"Distort my wish" game.

Marginal said:
I wish I was always 50% better than anyone else at anything I ever did.

Done. You are 50% better at losing money than any person you know.

I wish someone else would clean my house.
Wish granted I'll come right there to clean your house complete with every last bit of furnishing you have. Nice and spiffy clean.
I wish I had the appropriate wire to rewire my bass.
someguy said:
Wish granted I'll come right there to clean your house complete with every last bit of furnishing you have. Nice and spiffy clean.
I wish I had the appropriate wire to rewire my bass.

Wish granted but your rewired bass is now a fish. A smallmouth bass to be specific. ;)

I wish...

I wish I knew everything. :p
Your wish is granted, but now you know some horrible, disgusting, and disturbing things you wish you never, ever found out about...and now have a new appreciation for the phrase "Ignorance is bliss"

I wish I was stronger.
You wish you had a fish wish dish. You do. It's true. Now you rhyme. This happens, when you speak, everytime. Quite a pain it is. Umm something that rhyms with his...I dunno his.
I wish I had more good posters to hang on my walls.
someguy said:
I wish I had more good posters to hang on my walls.

Granted, all the posters on this thread are now hanging on your wall.

I wish we could all get along.
Zoran said:
Granted, all the posters on this thread are now hanging on your wall.

I wish we could all get along.

We all get along. Everyone likes evryone else so much the entire population of the world tries to move into your livingroom, which becomes overcrowded, and wars break out about how much we all need to be able to live there together.

I wish I had a single pair of clean socks, in any size color or variety.
Technopunk said:
I wish I had a single pair of clean socks, in any size color or variety.
Granted. One large pair of Hello Kitty ankle socks.

I wish the average McDonald's employee could do his/her job without getting an attitude when they screw up my order and I point it out.
This thread has been inactive for a while. Its tiem for it to be reincarnated.

Granted. You know work at McDonalds and the old employees now order.

I wish my hair wouldn't be as frizzy while still keeping its thikness, length, beauty, and color.
This thread has been inactive for a while. Its tiem for it to be reincarnated.

Granted. You know work at McDonalds and the old employees now order.

I wish my hair wouldn't be as frizzy while still keeping its thikness, length, beauty, and color.

Your wish is granted! Your hair is not as frizzy because you have had to relocate to an area of low humidity - the Alaskan Tundra.

I wish I could find the keys that I have spent all freaking day looking for.
I wish I could find the keys that I have spent all freaking day looking for.

Your wish is granted - your keys have appeared, where your neighbor's child put them, down the storm drain.

I wish my homework was already finished.
wish granted, but someone steals the transporter.

I wish I had had fair judging today, which would have lead to my victory.
I wish I had had fair judging today, which would have lead to my victory.

Done - the judging was fair, but to a standard that was explained to every competitor but you.

I wish my house plants were all healthy.
gratned. now you have a plant house that is perfectly healthy and it proves it to you by letting out farts when company comes voer.

I wish my teeth were straight and whiter.
I wish my teeth were straight and whiter.

Congratulations! You now have a mouth full of uncooked white rice in place of your teeth.

I wish to be the wisest man...wait.. that didn't work out so well for Solomon..hmmm...ummmm.....

I wish I had a lightsaber? (wince)
you now have a light saber...that has a tendency to hit you in very painful areas.

I wish I didn't flinch while sparring.
*snaps his fingers*


However, your medical bills pile up as the impact-induced brain trauma builds since you no longer have a flinch reflex. As your parkinsons sets in, you think back and wish "Boy, if I had only flinched that last time" for the rest of your painful life.


I wish I had dessert. :)

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