Dallas Kenpoists




Are there any of you in the Dallas / Ft. Worth area who would be interested in getting together for some brotherly (and sisterly) Kenpo thumping? I'm moving there soon and considering renting some space, if I can find some others who would like to move around. This would be a positive, friendly environment with no political agenda. Just let me know.

Have a Great Day


You're going to have to change your symbol........some of us witnessed you getting your Black Belt.


Your brother,
You're making me wish I lived in Dallas. Although I do make it
up there from time to time on the weekends.
You'd better watch out for that guy Steve Tapper... I hear the only way to keep him from ripping you appart while doing a technique is to wack him in the head with a stick!!!

(Just don't hit him in the head the day before a test, because then your really in for it!)

Y'all gunna be missed 'round these parts stranger. Hope to see you soon!!!

Your Friend,
Yeah, and if you do accidentally crack him in the head with a stick.......the day before his test..........your brothers and sisters will NEVER let you live it down!!

Very funny, B.

Your brother,
the guilty party,
Originally posted by stapper


Are there any of you in the Dallas / Ft. Worth area who would be interested in getting together for some brotherly (and sisterly) Kenpo thumping? ...



Austin is about 3.5 hrs south of Dallas and if you ever get to come down here, yell first and maybe we can put something together. Maybe we can get you to camp next year too? :karate:

Hi Doug

Thanks so much for the invitation. I'll take you up on that. Also, if you make it to the Dallas area, let me know.

Have a Great Day

[email protected]
... was telling me you were moving up to his neck of the woods. More UKS in Texas!!! Welcome & Howdy!

He is about an hour Northwest of you and looking forward to you getting your doors open. Email me if you do not already have his phone # and email address.

Yours in Kenpo,
Good to hear from you! I'm officially a non-state-income-tax-paying Texan again. It's great to be here!
I'll send you all my contact info and hope to get down to Austin soon.

Have a Great Day

Don't forget about the Huk seminar at my school in San Antonio,
in February, and the kenpo camp in May! The more the merrier!
You will always be welcome at my school anytime. My contact info is on the webpage (UKS or Kenpo-Texas.com)

Kirk, keep me up on Huk's next seminar. I would like to attend, and get in touch with Rod Henson, one of my 2nd Black's who worked out with him in New Orleons for a couple of years and see if he wants to come up from Houston for this.
