Chum Kil Video


White Belt
Mar 8, 2011
Reaction score

I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this video. He has been teaching Wing Chun since 1979 and has had more than 400 students.
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I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this video. He has been teaching Wing Chun since 1979 and has had more than 400 students.

What kind of comments are you looking for and why. My chum kiu varies quite a bit from that in details.He is welcome to doing it his way.

joy chaudhuri
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I'm interested to hear your thoughts on this video. He has been teaching Wing Chun since 1979 and has had more than 400 students.

As for the form, no comment. (and you know what I mean by that)

However, I have seen this gentleman before. I don't remember his name or lineage, but it was on a website, just don't remember the site.

About 2 years ago, one of his students contacted me. She was going to move into this area and was looking for a Wing Chun school to continue her training. At the time, she was in California (don't remember where) and had trained with this gentleman for about a year.

We talked through e-mail a few times. When she found out how much I charge, she said it was too much (at that time $50 a month). And that was for group classes, not privates. She was doing privates with him (so she said), and he must have done them for free.

She sent me a picture of herself, she was young and cute, late 20's maybe. So I kinda put 2 and 2 together, maybe I was wrong. Anyway, she never came to visit my academy and that was that.
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Ah Ha, think I found it. See the link.

Down half way of the page, Bak Fu Dai Sifu is the title he goes by but his name is Alan R. Vasquez. If you explore through the site, there are a lot of videos with this gentleman doing all sorts of forms.
I clicked on the link. I won't spend time critiquing his slt.... but he mentions John D' Virgillo
as his senior.Sometime in the 1980's i visited Yeung Sifu's class in the old now obsolete Honolulu YMCA where John D was helping with Yeung's isntruction. Yeung sifu has since passed away to the best of my knowledge. John D hada deep and serious interest in wing chun and often went to HK to talk with WSL. Quite some time ago I had some email exchanges with John D.When I saw John in Hawaii he was trim... but apprently he became portly later and had some health problems.He was a school teacher till his retirement and a decent amateur historian.Some of his comments showed up on the TV History Channel on a story on Pearl Harbor.I have not heard from John in ages.

Reagrding anything further on Bak Fu Dai Sifu- I have no comment.

joy chaudhuri
Ah Ha, think I found it. See the link.

Down half way of the page, Bak Fu Dai Sifu is the title he goes by but his name is Alan R. Vasquez. If you explore through the site, there are a lot of videos with this gentleman doing all sorts of forms.
I clicked on the link. I won't spend time critiquing his slt.... but he mentions John D' Virgillo
as his senior.Sometime in the 1980's i visited Yeung Sifu's class in the old now obsolete Honolulu YMCA where John D was helping with Yeung's isntruction. Yeung sifu has since passed away to the best of my knowledge. John D had a deep and serious interest in wing chun and often went to HK to talk with WSL. Quite some time ago I had some email exchanges with John D.When I saw John in Hawaii he was trim... but apparently he became portly later and had some health problems.He was a school teacher till his retirement and a decent amateur historian.Some of his comments showed up on the TV History Channel on a story on Pearl Harbor.I have not heard from John in ages.

Regarding anything further on Bak Fu Dai Sifu- I have no comment.

joy chaudhuri
As for the form, no comment. (and you know what I mean by that)

However, I have seen this gentleman before. I don't remember his name or lineage, but it was on a website, just don't remember the site.

About 2 years ago, one of his students contacted me. She was going to move into this area and was looking for a Wing Chun school to continue her training. At the time, she was in California (don't remember where) and had trained with this gentleman for about a year.

We talked through e-mail a few times. When she found out how much I charge, she said it was too much (at that time $50 a month). And that was for group classes, not privates. She was doing privates with him (so she said), and he must have done them for free.

She sent me a picture of herself, she was young and cute, late 20's maybe. So I kinda put 2 and 2 together, maybe I was wrong. Anyway, she never came to visit my academy and that was that.

Gee your such a cynic Zepeda , so what if they spent a lot of time working on "Hip Power". :wink2:

Also $50 a month is damn cheap
Gee your such a cynic Zepeda , so what if they spent a lot of time working on "Hip Power". :wink2:

You could also say they are practicing how to apply forward energy. Cynic? Just truthful. Men will be men and women will be women. It happens more often than you might think. I've seen (and heard) several male martial arts instructors getting involved with their junior female students one to many times that the signs are very apparent. And some people are not too good at hiding it either. Especially, when on the surface, someone gives something for nothing. There is always a price to pay, nothing comes for free in this life.

Maybe it didn't happen in this case. Only they know. But given the odds. A lot of women become enamored or enfatuated with their instructors. It's that father figure they fall for, much like them wanting to be with a policeman or fireman. The idea of a big strong protector type. And of course, men always enjoy having their ego stroked. So a woman showing them some attention opens the door for something to happen. So the two kind go hand in hand, it's almost inevidable.

Also $50 a month is damn cheap

That was 2 years ago. Monthly tuition is now $80 a month for 3 classes a week. Still a little cheaper than the national average, but I think it is affordable.
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Regarding anything further on Bak Fu Dai Sifu- I have no comment. joy chaudhuri

As my Sifu said, 'if you can't say anything good about someone, don't say anything at all'. So, no comment.

Zepeda, look what have you done ... I hope no more people join the "no comment" club, cause I'll be very lonely. :waah:

I still believes in the truth will set us free. Regrettably, we still have to put up with the fallout of those that can't handle the truth.
Zepeda, look what have you done ... I hope no more people join the "no comment" club, cause I'll be very lonely. :waah:

I still believes in the truth will set us free. Regrettably, we still have to put up with the fallout of those that can't handle the truth.

I don't think I've ever read Vajramusti write anything bad about anyone. And I'm tryng to be good and not bring too much trouble my way.

Besides, coffeerox was banned, the Orphan or Red Headed Stepchild doesn't come here much anymore. If I keep it up, everyone else will quit talking to me.
Re. OP:

My opinion (of which I have loads not all of them valid so make of this what you will) that was just aweful. No apparent connection between the various parts of his body when turning in what was a pretty aweful stance to start with.

Love n peas Uke
I don't think I've ever read Vajramusti write anything bad about anyone. And I'm tryng to be good and not bring too much trouble my way.

Besides, coffeerox was banned, the Orphan or Red Headed Stepchild doesn't come here much anymore. If I keep it up, everyone else will quit talking to me.

Not to worry my friend, I'll stand with you ... cause you "ROX" man!
Not to worry my friend, I'll stand with you ... cause you "ROX" man!

Re. OP:

My opinion (of which I have loads not all of them valid so make of this what you will) that was just aweful. No apparent connection between the various parts of his body when turning in what was a pretty aweful stance to start with.

Love n peas Uke

I've got to agree with you here Poor Uke, the shifting in chor ma was not good from my point of view. For me, he's not sinking in the stance enough to start with, his front leg is way to straight and if you watch his feet when he shifts, it's all done in steps ( move left foot back to centre, then move right foot, etc,etc) instead of moving all together and the movement starting from the COG. I personally don't like the way he comes right back on his heels either. I don't know about others on here but when i shift in chor ma, my whole foot stays in contact with the ground and I try to screw into the ground and sink a little more.
More than 400 students eh , who were they , the visually impaired ?
His execution was very rigid and rushed , almost as though he couldn't wait to get to the end and be somewhere else.

The stance was non existant , the stepping atroscious , and the upper and lower body unity of the waist was quite frankly all over the place like a dog's breakfast.

But with over 400 hundred students he must be raking it in , and probably has a care factor of 0% for anything we say.