Perhaps, you're alot closer than you know. Parker made a distinct transition between Chow's Kenpo-Karate, and his study with Ark Wong, before the commercial creation and "Big Red" came along. This in between period was described to me very simply. "Kenpo" to Parker was about self defense, and it could be based in any arts lineage. Chows' Kenpo-Karate had a distinctive Okinawan/Japanese Kara-te influence, but by definition was still in the street culture of "Kenpo," Chaunfa, or "Fist Law." No code, character shaping philosophy, cultural accoutrements or rhetoric. Euphamistically, "He who had the biggest fist, was the law." This was completely different from the traditional arts that were laden with rituals and cultural rules of conduct. Parker switched his "Kenpo" from the "Karate" influence to the Qungfu of the Chinese, thus in his lineage creating "Chinese Kenpo." Studying with Ark Yuey Wong and Haumea lefiti the science of Qungfu, but choosing to apply it to his own self defense model over the traditional one.
Good obs sir.