A true Gary Swann Story!


2nd Black Belt
Mar 16, 2002
Reaction score
Wright City, MO
Gary, an old Texan driving a new pickup truck, stops to pick up this cute teen age girl hitch hiker, she climbs up in the cab and looks at him a little nerviously and asks to go to the next town.
Everything go fine for about 10 miles when all of a sudden a jack rabbit darts across the road and gets crushed by the tires. Well the girl starts getting hysterical about the rabbit thats now road pizza.

Gary pulls over and tells her, "sorry mam but things like that happen!"

Well, she asks to go back and at least give it a good burial, and seeing how upset she is he agrees. As Gary is turning the truck around he reaches behind the seats, rummages around in the empty cans and boxes , suddenly smiles and says, you know I forgot I had this!!!!

With his big hand around a spray can he approchs the splattered rabbit, kicks the pieces into a neat pile and sprays the remains soaking wet. The rabbit jumps up good as new , darts off 50 feet stops, turns around and waves at them, runs 50 more feet turns around and waves at them, runs 50 more feet, and turns and waves untill hes out of sight, the girl, her eyes as big as dinner plates studders "whaaattt waassss in thheee caannn"????

Gary says, " I'ts just an old can of hair restorer, with built in permanent wave" ...

Ba-dump-bump- Tsssscchhh . :lol: :lol: :lol:

Almost had me for a sec... but then you mentioned teenage chick and I figured j00r tomfoolery to be a foot... or was that a hair???


Keep trying Dan and don't give up that day job ;)

Originally posted by Seig

out of work and he thinks he's funny!:shrug:

I'm out of work Wednesday at 6:00 pm, and it ain't too funny!

Well, in a way it is... I'm looking at some new opportunities. I just need to butter up the Golden Dragon and convince him that he needs a chauffer! :lol:

Originally posted by Sigung86

I'm out of work Wednesday at 6:00 pm, and it ain't too funny!

Well, in a way it is... I'm looking at some new opportunities. I just need to butter up the Golden Dragon and convince him that he needs a chauffer! :lol:


Might be time to move back to San Antonio, Tx....

Originally posted by Sigung86

I'm out of work Wednesday at 6:00 pm, and it ain't too funny!

Well, in a way it is... I'm looking at some new opportunities. I just need to butter up the Golden Dragon and convince him that he needs a chauffer! :lol:

I hope something turns up for you. I went through that about a year and a half ago. It was not fun and I'm still recovering from it, but it probably added 10 years back to my life.
Good Luck
I'd go if they'd give me a gun but for some reason no one wants me to have firearms?
Originally posted by kenpo3631

We could always use some real world experience in Bosnia...:D

PS- socks are still dry;)

Not to sound old, and I have no idea how old you are ... But I "may have" been doing the real world experience thing before you were born. I know this is true in the case of Gou! :lol:

Originally posted by Sigung86

I'm out of work Wednesday at 6:00 pm, and it ain't too funny!

Well, in a way it is... I'm looking at some new opportunities. I just need to butter up the Golden Dragon and convince him that he needs a chauffer! :lol:


Yep, DC could use a driver. He acts like he owns Scottsdale!:eek:
Originally posted by Seig

Check with the Canadian Parlaiment on that on.

Uh, sorry, they're out for the Summer Session. Try back in September!:eek:
Originally posted by kenpo3631

We could always use some real world experience in Bosnia...:D

PS- socks are still dry;)

I don't know.......... West Virginia is pretty hairy, and needs help, ask Seig!:eek:
Originally posted by RCastillo

I don't know.......... West Virginia is pretty hairy, and needs help, ask Seig!:eek:

I kind of like it up here on Farmer Mountain, for now!:stoplurk:
