DF: Sanshou vs Judo

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Sanshou vs Judo
By Bjjexpertise@be - 04-14-2009 05:48 PM
Originally Posted at: Deluxe Forums


I was bored and was scrounging through the labyrinth known as Youtube when I stumbled across some Sanshou technique video. Although They share a lot of similarities, at the same time the throw principles seem to be completely different.

For instance, look at these 2 techniques.
This one is called Morote Seoi Nage in Judo:
YouTube Video If you are able to see this message it means that you don't have flash installed or that the video server is down.
Notice the feet positioning and how it aids to pop the opponent up and over.

Now lets look at the Sanshou version of this throw called Pei:
YouTube Video If you are able to see this message it means that you don't have flash installed or that the video server is down.
Note the feet positioning once again. Notice how it's a more penetrating step and the throw direction seems to be completely different. In this throw the Tori (person throwing) is launching the Uke (person being thrown) way the ***** out there while in the Judo variation they are throwing them directly in front of their feet.
I actually talked to one of my Judo coaches about a step like that and he said it is ill-advised since when you position your legs like that, when you start to drive you're going to end up pushing them backwards, counter intuitive to you throw.

Another example here is this throw:
In judo, it is called Osotogari:
YouTube Video If you are able to see this message it means that you don't have flash installed or that the video server is down. Notice the unbalancing for this throw, all weight of Uke is placed on the leg that is about to be swept. Also note when Tori sweeps, his foot never touches the ground again until Uke is thrown and landed. This is key in that it provides maximum momentum and power in that sweep.

For the Sanshou version of this throw, Nao Qie Zi:
YouTube Video If you are able to see this message it means that you don't have flash installed or that the video server is down. Notice how Tori has his sweeping leg planted on the ground and he hops forward to throw Uke. The unbalancing portion seems to be the same idea.


From the way it seems, the ideas of how to throw are very different. What may be the way it is done in one art is completely different for another. Heck I'd even go so far as to say that if, for example, we took those sanshou movements and took them into a Judo class, they'd be regarded as bad technique and vice versa as well.

Anyone ever try these different variations of the throws and have they worked for you? Which kind of variation works best for you?


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