Cow Urine Soda

I wonder if they got the idea from the Japanese...

Calpis soda is pronounced very similar to cow-piss and the taste is probably just as vile.

Unless a soda that has a citrus-milk flavor is your thing...

They claim it will be competitive worldwide. I forsee some marketing challenges...
while cow urine and dung are often consumed in rituals to "purify"
I suppose we should be happy they aren't going to market snack cakes...
I wonder if they got the idea from the Japanese...

Calpis soda is pronounced very similar to cow-piss and the taste is probably just as vile.

Unless a soda that has a citrus-milk flavor is your thing...

one question... how the HELL did Carol manage to post such a HUGE picture on this site? :lol:
Calpis Water is awesome. It does NOT taste Vile.

All the BS Japanese food crazed anime fans who will eat anything because it comes from there annoy me, but that's one thing I can agree is good. As long as its not the carbonated drink.

Nevermind that Calpis is slang for... well, yeah.


Ah Carol posted the soda. Yeah not so good.
I know India likes cows and all that, but, :cheers: who knows.
To quote Sarah Silverman

Maybe its the next milk.

I know India likes cows and all that, but, :cheers: who knows.
They like cows but not for the same reason WE like cows... after all could you take the chance on eating one of your dead relatives?

I think not!

But apparently they seem to have no qualms about drinking their urine... ewwww
Premarin (female hormone replacement therapy drug) is made from pregnant mare urine. If you know any woman that has has a hysterectomy, they've probably taken Premarin following the procedure.

R. McLain
It is pronounced Calupis.

Idiosyncrasy of the Japanese language...the u in lu (or more accurately, ru) is actually silent because its between two hard syllables. Therefore it is pronounced cal-pis. When you add the sound that is somewhat between an l and an sounds a lot like...well...know... :rofl:
The U in Calupis is strong enough to hear. So it is not Calpis. Cal-pis to me sounds like a short pause but when a native speaks it I can hear the U sound being made and it does not go into L-P but L-U-P.

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