Changing styles while fighting??!!!!



Me and a friend of mine were attending a Convention last year and they had a bulletin board. Well we really had nothing to do and I saw tons of people running around in Gi's and uniforms, (Anime Convention). Anyway, I posted on the board "5 dollars for CMA lessons" and I gave the room number. You know a nice way to meet people and possibly make a little cash while I was there. Well, midway through the day a young man comes to my door and knocks. I open it and see a 5'7 140 pound black guy at my door. (DONT WORRY I AM BLACK TOO!!) He then tells me he came for my sign and he has his hands crossed. We chat for a few seconds and then I understand that he wants to fight me in the hall. I was trying to tell him that I was just giving lessons and trying to meet some fellow CMA at the con. But he wanted to fight me. So I took a stance and we began. I drove my first punch right through his head, literally forcing his head back and touching his neck, I guess he thought I wasnt that fastm cause I did it again. Ok. Then he changes styles. When we first started he was in a wide tai chi stance and I saw that he could not move fast enough to escape a simple jab. So thats what I hit him with, twice. Thats when changed to a Muay Thai stance. Almost a cat stance. I then threw a kick to his groin and he literally lifted off the ground. (NOT LIKE 3 FEET OFF THE GROUND JUST LIFTED A BIT!) And I went for the punch again but used it to grab his arm and kick him again. Then he changes stances again. Now he is in a capeoria (hope I spell it right) stance moving back and forth. His head comes forward and I pop him in the face, he sweeps his leg around but I catch it when I punch him and try to keep him from falling down, I fall with him. I am not over by the wall on one knee. He runs towards me and as he gets close I yank a huge piece of his hair out. You see at the time I didnt know how much force to use because I didnt know if I was really fighting him or sparring him. But when I pull out his hair I stopped for a sec, and realized what I just did. He jumps on my back and puts me in a headlock trying to choke me. I dont even try to pull his arms off cause thats a waste of energy I just bite his hand. He makes a comment like" Oh so we have a real fighter here huh?" I dont bite bite his hand I just put my teeth on it like your dog does when he doesnt like what your are doing. He puts his mouth on your hand. I did that. Of course I am still thinking about what to do cause I really dont want to hurt this man. I was already faster, stronger and had hit him 4 times. My friend then comes out of the room and asks me what am I doing, I say " Messing around" and he says, beat him so we can get something to eat. So then I stand up with him on my back and back up against the wall and sandwhich him there and he lets go. He then stops attacking me. Telling me that I am the real thing and that most people dont know what to do when they get on the ground. There are 3 things about this that scare me. 1. Do people challenges others like this all the time? Other than this incident I have seen it happen to a friend of my teachers. 2.Should I have just gone for the KO? I am so disappointed in myself but at the sametime I am not because I controlled myself but at what cost? and 3. Has anyone else ever fought a person who just changes styles in a fight like that? I swear I was looking around for the movie cameras cause thats what it felt like. I am going to post this in General self defense, CMA and Kenpo. Please, your thoughts on it. Also what would you have done, And what did I do wrong?
People do challenege instructors, I guess its just part of being one. I think the real test from a challenge like that is to not fight them, but thats just me.

This is fasterthandeath from a thread in the general section:

["It wasnt hard, it was very easy and it did enhance everything I had learned. My base system was Wing chun, but I went from being a fast and complete puncher to a fast and complete kicker and from their to a fast and complete grappler. I studied BJJ, Judo, Hsing-I, Pa Kua, JKD. It just made me a better MA all around. I believe everyone should do it with at least one art just to see in your own practice, how many weaknesses and flaws you have. Its a great tool on improving your technique and effectiveness."]

You're 23 right? Here we go again...
Did you read the thread on Yee Chuan Tao?
How was last year's Taiji Legacy tournament?
Who was the master who's style you helped to create?
I'm starting to wonder if you're really all that you're saying.

Of course, you may be thinking that I'm picking on you right now. Maybe I am just a little. However, there's a credibility issue here.

No I didnt read the thread couldnt find it but a link would help. Yes I am 23. I didnt attended the Taiji legacy last year But I attended the CMA championships at the arlington convention center. His name is Rodney Thomas, in the ninjutsu thread I was seeing if any of them gave his art and credit, or if any of them have taken classes with him in awhile. I havent talked to him in like a year or so. But my friend and I helped him with the basics, puches, kicks, and some self-defense techniques. And whats the credibilty issue?
FasterthanDeath said:
No I didnt read the thread couldnt find it but a link would help. Yes I am 23. I didnt attended the Taiji legacy last year But I attended the CMA championships at the arlington convention center. His name is Rodney Thomas, in the ninjutsu thread I was seeing if any of them gave his art and credit, or if any of them have taken classes with him in awhile. I havent talked to him in like a year or so. But my friend and I helped him with the basics, puches, kicks, and some self-defense techniques. And whats the credibilty issue?

