Chris Benoit, family, found dead.

Bob Hubbard

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Numerous wrestling news sites are reporting this now. I'm pulling information from several wrestling news sites as I can. I'm personally in shock on this right now.

Bob Ryder: Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy, and their son were found dead in their home this afternoon. Circumstances surrounding their death are being investigated by local authorities.

Benoit had been scheduled to appear on a WWE house show on Saturday. Sources tell us Benoit called to first say he would be taking a later flight, and then to say he would not be attending the house show due to a family illness. According to one source, Benoit said both his wife and son were throwing up blood and he needed to stay to take care of them. has removed stories related to the "presumed death" of "Mr. McMahon" and tonight's RAW will be a tribute to Chris Benoit. Benoit, his wife Nancy, and their son Daniel were found dead earlier today in their Atlanta area home. No details are available as to cause of death at this time.

By: Bob Ryder
6/25/2007 7:44:10 PM
Tonight's RAW live event has been cancelled and fans in Corpus Christi have been sent home. Wrestlers and WWE staff are being allowed to leave the building to mourn the passing of Chris Benoit. The WWE wrestlers and staff were gathered together late this afternoon and were told the tragic news that Chris Benoit, his wife Nance, and his son Daniel were all found dead today in their home.
Tonight's RAW is now scheduled to be presented as a tribute to Chris Benoit and his family.


By: Bob Ryder
6/25/2007 8:10:23 PM
Local Atlanta media is beginning to cover the news that Chris Benoit and his family were found dead today. reports that police found the bodies at around 4pm local time and that police would not say how the family died other than they were not shot to death. Sources tell that police were dispatched to the Benoit home after receiving a call from WWE officials who were concerned that they were not able to get in touch with Benoit.
Vince McMahon opened tonight's RAW broadcast standing in the ring in an empty arena. McMahon explained that tonight was scheduled as a show centered around the presumed death of the "Mr McMahon" character, but with the tragic news of this afternoon the show would now be a tribute to Chris Benoit and his family.

I'm pulling information from the following sites:
News -

The others I regularly check are being swamped right now. I'd suggest checking these as you can for more information.

I'm at a loss for words at this time.
TNA issues release:

TNA Wrestling Mourns The Untimely Loss Of Chris Benoit News
June 25th, 2007 18:38

Everyone in the TNA family joins the entire wrestling world in mourning the untimely passing of Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and their son Daniel.

Many TNA staff and stars worked closely with Chris throughout his career and we are all shocked and saddened to lose a friend and legendary competitor. Benoit was considered a consummate professional both in and out of the ring. Please keep Chris and the Benoit family in your thoughts and prayers during this time of tragedy.
Police are treating this as a homicide.

Both CNN and AP are reporting.

by Buck Woodward @ 8:50:00 PM on 6/25/2007

The Associated Press has issued the following on the Benoit tragedy, which is quickly being picked up my major news outlets.

Wrestler Benoit, Wife and Son Found Dead

FAYETTEVILLE, Ga. (AP) -- WWE wrestler Chris Benoit, his wife and son were found dead Monday and police said they were investigating the deaths as a homicide.

Lt. Tommy Pope of the Fayette County Sheriff's Department said the three were found at their home about 2:30 p.m., but refused to release details.

Pope said results of autopsies on Benoit, his wife Nancy, and 7-year-old son Daniel were expected Tuesday.

Benoit, 40, was a former world heavyweight champion, Intercontinental champion and held several tag-team titles over his career.

"WWE extends its sincerest thoughts and prayers to the Benoit family's relatives and loved ones in this time of tragedy," the federation said in a statement on its Web site.

Benoit was scheduled to perform at the "Vengeance" pay-per-view event Sunday night in Houston, but was replaced at the last minute because of what announcer Jim Ross called "personal reasons."

Benoit, a Canadian native, maintained a home in metro Atlanta from the time he wrestled for the defunct World Championship Wrestling.
Damn... I don't know what to say...

At first, I thought it was another joke stemming off the "Mr MacMahon is dead" storyline, but as it turns out, the story about Benoit is real.

My condolences to the families. May Chris, Nancy, and their child, rest in peace.
What do all of you think about the slaying of Chris Benoit and his entire family, such tragedy, they was found in there Atlanta home this afternoon.
Sorry I posted one as well just got home and say it on MSN front page tragedy simply a tragedy.
A real tragedy. Makes you wonder who and why or what happened.
Chris Benoit found dead
By primetime21 - Mon, 25 Jun 2007 23:55:35 GMT
Originally Posted at: Nephrites Citadel


Here is link. Apparently Chris Benoit and his family were found dead. Wonder how this will all play out with that moronic fake death of Vince McMahon. Sure am glad i don't watch wrestling anywhere near as much as i used to. My condolences go out to the Benoit family.


Nephrites Citadel - SciFi/Fantasy/Anime and More!
Autopsy results are expected tomorrow, though it might be a few days before they are released.
I don't know what to think....its so shocking :(
6/25/2007 9:41:00 PM

Update on Chris Benoit

by Dave Meltzer, The Wrestling Observer

There is very little conclusive regarding the death of Chris Benoit, wife Nancy and son Daniel.

The three were found dead by the sheriff's department in Peachtree City, GA, at about 2:30 p.m. this afternoon after a WWE official had called because they had been unable to reach Chris after numerous attempts.

Lt. Tommy Pope told the Associated Press that it was being investigated as a homicide pending results of a preliminary autopsy report that will come out tomorrow. No gunshot or stab wounds were found, but they couldn't rule out poisoning, suffocation or strangulation. Pope said he was not confirming any of these potential causes, just not ruling them out.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported it is being investigated as a murder/suicide.

WWE canceled its sold out live show in Corpus Christi, TX, and instead produced a three-hour show of clips from Benoit matches, the DVD on his career with comments by many of the top stars.
It's a tragedy, but it doesn't really make an impression. I didn't know the guy. He didn't know me. Nothing in our lives had any effect on the other's. He was just an entertainer. So his death and that of his family isn't any sadder than dozens of similar things that happen every day. That may sound harsh, but you can't be broken up about every specific bad thing in the world.
Raw goes off the air, showing both Benoit and Eddie Guerrero at the end of WM20. A sad reminder of just how much we have lost. :(
Unconfirmed commentary:

Local 10p news (WAGA-TV) is reporting that investigators have told them that, based on evidence found inside the home that they are not ready to disclose, they believe Benoit may have killed his wife & son a couple of days earlier before taking his own life sometime in the past 24 hours.

According to WAGA, the bodies were discovered by a neighbor today after WWE "promoters" were unable to reach the Benoits by phone. The bodies were found in separate rooms, Nancy in an office area, Daniel in an upstairs bedroom, and Chris in a weight room.

The latter part of that (the locations) were given on-camera by an investigator, the rest was from the reporter who did the stand up piece from the local sheriff's department.
Good Lord............. :wah: