Cake request for 3-year-old Hitler namesake denied

If the kid had been denied a cake because he was named Pol Pot or Osama bin Laden would you feel the same way?

I've had a couple of kids with the given name, Osama, in my schools. There was never any intent on the part of the parents to celebrate their child's famous namesake. However, we've certainly kept our radar up for teasing, bullying, etc.

Obviously the Campbell story is quite a different matter -- as someone pointed out, putting all three names on the cake was a little pitch for attention. It makes one wonder how many times the family has used this to call attention to themselves.
I have no words to describe the level of contempt I have for the father.

But it's a 3 year old's birthday cake. Get over that the guy he's named after was one of the most horrible human beings of the last several centuries. He isn't that guy, he's a 3 year old little boy.

Give the bugger a nice kosher cake with his name on it :)
Seriously, who puts the kid's full name on the cake?
"Happy Birthday Adolf" would, in all likelihood, not have caused any problems, at least that is what the guy named Adolf I work with tells me...
"Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler" THAT is what caused the problem, well, aside from the poor kid's ignoranus (stupid and A-holes) parents.
msnbc site has all 3 nazi named kids being removed from home by Dept of Social Services, but story notably does not say why.......
I don't know what's worse, giving him the name "Adolf Hitler" or letting him be born a *shudder* Campbell
I don't know what's worse, giving him the name "Adolf Hitler" or letting him be born a *shudder* Campbell

I repeat... Glencoe Massacre! Glencoe Massacre! :rpo:

I'll say this much: if you're a true MacDonald, it's not clear which part of that name is worse... or maybe it is...
"It doesn't mean hatred to me," he said. Deborah Campbell said a swastika "doesn't really have a meaning. It's just a symbol."

Ok... Then why plaster it everywhere? Why not just rub crap on the walls?
I agree completely. This moron obviously doesn't know what a symbol is. A symbol stands for something. The swastika stands for one of the darkest eras in human history IMO. *Is Jewish*