David Blaine's Stunts


Master of Arts
Aug 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles suburbs, Cali. USA
So what do members here on MT think about the pseudo magician David Blaine's sometime wacky stunt's?

It seems that the Brits aren't taking to kindly to Blaine's latest stunt of roughing it by allowing himself to be suspended in a box over the River Thames for 44 straight days. As for me I don't get it, why waste a month and a half? :confused:



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I think he's pretty cool. I like his street magic.

I think people get too bent out of shape with his stunts, though. They're just tricks. This box stunt is an illusion. Do you really think that he is going to sit in a box for 45 days w/out food? yea right! I say it is a very good illusion.
He does it all for the money. I don't buy his faux-mysticism at all, anyone can put a stupid voice on and perform "magic" infront of a camera. What a load of old bollocks, he obviously just pays people to look amazed and shocked at his staged camera tricks.

Anyone who believes that he can really stick a playing card on the other side of plate glass without going anywhere near it wants their head testing!

As for standing in that box crappin' into the Thames for a month (like it's not full of crap enough already), well, again it's all about the money IMHO, 5 million quid to be more exact.

'<spooky voice>I want to push myself to the edge</spooky voice>', no, David, you complete tit, you want 5 million quid, just like any other bloke would!

:soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox:

...I liked some of his tricks that were televised on the street...I wanna know how to fly and make a pidgeon come back to life...;)
Originally posted by arnisador
Performance art, like Yoko Ono's upcoming reenactment of "Cut Piece"--not magic.

Who wants to to see a old, half naked, washed up hasbeen (wait, how bout neverwas) getting her clothes clipped off. I mean really. At least she could've hired Brittney. Then I would have watched (and paid to cut two chunks of clothes off, really big chunks).

As for Blaine, let him do whatever he wants, but I still laughed pretty hard when fark.com wanted to organize a gathering of people to shine laser pointers at him so he couldn't sleep, or when they sent up a remote controlled toy helcopter to dangle a burger in from of him. If I were him I'd be slingin dirty diapers at those guys.
Blaine hasn't took into account British humour hence the egg throwing etc. Probably a bad place to be suspended with lots of drunken revellers out every night!!!!!!:asian:
I think it's funny how people get so bent out of shape over this guys stunts. He is a "magician" meaning that he does "tricks." People are like "He can't really levitate, that's fake!" Umm...Duh! That's why it's a trick.

He makes $$ doing stupid stunts and tricking people. So what?!? I wish I could make what he makes by doing dumb tricks!

And...Sorry to burst everyones bubble, but "He's not really going 45 days w/o food or water either. that's a trick too! :eek: :D
so how'd he do it
i doubt here really starved himself for that long
after all look at his trick of being "traped in ice"
i suppose it be possible though

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