Daughters of Bujinkan


Yellow Belt
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Omaha, NE
::start the Twilightzone music::
Rod Sterling said:
Allow me to submit for your approval, a story thats so absolutely horrorfying that it can only be true.

"A young man steps from a limo in front of a house in west Omaha. Seventeen years old, dressed in a tuxedo,:: takes a drag on cigerette:: and holding a corsage. Thats right its prom time. What this young man doesnt realize is everything he is doing, everything he is mumbling to himself is being heard by a darkly clad, sword weilding Puerto Rican ninja and his accomplises hiding in various locations around him."
Ok im done telling the story. Point is my instructior (3rd Dan) is having his first child later this week, A girl. He is ex-special forces and is currently stationed with a security unit at Offut AFB here in Omaha.

Now your thinking "Okay .... congratulations I think ...". I wanted to paint a picture that you may or may not be able to relate with.

All of us gentlemen growing up have had the luxary of meeting the father un-afraid to show off his gun collection. But what if that father is not only gun owning, but training in his back yard with several others dressed all in black pajamas.

Has your father ever done this to you?
Did you ever do this to your daughter?
How do you measure going to far?

He is claiming he has already ordered the razor wire and land mines (hes kidding of course).

lol i guess I want to hear stories from other fathers or daughters in Bujinkan relating to the subject.
Both of Ed Martin's daughters are highly ranked themselves, although I don't know if either is teaching or training currently.

I've been wrestling with my own since before they could walk.
My daughter is 11. I'm planning to staple a copy of this to the forehead of any prospective boyfriends for easy reference.
Kreth said:
My daughter is 11. I'm planning to staple a copy of this to the forehead of any prospective boyfriends for easy reference.

That is hilarious! Good one! No daughters here tho, I have a son.
ManOfVirtues said:
::start the Twilightzone music::

Ok im done telling the story. Point is my instructior (3rd Dan) is having his first child later this week, A girl. He is ex-special forces and is currently stationed with a security unit at Offut AFB here in Omaha.

Now your thinking "Okay .... congratulations I think ...". I wanted to paint a picture that you may or may not be able to relate with.

All of us gentlemen growing up have had the luxary of meeting the father un-afraid to show off his gun collection. But what if that father is not only gun owning, but training in his back yard with several others dressed all in black pajamas.

Has your father ever done this to you?
Did you ever do this to your daughter?
How do you measure going to far?

He is claiming he has already ordered the razor wire and land mines (hes kidding of course).

lol i guess I want to hear stories from other fathers or daughters in Bujinkan relating to the subject.

No Daughters but one 18 year niece and another coming up on 10 so I am safe there for a few more years. ;)

The 18 year old, and I had fun when she would introduce her boyfriends to me. She would tell them in advance if you ever meet my Uncle Rich shake his hand with a decent grip.

One tried the limp wrist in which case I did a finger lock and took him up on his toes.

Another one tried to execute a wrist technique on me (* being trained in Aikido *) I reversed and did it back. I then transitioned into another lock and told him that I train and TEACH, so to remember that. :D

One young man was very well put together and shook my hand well, until I turned and then he squeezed, so I just smiled and peeled his thumb back into a lock and told him Nice Try! :)

Only one serious situation has she had, and the guy finally listened to her no, when he was on the ground with a black eye. Other times she just knocked the wind out of a guy for making a physical pass at her.

Self defense is good to know for either gender. :)
Rich Parsons said:
Self defense is good to know for either gender. :)

How right you are! No matter how we may threaten their very lives, as soon as they leave the yard the girl needs to know how to take care of herself. You may follow up on the threat when she comes home, but after they come home it is too late for prevention. I had a buddy once who took the threats of his girlfriends father as a challange, and would double his efforts to "score", not crossing the line, no still meant no, but not giving up easy either. If he wasn't bound by that moral "line in the sand" ....

So, the story is - Teach them how to protect themselves from a young age! Boys also, they have the responsibility of returning your daughters home safe and sound, they need to know how to protect themselves also. I have 4 boys and no daughters, but they will all know what is right and wrong and their duty to protect the girl/woman in their lives.
I have and 11 yr old and a 6 year old daughter and they both take class and they both will know that if they are to date, the boy has to at least take beginners class. mind you that will be when they are 31.
Kreth said:
My daughter is 11. I'm planning to staple a copy of this to the forehead of any prospective boyfriends for easy reference.

Funny as hell.....

I once went to a training weekend with a lot of Indonesian stylists. One guy, who inherited his art, passed along a story about what he told his daughter.

"Honey, if you love that guy don't let him touch you. Don't even let him put you in a position where he might do something I don't like. Because you know what I can and will do if I hear he has touched you"
Don Roley said:
Funny as hell.....

I once went to a training weekend with a lot of Indonesian stylists. One guy, who inherited his art, passed along a story about what he told his daughter.

"Honey, if you love that guy don't let him touch you. Don't even let him put you in a position where he might do something I don't like. Because you know what I can and will do if I hear he has touched you"


That is good as well! If she loves him, she will not let him touch her or else! Gotta love it!

Brian R. VanCise
My daughter turns 9 this weekend and my son just turned 7. I've been teaching for 6 years and both children have been in and around it from the beginning. It's never been a forced thing, but it is how we live our life so it's become a 'normal' and natural part of their life. :)
ManOfVirtues said:
::start the Twilightzone music::

Ok im done telling the story. Point is my instructior (3rd Dan) is having his first child later this week, A girl. He is ex-special forces and is currently stationed with a security unit at Offut AFB here in Omaha.

Now your thinking "Okay .... congratulations I think ...". I wanted to paint a picture that you may or may not be able to relate with.

All of us gentlemen growing up have had the luxary of meeting the father un-afraid to show off his gun collection. But what if that father is not only gun owning, but training in his back yard with several others dressed all in black pajamas.

Has your father ever done this to you?
Did you ever do this to your daughter?
How do you measure going to far?

He is claiming he has already ordered the razor wire and land mines (hes kidding of course).

lol i guess I want to hear stories from other fathers or daughters in Bujinkan relating to the subject.

I would hate my girlfriends dad to be like that...I would be a dead man by now.
I have already made a point to my fiance that my children will grow up in the dojo. No ifs ands or buts.

I cant protect them 24/7 but give them the knowledge and the tools maybe they can protect themselves and others.
*I'm not Booj, but can I post something?*

I told my daughter she can car date after she's achieved her black belt. She's 13 and four ranks away. :ultracool But the sweet part is that all her boyfriends are intimidated by me. Sweet little ol' me. Dunno why. One of the little runts made some comment about my upper arms being as big around as his thigh ... of course, he's shorter than her.

Then my husband told her if she ever sees a little red dot on the middle of her boyfriend's head, DUCK! :EG: