CHI ? Have a look at This Clip Sifu Mooney moves subjects without touching them.


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Aug 29, 2001
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Athol, Ma. USA
I have often wondered how many spectators really believe what they witness when seeing people do no touch techniques. Do they fall for these demonstrations and are they filled with Awe at the mysterious energy of the “master”, or do they scoff and tell their friends and family what a bunch of Bull the martial arts are , after seeing such a demo

Josh Oakley

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Aug 15, 2006
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Seattle, WA
Oh, boy......:rolleyes:

Yeah, same thing with guys like Uri Geller and a whole host of other "psychics".

I don't have concrete proof that anyone is a fraud, mind you, but there is this guy out there named James Randi. He is a magician as well as a debunker, and he has had a longstanding challenge: he will pay $10,000 to anyone who can perform a feat of psychic ability in controlled circumstances that he can't duplicate by trickery.

Far as I know, he still hasn't had to pay up.

Most of this stuff relies on one simple element: the belief (gullibility) of the viewer.

I have seen some *amazing* magic, even some from as little as two feet away. The guys are good at slight of hand and misdirection. Funny thing is, you don't even realize you've been misdirected most of the are too busy trying to catch them in their act.

Anyway, I think that a lot of this is pure crap. I'm sure there are some instances out there where chi is used to do amazing feats (the old "woman lifts car off of child" story), but I don't think that anyone with chi powers like these guys are claiming are going to be doing two shows a night in Vegas, if ya get my drift......



Actually he ended up increasing it to a million dollars. but it ended last month. He claimed in Skeptic magazine that after 20 some-odd years, he can safely say he's proven his point.

Josh Oakley

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Aug 15, 2006
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Seattle, WA
NOT "KI"..."CHI"...... which one of the translations of is "to eat" and I am still trying to figure out what eating has to do with ANY of this :uhyeah:

The primary translation is "breath", according to my Chinese Friends.


Senior Master
Jan 31, 2006
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Oslo, Norway
The primary translation is "breath", according to my Chinese Friends.

Hmm suddenly it makes perfect sense.. release your "ki" and voila, no-touch ranged bad breath knockouts!


Master Black Belt
Jan 7, 2007
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moving others without physical contact is a natural thing for the human being. For the most part the medium used to move is verbal, or bodily yet without actual contact. However, at the core of the phenomenon, there is something that some people call magnetism.
this magnitism is a natural thing and all beings have it to some degree. many may disagree and claim that the effect of such magnetism is dependant of actual physical stimuli and conincidences. however many advanced professionals in a variety of different fields recognize such aspects of our being.

question is though, can the magnetism be made stronger. the answer is yes, most naturally it can.
yoga, pilates and practically every martial art and sport on the planet will have a vitalizing effect on a body when practiced.-
because the effects of such a kind of magnetic type of phenomenon also have much to do with mental states of mind, technically, a strong emergency or unusual state of mind alone can affect someones physical state as well as the 'energy' they release unto others.

i myself believe in certain techniques to stregthen the ki through the body. i have found that there truly is a form of invisible authority in the manifestation of virtue and that no art can be learned without resolution of mind, inspiration and innovation. Ultimately it is a fact that we are always creating our destiny and our actions are at some level affecting our future state. so if we achieve a favorable state of mind, we should be grateful and happy. taichi and chigung focus specifically on the energy system of body and mind. how clear is that? alas, the stars hid in the sun and the light became hidden in the light...

i mean yoga is good for you and some say that you can achieve many different kinds of superpowers through certain types of exercises- you'll never know if you dont do it -not even reap the most certain benefits of flexibility and health.

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
Jan 8, 2006
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North American Tectonic Plate
The primary translation is "breath", according to my Chinese Friends.

But if you are using pinyin (and I always do) it is spelled Qi not chi if you are talking the training of Qi or Ki (Japanese) in things like Qigong, and I always use pinyin. If you are using pinyin and spell it Chi one of the translations, depending on inflection it means to eat.

I get this from my studying of the language, Chinese friends, a couple Chinese Sifus and my wife and her family who are from North China.

In Wade Giles it is possible that Chi means exactly that and if your friend is older and from South China, mainly Hong Kong, they would likely use Wade Giles more than pinyin

While we are at it Tai Chi Chuan in Pinyin is Taijiquan and you will also see that I always type Taijiquan because I translate ALL Chinese to pinyin not Wade Giles or any other system that is out there. And the constant back and forth between the spelling systems REALLY bugs, as I said it is a pet peeve of mine and I tend to apologize for it in advance of comment.


Mandarin: "Qi" is pronounced Chee, and "Chi" is pronounced Chrr

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