Close Quarters Self Defense Curriculum List based off of Hyung Application - For Children


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Tangsoodo Children’s List



Hand Techniques

Basic punch _____ (10)
Palm strike _____ (9)
Knife hand _____ (8)
Back fist _____ (7)
Hammer fist _____ (6)
Fore arm strike _____ (5)
Elbow strikes _____ (4)
Spinning strike _____ (3)
Wrist strike _____ (2)
Short rib punch_____(1)

Foot Techniques

Front kick _____ (10)
Inside outside kick ____ (9)_
Outside inside kick _____ (8)
Side kick _____ (7)
Roundhouse kick _____ (6)
Hook kick _____ (5)
Stomp kick _____ (4)
Knee kick _____ (3)
Push Kick _____ (2)
Spinning kicks _____ (1)

Kicking Sequences

Ill Bon _____ (7)
Ee Bon _____ (4)
Sam Bon _____ (1)

Joint Locks and Constrictions

Tapping _____ (10)
Wrist bending locks _____ (9)
Armbars _____ (8)
Hammer lock _____ (7)
Reverse hammer lock _____ (6)
Straight arm lock (figure four) _____ (5)
Scarf Hold _____ (4)
Rear Naked Choke _____ (3)
Leg Triangle Choke _____ (2)
Guillotine Choke _____ (1)

Throwing and sweeping

Side fall/roll _____ (10)
Back fall/rool _____ (9)
Front fall/roll _____ (8)
Face fall _____ (7)
Advanced foot sweep_____ (6)
Outer leg reap _____ (5)
Scoop throw _____ (4)
Major hip throw _____ (3)
Shoulder throw _____ (2)
Foot Circle throw _____ (1)

Blocks and Parrying

Getting off line _____ (10)
Basic block # 1 _____ (9)
Basic block # 2 _____ (8)
Basic block # 3 _____ (7)
Basic block # 4 _____ (6)
Basic block # 5 _____ (5)
Basic block # 6 _____ (4)
Basic block # 7 _____ (3)
Basic block # 8 _____ (2)
Basic blocking form _____ (1)


Limb holds _____ (10)
Clothing and hair holds _____ (8)
Neck holds _____ (6)
Body holds _____ (4)
Two-person escapes _____ (2)

Body Shifting

Front stance _____ (10)
Horse stance _____ (9)
Back stance _____ (8)
Open stance _____ (7)
Fighting stance _____ (6)
90 degree stance _____ (5)
Cross legged stance _____ (4)
Short stance _____ (3)
Crane Stance _____ (2)
Low Stance _____ (1)

Body Hardening

Demonstration of how to hold and strike a pad _____ (all)

Muscle Strengthening

Stretching _____ (10)
Knee bends _____ (8)
Push - ups _____ (6)
Sit - ups _____ (4)
Jumping _____ (2)

Stamina Conditioning

Ability to stand for one minutes in each stance _____ (all)
Regular running _____ (all)


Basic positions _____ (9)
Escapes and transitions from basic positions _____ (7)
The Eight Hold downs _____ (5)
Shooting and sprawling _____ (3)
Getting back up _____ (1)



Pyung Ahn Cho Dan _____ (10)
Pyung Ahn Ee Dan _____ (8)
Pyung Ahn Sam Dan _____ (6)
Pyung Ahn Sa Dan _____ (4)
Pyung Ahn O Dan _____ (2)

Form Principle

Knowledge of Yin (soft) and Yang (hard) in striking _____ (10)
Knowledge of the three ways of attack: striking, pulling, and pushing _____ (9)
Knowledge of grip releases _____ (8)
Knowledge of Kusuri and Kusushi _____ (7)
Knowledge of Oyo, Bunkai, and Henka _____ (6)
Knowledge of the three theories of joint locking _____ (5)
Knowledge of the Use of hyung _____ (4)
Knowledge of intermediate and end positions in hyung _____ (3)
Knowledge of the meaning of Pyung Ahn _____ (2)
Knowledge of all combative ranges _____ (1)


2 Pyung Ahn Cho Dan Bunkai _____ (9)
2 Pyung Ahn Ee Dan Bunkai _____ (7)
2 Pyung Ahn Sam Dan Bunkai _____ (5)
2 Pyung Ahn Sa Dan Bunkai _____ (3)
2 Pyung Ahn O Dan Bunkai _____ (1)

Drilling and Testing

Demonstration of defense against random hand techniques _____ (7)
Demonstration of defense against random foot techniques _____ (6)
Demonstration of defense against random grabs _____ (5)
Demonstration of defense against random grab/strikes _____ (4)
Demonstration of defense against random hand or foot technique _____ (3)
Defense against any random technique _____ (2)
Defense against two person attacks _____ (1)


Demonstration of non-contact sparring _____ (7)
Demonstration of contact in Sparring _____ (5)
Demonstration of Randori _____ (3)
Demonstration of submission grappling _____ (1)

