lap dances


Black Belt
Apr 25, 2003
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can you believe they outlawed lap dances in the city of LA???

damn liberals wanna control everything!*L
I read something about similar stuff in my area. In Buffalo, topless is the limit, and the contact rules very strict. Across the river in Ft. Erie, they are fully dude with more relaxed contact rules. Needless to say, the Canadians have the higher trafficed business's. There are even several clubs for the ladies there, which have never seemed to pan out in NY. Maybe its the whole "Can see more at the beach" concept?

Originally posted by Eggman
come to miami then, full nudity and full friction.

If wasn't pasty white and allergic to the sun, I'd say that's it I'm movin. Oh yeah, there are those pesky hurricanes too.
seems more like NC is having the hurricane problems unless you are talking about the college team.
Looks like you floridians just got lucky and dodged a two state wide bullet with 100+mph winds.

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuter) - Nude dancers at a San Francisco club voted Thursday on whether to become the only "exotic dancers'' in the nation to belong to a union. Ninety-seven employees of the "Lusty Lady'' club in San Francisco's North Beach district were eligible to take part in the National Labor Relations Board election on union representation, union officials said.

Somewhat old news. Interersting recent piece on this at The Nation:
*l..this should send the Dems into a tailspin...unions vs. strippers!*L
Originally posted by Eggman
come to miami then, full nudity and full friction.

Geez. Around here it's only topless. That is except for that one place :eek: but it's closed down now. They had some little extra problems.
Exotic dancers in the union? Man, I hope they go on strike. That's one picket line I'd love to see.:D

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