Does Size Matter?

Like it or not.... a cup check is what you need. Liability can kill you!

Make sure they have proper safety gear on...........! or be prepared for the consequences!

In WV, I don't have a liability for that. I have a written rule that requires them, that coupled with a liability waiver that is binding in this state. If they choose to ignore the written rule, they are accepting the responsibility for an "inherently dangerous" activity.
Size can matter, but being small is an advantage aslo. I think when you are small it is better than being big. Big guys fall harder. Small ones bounce back.
Originally posted by Seig

Let's look at it this way,
Question: "Does size matter?"
1. David and Goliath
2. Titanic
Answer: It may be a factor, not necessarily a deciding one.

Ot what about "war of the worlds" ?

But it boils down to alot of small what if's , and dependencies

.....BUT, it is only *one* of many elements, no?

Size matters, but so do:

1) Speed
2) Luck
3) Intelligence
4) Weather (if outside)
5) Layout of the area
6) "Friends" or others on one side or the other
7) Training
8) Inebriation (either side drunk or otherwise hindered?)
9) Available weapons
10) ......

You get the point. Size matters. But it ain't the do-all end-all. To paraphrase a good point I heard once:

"Yeah, knowing is half the battle. LOTS of things are half the battle. I want to know what is ALL of the battle"

Several good points in your post...... you sound like you almost know that these are some of what was originally called the "8 Considerations" but now called the "Preparatory Considerations" (8 of them) Infinite Insights Vol I, chapter 11, pages 101-114.

Natural Weapons
Natural Defenses

......ya know, I *have* read the Infinite Insights series......again, and again.....and am reading them, uh....again.....:D

Somewhere, somehow, SOME of that might just stick in my head....heheh....:eek:

Actually, glad to see that some of it seems to have stuck. Now, if I can just get all the insights on the universal pattern to find their place in my poor puny brain.....


.....and that takes what, about 10 years? :eek:

I had better get started......with 5 books to memorize, I should be just about ready by the time I pass away....hehe...

Assuming my brain can hold it all, of course.....:rofl:

I *will*, Master!!!

And I will not turn to the dark side, either!!


:jedi1: :jediduel:

You know my Grandpa was not a brilliant philosopher or an expert martial artist one day while in school I was whining about size bullies etc. and being the old school guy he is he told me 2 things

1) There is no such thing as a fair fight
(Is your view of fair play going to be exact to your opponents?? maybe he was right)

2) Everyone has either nuts or kneecaps get in a good shot to one of those and you have enough time to get out or away.

Ive been surprised by small guys dominated by big guys and I think Mr. Parker was dead on we he said something along the lines of fearing no man but respecting all!
Mr. Parker used to tell me the definition of a fair fight was........
"When your opponents definition of a fair fight is "equally matched" ...... with yours"

At the arnis camp everyone was teaching empty hand against knife, knife against knife, sword and knife against sword and knife...I volunteered to teach gun against knife but got no takers.

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