Mental Training

Basic Belly Breathing _____ (10)
Meditation _____ (9)
Moo Pal Dan Kun # 1 _____ (8)
Moo Pal Dan Kun # 2 _____ (7)
Moo Pal Dan Kun # 3 _____ (6)
Moo Pal Dan Kun # 4 _____ (5)
Moo Pal Dan Kun # 5 _____ (4)
Moo Pal Dan Kun # 6 _____ (3)
Moo Pal Dan Kun # 7 _____ (2)
Moo Pal Dan Kun # 8 _____ (1)

10th Kyu Yellow Belt


Hand Techniques - Basic punch _____ (10)

Foot Techniques - Front kick _____ (10)

Joint Locks and Constrictions - Tapping _____ (10)

Throwing and sweeping - Side fall/roll _____ (10)

Blocks and Parrying - Getting off line _____ (10)

Escapes - Limb holds _____ (10)

Body Shifting - Front stance _____ (10)

Body Hardening - Demonstration of how to hold and strike a pad _____ (all)

Muscle Strengthening - Stretching _____ (10)

Stamina Conditioning

Ability to stand for one minutes in each stance _____ (all)
Regular running _____ (all)


Kata - Pyung Ahn Cho Dan _____ (10)

Form Principle - Knowledge of Yin (soft) and Yang (hard) in striking _____ (10)

Mental Training

Basic Belly Breathing _____ (10)

9th Kyu Orange Belt


Hand Techniques - Palm strike _____ (9)

Foot Techniques - Inside outside kick ____ (9)

Joint Locks and Constrictions - Wrist bending locks _____ (9)

Throwing and sweeping - Back fall/roll _____ (9)

Blocks and Parrying - Basic block # 1 _____ (9)

Body Shifting - Horse stance _____ (9)

Body Hardening - Demonstration of how to hold and strike a pad _____ (all)

Stamina Conditioning

Ability to stand for one minutes in each stance _____ (all)
Regular running _____ (all)

Wrestling - Basic positions _____ (9)


Form Principle

Knowledge of the three ways of attack: striking, pulling, and pushing _____ (9)


2 Pyung Ahn Cho Dan Bunkai _____ (9)

Mental Training

Meditation _____ (9)

8th Kyu Blue Belt


Hand Techniques - Knife hand _____ (8)

Foot Techniques - Outside inside kick _____ (8)

Joint Locks and Constrictions - Armbars _____ (8)

Throwing and sweeping - Front fall/roll _____ (8)

Blocks and Parrying - Basic block # 2 _____ (8)

Escapes - Clothing and hair holds _____ (8)

Body Shifting - Back stance _____ (8)

Body Hardening - Demonstration of how to hold and strike a pad _____ (all)

Muscle Strengthening - Knee bends _____ (8)

Stamina Conditioning

Ability to stand for one minutes in each stance _____ (all)
Regular running _____ (all)



Pyung Ahn Ee Dan _____ (8)

Form Principle

Knowledge of grip releases _____ (8)

Mental Training

Moo Pal Dan Kun # 1 _____ (8)

7th Kyu Green Belt


Hand Techniques - Back fist _____ (7)
Foot Techniques - Side kick _____ (7)
Kicking Sequences - Ill Bon _____ (7)
Joint Locks and Constrictions - Hammer lock _____ (7)
Throwing and sweeping - Face fall _____ (7)
Blocks and Parrying - Basic block # 3 _____ (7)
Body Shifting - Open stance _____ (7)
Body Hardening - Demonstration of how to hold and strike a pad _____ (all)
Stamina Conditioning
Ability to stand for one minutes in each stance _____ (all)
Regular running _____ (all)
Wrestling - Escapes and transitions from basic positions _____ (7)


Form Principle

Knowledge of Kusuri and Kusushi _____ (7)


2 Pyung Ahn Ee Dan Bunkai _____ (7)

Drilling and Testing

Demonstration of defense against random hand techniques _____ (7)


Demonstration of non-contact sparring _____ (7)

Mental Training

Moo Pal Dan Kun # 2 _____ (7)

6th Kyu Purple Belt


Hand Techniques - Hammer fist _____ (6)

Foot Techniques - Roundhouse kick _____ (6)

Joint Locks and Constrictions - Reverse hammer lock _____ (6)

Throwing and sweeping - Advanced foot sweep_____ (6)

Blocks and Parrying - Basic block # 4 _____ (6)

Escapes - Neck holds _____ (6)

Body Shifting - Fighting stance _____ (6)

Body Hardening - Demonstration of how to hold and strike a pad _____ (all)

Muscle Strengthening - Push - ups _____ (6)

Stamina Conditioning

Ability to stand for one minutes in each stance _____ (all)
Regular running _____ (all)



Pyung Ahn Sam Dan _____ (6)

Form Principle

Knowledge of Oyo, Bunkai, and Henka _____ (6)

Drilling and Testing

Demonstration of defense against random foot techniques _____ (6)

Mental Training

Moo Pal Dan Kun # 3 _____ (6)