General section
Thread: integration of different arts, post #8

Is where the quote in my previous post comes from.

Chinese section
Thread: decline of CMA, post #36 first line

Is where you say you attend Taiji Legacy and other CMA tournaments every year.

The credibility issue is that you're 23, claiming to have studied all those styles, and that your a great puncher, kicker, and grappler while whinning about not getting any respect despite the fact that you have Internationally recognized CMA tournaments in your home state that you claim to attend every year and then back pedal on those statements.

Where did you get all the fighting experience? In your basement? Who did you fight to get all that experience and all that skill? Other kids?

It's really starting to sound like you're living in a martial arts fantasy world and now its spilling out al over this forum. :idunno:


C'mon... After the stuff FTD has posted in other threads, and now this "anime convention" story, is there still a doubt remaining that this character spends too much time in front of the X-box?

At the "ripe old age" of 23, with claims of studying multiple styles, rants about how he isn't accepted as a "master" by other MAists in his area (most far older than him with far longer in training than he has), and now his Matrix-like fight in the hallway of a hotel... Please... :rolleyes:

I'd ignore him entirely if he wasn't simply so entertaining... Kind of like watching South Park, y'know? I would kill my kids for acting like Cartman, but I love to hear the things Cartman says!

Same with FTD. :drinkbeer :popcorn:
My chi is stronger than yours.

Please man, no one is impressed by you. The last thing you should be learning in Martial Arts is actually how to fight. Shame on you for trying to acting like a real ma'ist and failing.
Well since to you both I seem to be entertaining, let me answer you questions, Just because I attend those tournaments every year doesnt mean I participate and where did I get my experience from? who did I fight? I am mixed. Biracial, black and white. I live in Texas. I live in a upper middle class neighborhood, and when I attended school was one of the 12 black kids that went. People hated me cause I was not them. I wasnt white enough for the white kids, and Black enough for the black kids. When I was done with school and had friends whose parents didnt like me because of my skin color and had to deal with them too. And dont get me wrong, I am not posting this for your sympathy or anything from anyone as a matter of fact. But I will tell you this. For those who doubt, I will be at this years Taiji and you wont miss me I will be the big black guy dressed all in black, and if you want to see what I can do we can take it outside, or I can drop you where you are. You can talk to me or you show me how I am wrong. I will be there. Hope to see you. If not, it would be a good competition regardless. Of course more words from the both of you is what I expect, nothing more. Cause you can say anything on a message board, but take away the internet, and all you are is two guys talking. Hope to see you there.
Mod. Note.
Please, keep the conversation polite and respectful.

-MT Moderator-
Maturity is not just a matter of how old one is, or even how good one gets in the arts. One may not be mature mentally simply because he or she has aged in calendar years. Maturing in the martial arts takes patience, time and training . Just knowing techniques does not automatically qualify anyone for anything, certainly not rank. The Idea is to be totally ready before testing. It takes more than just knowing forms, self-defense and other moves to be qualified for rank.

It also takes more than threats, bravado and internet bragging.

FTD - we do not care what your race is, gender is, political affiliation is, sexual leanings, religious practices are. What is bothering many here is that chip that appears to be on your shoulder, and the seeming need you have to validate your time in. The challenges are not helping you either.

You are getting flak because some of these individuals have been actively training for longer than you have been breathing.

Your own words have proven that you have missed an essential part of the true spirit of martial arts training.

As to your tale above, the last science-fiction convention I attended had extensive security both from the con, and the hotel. An event such as yours would not have happened there.

Spend some time in meditation, and then reread your words here and decide if that is truely the way you wish to present yourself. In fact, many others should as well.
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FasterthanDeath said:
Well since to you both I seem to be entertaining, let me answer you questions, Just because I attend those tournaments every year doesnt mean I participate and where did I get my experience from? who did I fight? I am mixed. Biracial, black and white. I live in Texas. I live in a upper middle class neighborhood, and when I attended school was one of the 12 black kids that went. People hated me cause I was not them. I wasnt white enough for the white kids, and Black enough for the black kids. When I was done with school and had friends whose parents didnt like me because of my skin color and had to deal with them too. And dont get me wrong, I am not posting this for your sympathy or anything from anyone as a matter of fact. But I will tell you this. For those who doubt, I will be at this years Taiji and you wont miss me I will be the big black guy dressed all in black, and if you want to see what I can do we can take it outside, or I can drop you where you are. You can talk to me or you show me how I am wrong. I will be there. Hope to see you. If not, it would be a good competition regardless. Of course more words from the both of you is what I expect, nothing more. Cause you can say anything on a message board, but take away the internet, and all you are is two guys talking. Hope to see you there.

