires were
rotated more than recommended.

A long way of saying .. I could never BUY a black belt.
And I certainly don't understand how anyone could.

Oh really, Kirk?

Yet, you have a MASTER BLACK BELT here!!!

Thought I forgot about you, NO WAY!

Originally posted by Klondike93

I saw a guy in a fight in a bar once, he was supose to be a purple belt in kenpo, that had real pretty technique and incredible speed, but no power at all. When he was done with all that speed the guy he was hitting just hit him, with power, and knocked the crap out of him.

Moral: speed without power is useless. Work on power and speed will eventually come.

I concurr, and with that, I'm gonna go practice some more. There's a few people on this Forum that I owe one to!:rofl:
Originally posted by RCastillo

Oh really, Kirk?

Yet, you have a MASTER BLACK BELT here!!!

Thought I forgot about you, NO WAY!


ROFLMAO!!!!!!! What can I say, I'm outspoken :-D