College Man Adam


3rd Black Belt
May 23, 2003
Reaction score
Washington, Michigan
Well I am up North Of Michigan now I am going to North Central College
Classes Are Ok one I think is a little boaring but hey got to take them still.
Also got a frined who has a school up here and training like 14-20 hrs a week college and karate only soon i need to find a job lol
TallAdam85 said:
Well I am up North Of Michigan now I am going to North Central College
Classes Are Ok one I think is a little boaring but hey got to take them still.
Also got a frined who has a school up here and training like 14-20 hrs a week college and karate only soon i need to find a job lol

Ah college, keg parties, and co-eds :D

as for the job check to see if the school has a job placement center
also check out

Hello, Enjoy the college life it comes only once for most people. They say the friends you make in college can last a life time. Chooose well. After you finish school you will find lots of time to train in the martial arts. Anyone can quit...only the determine ones make it. Get your degree (s). When you get older, it is the looking back on your life that will give you a sense of success and you will want no regrets either. hard my friend.....Aloha
Undergrad and martial arts training didn't work out too well for me. Despite a very good Goju instructor at the school I simply had other priorities.... and they weren't studying. :ladysman:

Have fun Adam!


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