Sorry FTD, I won't be at Taiji Legacy. Too bad though, it sounds like a good time. I live in Milwaukee, WI. If you're ever in town let me know through PM. You can drop me where I am here...I'm the little red haired guy all dressed in blue jeans and a T-shirt or surgical scrubs.

FTD: Where are you in TX? Was this at A-kon?

Note that I would have asked to spar with you too. An MA teacher who won't spar with his students is a dishonest teacher.

Where did you study BJJ at?
I live in arlington, no not a-kon but anime fest up at the hotel intercontenintal. it was labor day weekend last year. I learned BJJ from of the Black belts of Reyes who has a school in arlington.
hedgehogey said:
Note that I would have asked to spar with you too. An MA teacher who won't spar with his students is a dishonest teacher.
First of all, how did you come to this conclusion? Why is it dishonest to not spar? Also, I don't think the situation described was a student asking his teacher to spar, not at all.

FTD: I think the problem people are having is it seems you are almost being a little shifty when it comes to answering questions. Like your answer about who you learned BJJ from. Who is the person you learned it from? You said he is a black belt of Reyes, who is Reyes? There are lots of people in MA with the last name Reyes. You see what I mean? People are quick to take these kinds of answers as if you are hiding something. Now I'm not saying you are hiding anything, but I'm just trying to give you a little advice about why it may be that you feel you are being challenged so much. Also, you seem to be too quick to leap to personal threats and challenges. I don't think there is any place in MA for that at all, especially not on this board via the internet. This is why others do not believe you. Most people don’t think anyone let alone someone of high regards and skill in MA should be resorting to threats and such.

On another note, I will be at Taiji Legacy this year; I'm competing in San Shou. I will try to look you up; it will be cool to talk about MA. Are you competing at the tournament? When you say the CMA Championships are you referring to the AAU Nationals held at the Arlington Convention Center? I hope we can discuss this a bit further without things getting too heated again.

:asian: 7sm
7starmantis said:
First of all, how did you come to this conclusion? Why is it dishonest to not spar? Also, I don't think the situation described was a student asking his teacher to spar, not at all.
It shows a lack of skill. If you can't spar with your students, then it's obvious you're hiding something.
In BJJ the instructor always spars at the end of class.

FTD: Me and some friends will be discussing MA and sparring at ushicon and next year's a-kon. You're welcome to com.
hedgehogey said:
It shows a lack of skill. If you can't spar with your students, then it's obvious you're hiding something.
In BJJ the instructor always spars at the end of class.
An instructor who spars and gets "beat" by his student MIGHT be showing a lack of skill, but not neccessarily. NOT sparring shows nothing, except that the instructor doesn't spar. That's just logic. There might be a number of reasons for it, only one of which is "the instructor is a fraud who has no skill".

To my cousing with mental disability, EVERYTHING in her whole world is OBVIOUS. She is mentally disabeld and unable to comprehend subtleties, or to make less-than-obvious inferences or deductions.

Ok, let me ask you this : does EVERY BJJ instructor spar with his students at the end of EVERY class? it sounds silly when you say it like that, doesn't it? That's nto something any rational person would calim, is it? And yet you did....
FasterthanDeath said:
Me and a friend of mine were attending a Convention last year and they had a bulletin board.
Maybe he was one of thsoe guys that takes a few months of this and a few months of that and concludes that he needs to form his own style. Maybe you defeated a GrandMaster of some style we've never heard of! Maybe, one day, there will be a legend among the practicioners of this style aobut the "Battle of the anime convention", and how formative it was on the Grandmaster. Or, maybe not. Maybe, you are one too LOL j/k dude :flame:
DavidCC said:
An instructor who spars and gets "beat" by his student MIGHT be showing a lack of skill, but not neccessarily. NOT sparring shows nothing, except that the instructor doesn't spar. That's just logic. There might be a number of reasons for it, only one of which is "the instructor is a fraud who has no skill".
I didn't say he had to win every time. Obviously if the instructor is old, a small woman, or has some other disadvantage you don't expect him to be beating everone. But they should TRY.
Helio Gracie spars with his students.

Ok, let me ask you this : does EVERY BJJ instructor spar with his students at the end of EVERY class? it sounds silly when you say it like that, doesn't it? That's nto something any rational person would calim, is it? And yet you did....
About 80-95% of the time, barring injury.
hedgehogey said:
About 80-95% of the time, barring injury.
do you have empirical evidence to back this up? from multiple sources? LOL! :snipe:
hedgehogey said:
I didn't say he had to win every time. Obviously if the instructor is old, a small woman, or has some other disadvantage you don't expect him to be beating everone. But they should TRY.
Helio Gracie spars with his students.
I didn't say that either... you said "not sparring shows a lack of skill" which is logically not valid; you haven't even tried to defend that statement.

You also said that an instructor who spars their students should be trying to beat them. I would disagree here too, and suggest that the instructor should be trying to teach the students, primarily.

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