Does anyone have any experience working with a child with Cerebral Palsy?
The parents of a 12 yr old boy with Cerebral Palsy, ( he is also medicated for a learing disorder) contacted me to teach their son. I have met and evaluated the young man. I have arranged to work privately with him on a weekly basis.
If you have any experience in this area, I would like to contact you. [go to my profile and send me a private message]
Also, I cannot teach him the standard Kenpo curriculum, but I feel I can improve his balance, coordination, and teach him to protect himself. I want to reward him as he progresses with some kind of belt system and certificates.
Does anyone have any ideas for wording a certificate. ie, different levels of self-defense maybe? If any of you have taught special needs students, how did you approach this?
The parents of a 12 yr old boy with Cerebral Palsy, ( he is also medicated for a learing disorder) contacted me to teach their son. I have met and evaluated the young man. I have arranged to work privately with him on a weekly basis.
If you have any experience in this area, I would like to contact you. [go to my profile and send me a private message]
Also, I cannot teach him the standard Kenpo curriculum, but I feel I can improve his balance, coordination, and teach him to protect himself. I want to reward him as he progresses with some kind of belt system and certificates.
Does anyone have any ideas for wording a certificate. ie, different levels of self-defense maybe? If any of you have taught special needs students, how did you approach this?