5th Kyu Red Belt


Hand Techniques - Fore arm strike _____ (5)
Foot Techniques - Hook kick _____ (5)
Joint Locks and Constrictions - Straight arm lock (figure four) _____ (5)
Throwing and sweeping - Outer leg reap _____ (5)
Blocks and Parrying - Basic block # 5 _____ (5)
Body Shifting - 90 degree stance _____ (5)
Body Hardening - Demonstration of how to hold and strike a pad _____ (all)
Stamina Conditioning

Ability to stand for one minutes in each stance _____ (all)
Regular running _____ (all)

Wrestling - The Eight Hold downs _____ (5)


Form Principle

Knowledge of the three theories of joint locking _____ (5)


2 Pyung Ahn Sam Dan Bunkai _____ (5)

Drilling and Testing

Demonstration of defense against random grabs _____ (5)


Demonstration of contact in Sparring _____ (5)

Mental Training

Moo Pal Dan Kun # 4 _____ (5)

4th Kyu Brown Belt


Hand Techniques - Elbow strikes _____ (4)
Foot Techniques - Stomp kick _____ (4)
Kicking Sequences - Ee Bon _____ (4)
Joint Locks and Constrictions - Scarf Hold _____ (4)
Throwing and sweeping - Scoop throw _____ (4)
Blocks and Parrying - Basic block # 6 _____ (4)
Escapes - Body holds _____ (4)
Body Shifting - Cross legged stance _____ (4)
Body Hardening - Demonstration of how to hold and strike a pad _____ (all)
Muscle Strengthening - Sit - ups _____ (4)
Stamina Conditioning

Ability to stand for one minutes in each stance _____ (all)
Regular running _____ (all)



Pyung Ahn Sa Dan _____ (4)

Form Principle

Knowledge of the Use of hyung _____ (4)

Drilling and Testing

Demonstration of defense against random grab/strikes _____ (4)

Mental Training

Moo Pal Dan Kun # 5 _____ (4)

3rd Kyu Brown Belt with 1 Stripe


Hand Techniques - Spinning strike _____ (3)
Foot Techniques - Knee kick _____ (3)
Joint Locks and Constrictions - Rear Naked Choke _____ (3)
Throwing and sweeping - Major hip throw _____ (3)
Blocks and Parrying - Basic block # 7 _____ (3)
Body Shifting - Short stance _____ (3)
Body Hardening - Demonstration of how to hold and strike a pad _____ (all)
Stamina Conditioning

Ability to stand for one minutes in each stance _____ (all)
Regular running _____ (all)

Wrestling - Shooting and sprawling _____ (3)


Form Principle

Knowledge of intermediate and end positions in hyung _____ (3)


2 Pyung Ahn Sa Dan Bunkai _____ (3)

Drilling and Testing

Demonstration of defense against random hand or foot technique _____ (3)


Demonstration of Randori _____ (3)

Mental Training

Moo Pal Dan Kun # 6 _____ (3)

2nd Kyu Brown Belt Two Stripes


Hand Techniques - Wrist strike _____ (2)
Foot Techniques - Push Kick _____ (2)
Joint Locks and Constrictions - Leg Triangle Choke _____ (2)
Throwing and sweeping - Shoulder throw _____ (2)
Blocks and Parrying - Basic block # 8 _____ (2)
Escapes - Two-person escapes _____ (2)
Body Shifting - Crane Stance _____ (2)
Body Hardening - Demonstration of how to hold and strike a pad _____ (all)
Muscle Strengthening - Jumping _____ (2)
Stamina Conditioning

Ability to stand for one minutes in each stance _____ (all)
Regular running _____ (all)



Pyung Ahn O Dan _____ (2)

Form Principle

Knowledge of the meaning of Pyung Ahn _____ (2)

Drilling and Testing

Defense against any random technique _____ (2)

Mental Training

Moo Pal Dan Kun # 7 _____ (2)

1st Kyu Red/Black Belt - Poom


Hand Techniques - Short rib punch_____(1)
Foot Techniques - Spinning kicks _____ (1)
Kicking Sequences - Sam Bon _____ (1)
Joint Locks and Constrictions - Guillotine Choke _____ (1)
Throwing and sweeping - Foot Circle throw _____ (1)
Blocks and Parrying - Basic blocking form _____ (1)
Body Shifting - Low Stance _____ (1)
Body Hardening - Demonstration of how to hold and strike a pad _____ (all)
Stamina Conditioning

Ability to stand for one minutes in each stance _____ (all)
Regular running _____ (all)

Wrestling - Getting back up _____ (1)


Form Principle

Knowledge of all combative ranges _____ (1)


2 Pyung Ahn O Dan Bunkai _____ (1)

Drilling and Testing

Defense against two person attacks _____ (1)


Demonstration of submission grappling _____ (1)

Mental Training

Moo Pal Dan Kun # 8 _____ (1)


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
So many views and so few comments? I think with the publishing of my book, all of this material will make a lot more sense.

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