Does This Sound Letigimate? MA Claims to Have Been Assassin for Interpol...

tshadowchaser said:
I'll agree I doubt that if the man did have of what he claims :
1 he would not be able to talk about it
2 he would not discribe it in the ways he is uness he was selling books
3 he would not want his face shown
Also notable, is that the list of reviewers of this guys books, that gave him great reviews, are sources that know absolutely NOTHING about combat, the martial arts, or anything even related to the subject matter. I didn't see one single review by any source I would consider remotely knowledgeable on the subject matter.
tradrockrat said:
yeah, this guy is a total fraud, IMHO. His martial arts are sooo weak! I remember one time, when we were fighting a large group of seven foot tall Russian Child trafficers. His skills were so weak that he would have died if I hadn't disarmed them all with my Chi balls of force.

My book will be out later this month.
'His Hung Gar style Kung Fu was strong, but my dragon style Kung Fu defeated it'.

Then there were the Child Sex Slave trafficking Ninjas.......Ninjas are cool, and by cool I mean...SWEET!!!
First of all, a real secret assassin would not disclose his identity and details of his work. Not even after he "retired". He would not risk retaliation against his family or colleagues. So just by him coming out with the story, I would not believe him.

I saw this story in a few places but never really read the whole thing. There is more action in just one paragraph of his story than in the entire career of many special forces people that I know.

I think his stories are geared towrds people who know nothing about martial arts. I would be curious as to why he felt this "Japanese rice farmer" was a "hung gar" expert. There are a a number of odd statements that he makes about arts.

I recall a series of books that I used to read when I was in H.S. around 1980-81 called "They Call Me The Mercenary". They were so much fun to read. Hi sstory sounds a lot like these books.

I often thought about writing historical based fiction books similar to the Mercenary series but using real names of karate teachers that I trained with who were also in the military. The scenarios I had in mind are nearly identical to what this guy says about himself.

Also, my experience with "martial arts masters" who make statements like "I was in Vietnam" or "I worked for the (CIA, Secret Police, etc) generally lie about everything, even thier martial arts skills and credentials. These are the kind of people who publicly brag about thier killing skills and all the people they killed with their bare hands, and their super-human ki power. Then when you ask for a demonstration or a lesson they tell you it's a secret.

My guess would be this guy is just very much an egomaniac with some sort of personality disorder that drives him to crave publicity and attention of any kind. By now, he probably can not tell the difference between the stories in his head and reality and probably needs medication.
It only gets more interesting. Apparently, Mr. Bannon has been called as an "expert" witness, according to several news sources I googled. Also, his book has a five star rating on with 116 reviews (this is FAR above average).:idunno:
No, it really happened. It's true. I was there...along with the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. The Tooth Fairy was quite skilled using her wand as a weapon and ole' E.B. could kill a man from far off distnces by hurling eggs at their heads.
celtic_crippler said:
No, it really happened. It's true. I was there...along with the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. The Tooth Fairy was quite skilled using her wand as a weapon and ole' E.B. could kill a man from far off distnces by hurling eggs at their heads.

Oh yeah! I remember that time. Those Ninjas in Bunny suits really saved the day. I was really getting tired before they got there.:ultracool
Santa has saved my bacon on quite a few 'top secret' missions. That ole' man can sure kick some serious but with his Wing Chung style Kung Fu.
Jonathan Randall said:
It only gets more interesting. Apparently, Mr. Bannon has been called as an "expert" witness, according to several news sources I googled. Also, his book has a five star rating on with 116 reviews (this is FAR above average).:idunno:
I'm telling you, some people are going to look VERY silly. I think April Fool's day came early this year.

While helping treat some of the wounded at a Korean school, Bannon was attacked by a rioter, who stabbed him in the back with a long knife. Using his martial arts training, Bannon snapped his attacker's neck, killing him instantly. Bannon, badly wounded in the fight, spent nearly a month recuperating in the Chonju Presbyterian Hospital. When it came time for Bannon to return to missionary life, he says his experiences during the riots left him confused.

"I had to deal with the fact that here I am at 18, and I've taken someone else's life," he says. "I had all these conflicting emotions that were playing havoc with me."
Whatever, man, whatever.

This is where it gets HILARIOUS

Bottom line, Bannon was unable to produce a single document or piece of evidence to prove his claims. But then again, no one has yet to produce a piece of evidence that disproves his story. There is, in fact, no "smoking gun" from either side.

