check this out!


Mr. Wack

Please check out my new website. This will be one you'll be checking every day.

(URL Removed--Arnisador.)

I hope you like it.

Mr. Wack
Based on a request received by PM we are (temporarily) removing the URL while the mods. discuss this matter further. If anyone would like the URL, you may e-mail me at [email protected] and I will provide it to you.

-MT Mod-
I'm forced to agree. While theres the suggestion of friendly joking, there seems to be more of a negative slant to this site. I have recieved many complaints on this, and based on this, we are removing the URL.

While some may say this is censorship, the site in question goes against the atmosphere we wish to maintain here. That being of friendly respect.

Good day,
Bob Hubbard
Martial Talk Admin.