your still flogging the only in kata strawman, some karate, practice grappling, i know this because i do o have no idea what % do, but nether do you.This is silly. MMA practitioners are capable of practicing striking with grappling all the time. Why are you making excuses here for the absence of grappling in a full contact kumite within highly traditional Okinawan karate?
Well there's no striking in Judo outside of their kata, so I would not expect to see Judoka striking each other. There's also no grappling in Karate outside of their kata, which is why I wasn't surprised to see very little grappling in a full contact kumite. Notice a pattern here? When something is locked behind the kata wall, it tends to not be practiced. Thus, when the rubber hits the road you end up simply not using it because you haven't developed the muscle memory to pull it from your toolbox.
MMA fighters learn grappling pretty much the way wrestlers, judoka, and BJJ practitioners learn grappling, so it is far easier to employ it when actually fighting. If I pulled up MMA full contact sparring similar to that Okinawan Karate kumite, you would see grappling constantly, because they're simply using a superior training method of combining grappling with striking.
Again, are we talking about the Uechi-Ryu video where they're going over the grappling techniques in the kata, or are we talking about the 10-person kumite video where it's showing Goju-Ryu black belts in Okinawa treating a big white guy like a giant punching bag? My point here is that in the full contact kumite video very little grappling is employed. If you blink you miss the very few attempts of grappling made, and it generally came from a "clinch" situation, not the "seizing" concepts found in the bunkai.
What does this tell me? Exactly what I mentioned about grappling in karate earlier; It's "there", but good luck learning how to properly employ it.
if i end up grappling, its largely because ive failed at striking, thats the only time you will see me doing it, in a competative situation, if i end up on the floor its because ive failed at ( stand up) grappeling
if your showibg vids of people who havent failed, then your unlikely to see them grapple, and they will resist attempt by others to turn it into a grappeling mach
in our hard sparing, i fail at,striking quite a lot, some are just to fast for me, so i use the grapple system quite a lot, as generaly if i do get hold of them its the end of the contest
close up it has some notable similarities to jujitsu
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