"I wish there were," Bannon says. "It's certainly legitimate for people to ask if this is all real or not. But in the end, people are just going to have to make up their own mind."
HAHAHA! Right...make up your own mind. Hey, it must be true, no one can DISPROVE his fantasy.
Further, it seems Mr. Bannon has gained the dubious nick-name of the 'Mormon Peanut Butter Assassin' in response to a story of fighting, single-handed, 'Peanut Butter' smugglers. You can't make this stuff up, folks. :rofl:

Further, it's apparent that this man's claim of the mormon faith may have something to do with much of his vaunted publicity and claims of credibility. Many, but not all, of his biggest supporters are connected with the Mormon church. They seem to be driving this issue.

At any rate, it pains me to see adults who should no better, taken in by such an obvously bogus story. Perhaps there is a sucker born every minute. :shrug:

I guess what's helped him, though, is the fact that if you're going to tell a LIE tell a HUGE LIE, and tell it a lot. You can certainly baffle many people by volume of BS.
sgtmac_46 said:
I guess what's helped him, though, is the fact that if you're going to tell a LIE tell a HUGE LIE, and tell it a lot. You can certainly baffle many people by volume of BS.

Didn't Lincoln say that? :rofl::roflmao:
"Peanut Butter Assassain!?!?!" You're not serious...OMG... my stomach... I'm laughin my butt off....ROFL! Can we we call him "Skippy" for short? LOL! Does he teach "Ju-Jiff-Su?" LMAO! I wonder if his secret C.I.A. code name was "Peter Pan". Before he dresses out to practice his deadly arts he has to put on his "Rece-Cup" for protection!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA ....I can't take it.

So, according to that article, if someonce CAN'T prove I'm lying then that makes it true? In that case....I am the Batman. It's true. I live in a cave and drive a cool car. That's don't mess with me...cause I'm the Batman. You can't prove I'm not the Batman so it must be true. Right? Well, gotta go for now... the Bat-Signal just went off and Gotham needs me. L8R
Calm down celtic....I think he is trying to say if you can look past teh sarcasm that he doesnt believe this man...and quite frankly neither do I!
tshadowchaser said:
I'll agree I doubt that if the man did have of what he claims :
1 he would not be able to talk about it
2 he would not discribe it in the ways he is uness he was selling books
3 he would not want his face shown

Heh. Reminds me of an obscure movie, where the bad guy was trying to recruit hitmen. One hitman said "I used to do assassination jobs for the Libyans!"

The bad guy snorted and said "You, sir, are a liar. Anyone who does assassination jobs for the Libyans either still works for them and says nothing about it, or are already dead."
celtic_crippler said:
"Peanut Butter Assassain!?!?!" You're not serious...OMG... my stomach... I'm laughin my butt off....ROFL! Can we we call him "Skippy" for short? LOL! Does he teach "Ju-Jiff-Su?" LMAO! I wonder if his secret C.I.A. code name was "Peter Pan". Before he dresses out to practice his deadly arts he has to put on his "Rece-Cup" for protection!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA ....I can't take it.

So, according to that article, if someonce CAN'T prove I'm lying then that makes it true? In that case....I am the Batman. It's true. I live in a cave and drive a cool car. That's don't mess with me...cause I'm the Batman. You can't prove I'm not the Batman so it must be true. Right? Well, gotta go for now... the Bat-Signal just went off and Gotham needs me. L8R
The Mormon Peanut Butter Assassin.....If we made a movie about this, people would think it was too ridiculous to be believed. :rofl:

Baron von Munchhausen has nothing on this guy. :rofl:
I need some help- I'm not in the habit of making fun of others beliefs, but I keep reading Mormon as Moron. Well, in that peanut butter guy's case, he's a MORON! Oh, that article is just too hilarious!

Sorry- insomnia.
Jonathan Randall said:

David Wayne Dilley is his real name. He changed it in 1990 to David Race Bannon, after a character in the "Johnny Quest" cartoon series. :idunno:
Yeah but Interpol denying him as one of their own only strengthens the credibility he's had all along [sarcasm]. Anyway, there's a crack squad of Houdini Style Hung-Gar super-agents, engaged in a heroic and dangerous stealth escape mission on their way up there now to bust him out. It's so hush hush I'm off to lop off my fingers for even daring to type it. After that, you'll never hear from him again... until the next book that is. It's all true - Hehe!

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