Direct Torres Eskrima

See the Smiley-Face with the shades on? That's me--as a blind man. You see the computer I'm working at is part of a heavily screened network and I can't see the clip. This is really irritating since I've been training with Maestro Martin Torres, founder of DTE or Direct Torres Eskrima. I really respect his person he is very...real. Anyway, can anybody tell this poor blind geezer what I'm missing on this clip?
Well, I borrowed a laptop and checked the clip out...using dial-up. Talk about a pain. Anyway, that's Martin alright. And he's not just a "dancer"...he really makes his stuff work. It's not about the flashy blade's the footwork and angling. I trained primarily stick work under Rene Latosa years back. Working with Martin has made me a believer in using pool cues, bats, swinging bar stools, throwing heavy objects, heck--ramming with my car--anything rather than have to face that knife at close range. You blade fighters are NUTS!...and I say that with the utmost respect.

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