Dr.Gyi Seminar


Blue Belt
Founding Member
Sep 16, 2001
Reaction score
ontario CANADA
holy crap man this guy is so amazing everytime you see him.Thank you renegade for holding the seminar it was awesome.I got to see some friends from other areas and got to kick renegade's a** at tekken on his home turf haha! the training with the dha is totally like conan the barbarian which tim and myself really got into,then there was the kukuri which is a completely different weapon to use.not to mention we were training with live blades so the safety issue was continually stressed.all i can really say is that you have to go see gyi he is a great person and one hell of a martial artist,besides he is approaching 80yrs old and he aint getting any younger if you get my drift.he told me he is retiring in 2005 from seminars because seminars are not his livley hood.
ps a friend and myself will be bringing him to CANADA next year so stay tuned for details.:D :D :D
It's the same guy. However if you read through the notes the author does not say Gyi is not a supurb martial artist. He just says that Gyi's military claims are suspect.
Originally posted by GouRonin

It's the same guy. However if you read through the notes the author does not say Gyi is not a supurb martial artist. He just says that Gyi's military claims are suspect.

If what the guy says on his website is true I wonder why someone that is supposed to be so skilled would feel the need to make stuff up...........
There is another one, it is someone who find so out frauds in the military all the time, he has Gyi in there as well as many others, some famous actors and stuff too, if they admit to it, he puts that up there as well, and then later erases a lot of the info once they have served theri time and repented.
There is a much better history of Gyi, Here it is.


Now, I think the man is a great martial artist, and no one disputes that. It is too bad that it gets soiled by this.
I have no clue what the truth is about his military past. I don't train with the guy so I'm not going to go looking. (As an aside I always investigate the past of EVERY person I train under)

My friend Jaybacca however has trained with Gyi and says his abilities are the bomb. As far as I am concerned Jaybacca's word is good enough for me.