Cake request for 3-year-old Hitler namesake denied

Bob Hubbard

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Cake request for 3-year-old Hitler namesake denied

(12-16) 18:41 PST Easton, Pa. (AP) --
The father of 3-year-old Adolf Hitler Campbell, denied a birthday cake with the child's full name on it by one New Jersey supermarket, is asking for a little tolerance. Heath Campbell and his wife, Deborah, are upset not only with the decision made by the Greenwich ShopRite, but with an outpouring of angry Internet postings in response to a local newspaper article over the weekend on their flare-up over frosting.

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In ten years, those kids are going to hate their parents to a degree that no child has ever hated his parents in the entire history of kids hating their parents.
They are just names......

...connected to some of the most disgusting things of the 20th century.

Hell, I understand swastikas, and I won't event doodle them in private. Definately wouldn't name my kids like that.

What ever happened to a nice simple name like Uther Octavius?
Disabilities, the couple says, have left both out of work: Heath Campbell can't landscape or pump gas because he has emphysema, and Deborah can't waitress because she has a bad back. They live on Social Security payments.
Great... and we're paying for the idiots to continue breeding...
In ten years, those kids are going to hate their parents to a degree that no child has ever hated his parents in the entire history of kids hating their parents.

Unfortunately, with parents like that, they'll grow up thinking they've been given some kind of great honor.
Yuuuuck. Here I am waiting for an oil change and I feel like I need a shower. Do they have showers in car dealerships? LOL!
"Disabilities, the couple says, have left both out of work: Heath Campbell can't landscape or pump gas because he has emphysema, and Deborah can't waitress because she has a bad back. They live on Social Security payments."

Somehow, this doesn't surprise me.

Why is it that since Heath has emphysema and can't landscape or pump gas, that he just can't find a job at all? Why is this family allowed to live on Social Security payments? Just because he can't find a job that doesn't require him to breath fumes and she can't find a job that doesn't require her to lift more than 20 lbs? I mean, I live in a pretty small town, but I'm quite sure I could find both of them a job that they would be able to do without having to rely on my tax dollars to live on. Of course, I don't want Nazis for neighbors, either.

I feel so bad for those kids. Hopefully, they'll grow up to resent what their parents have done to them and not embrace that crap that they are undoubtedly trying to shove down their throats.

The good news is that names can be changed. The bad news is that they have to wait for a while to do it on their own legally.
Well, much as I hate to defend dumb asses like this....

While you can't legally discriminate against them for disabilities, it happens all the time. Retail for example, doesn't like damaged goods, so walk in and let them know your restrictions, and you most often won't be hired.
Yuuuuck. Here I am waiting for an oil change and I feel like I need a shower. Do they have showers in car dealerships? LOL!

Yes, but you will besieged by offers to scrub your back..
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Wow! Really that is all I can say about these parents choice of names for their children. So sad.
Why not just name him "Tease Me Relentlessly Campbell" or maybe "Get The Crap Kicked Out Of Me On A Regular Basis Campbell" or " "My Parents Are Losers Campbell"

Poor kids.
"It doesn't mean hatred to me," he said. Deborah Campbell said a swastika "doesn't really have a meaning. It's just a symbol."

Ok... Then why plaster it everywhere? Why not just rub crap on the walls?
In Scotland being called Campbell is enough to get your head kicked in.
Disabilities, the couple says, have left both out of work: Heath Campbell can't landscape or pump gas because he has emphysema, and Deborah can't waitress because she has a bad back. They live on Social Security payments.

Guess that whole "superiority of the white race" thing doesn't extend to physical health. :shrug:
Guess that whole "superiority of the white race" thing doesn't extend to physical health. :shrug:

They will have been 'cheated' somehow by non Aryans out of the jobs they really wanted to do. Their ill health won't be their fault either, there'll be some reason why they aren't fit that's to do with non Aryans and blame!
"It doesn't mean hatred to me," he said. Deborah Campbell said a swastika "doesn't really have a meaning. It's just a symbol."

Ok... Then why plaster it everywhere? Why not just rub crap on the walls?

Symbols don't have meanings? I wonder how she knows which publc bathroom to go into if all they have are symbols on the door. :duh: