Comparing Ryukyu and Tracys

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:eek: After powerlifting for a year and a half I don't have massive biceps:wah: . Two days out of the week; pound the muscle with extraordinary amounts of sets (giant sets, supersets, flushing sets, half sets) :rolleyes: no massive biceps.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
:eek: After powerlifting for a year and a half I don't have massive biceps:wah: . Two days out of the week; pound the muscle with extraordinary amounts of sets (giant sets, supersets, flushing sets, half sets) :rolleyes: no massive biceps.

If you would have learned what all the good little hulkamaniacs did you would have your own set of 24 inch pythons!!!!

"I'll tell you what Mean Gene! I climbed that mountain brother! Ive been taken my vitamins and saying my prayers! These are the 24 inch pythons that slammed a giant"

All the hulkamaniacs know this......geesh whats this world coming to!

Hulkamania will live forever! BROTHER!!!!

Or Hulkaonsteroids.... Ah wait, that's not muscle then, that's water!!!
Well, I've been training, taking my vitamins and a lot of protein. I don't remember praying for bigger muscles though.:shrug: Maybe that's the problem. Oh, of course. It also depends on what is meant by massive, brotha! Definitions vary from person to person.:D
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Well, I've been training, taking my vitamins and a lot of protein. I don't remember praying for bigger muscles though.:shrug: Maybe that's the problem. Oh, of course. It also depends on what is meant by massive, brotha! Definitions vary from person to person.:D

Come, join me young Skywalker, and I will complete your trainning!:jediduel:
Um; me. I don't know join the tracy's side of the force.:confused: My instructor probably won't like that any. Maybe we can all talk in private about that one. ;) :) :D :rofl: :asian: Let me set it up though then maybe you'll come over from the darkside to train with real warriors.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Um; me. I don't know join the tracy's side of the force.:confused: My instructor probably won't like that any. Maybe we can all talk in private about that one. ;) :) :D :rofl: :asian: Let me set it up though then maybe you'll come over from the darkside to train with real warriors.

Be very careful young Jason... Real warriors make up the art. The art does not make the warrior. :eek: :rolleyes: :eek:

Oh my, I'm not about to get in any debate of which art is better. (Leave me the He** out of that) I do love the martial arts however.
Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Oh my, I'm not about to get in any debate of which art is better. (Leave me the He** out of that) I do love the martial arts however.

That is my point exactly, Little Brother. The art doesn't make the man... The man makes the art. Now you appear to be catching on! That's ten points! :lol:

I almost had this exact conversation a month ago. I was at a local tournament and one of the other black belts there had said his Okinowan-Te was the deadliest art on the planet. Well after a moment of thought I shrugged it off and said "ah, ok, cool". Then walked away from the conversation. Your point Mr.Farmer is understood.
Originally posted by RCastillo

My back ain't so good. But my biceps are MASSIVE PYTHONS BROTHER! :D

With apologies to Hollywood Hulk Hogan!
hehehehehe....compared to wife?:D
Well, if you are in Lexington, you will be training in the World Headquarters, giving you access to the head of the system, a comprehensive instructor training program, and the chance to train with and learn from some of the top people in the system when they come to town.

As for the 2-3 lessons at once thing...I was teaching in Lexington in 1994. To my knowledge, overbooking purposefully has never been a Tracy suggestion. However...the stituation is familiar.

In Lexington, the layout of the school in 1994 was...a lobby up front, a hallway running down the center of the school to the workout area in back. Down the hall, there were first 2 offices across from each other, followed by a private lesson room across from the kitchen, then 2 bathrooms and a shower, and 2 more private rooms across from each other. There was one more private lesson room as you entered the back.

It was not uncommon for an instructor, especially Mr. Finn, to get behind. People wander in, or the phone rings, or whatever. But everybody gets there full lesson time. We would, if this happened, have our student coming in go on in to an unused private room and begin warming up or reviewing while we finished the lesson at hand. The goal was to have people not just sit and wait in the lobby, but rather to go on and work out a bit. Occasionally, if time would not allow this, we would grab another instructor to sub for us on one of the lessons. There would be a few moments spent setting that up, then on to lessons.

To someone walking in and hanging out for about ten minutes at a busy time of day, it would be easy to assume the head instructor was bouncing around from student to student. Rest assured that everyone gets their time. If not, standard policy is to offer a free extra lesson at another time.

Dave Hopper