

Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
bring your own device

anybody got that in their schools? Talking high school and below.

I just got back from an orientation meeting, two hours I won't get back....

It consisted of a bunch of official talking heads use a lot of slogans and punch lines....

It felt like detention...

Until one gentleman spoke up and asked why we continue to dumb down our kids.
And I was in love...
I mean, I had felt the urge to call the comedy team out on the BS they were telling, but this gentleman ask really to the point question as to why we use more gadgets, seeing that we are only a minor malady away from being cut off. (I wanted to shake his hand, but he ran off before the end, I am guessing he felt like he was in detention as well)

Aside from it being a super commercial for apple....iThis, iThat....

while they said they were going to encourage creativity and outside-the-box-thinking, every other word was app....

So omegosh...I think come summer I will have to upgrade the kid's device...he has a laptop, but it has seen better days and for the life of me I don't get it, it is so hard to find a bag to fit it in, and it isn't even that huge...

netbook, maybe? I am NOT buying apple...except from the grocery store, I am sorry...
Kindle Fire, maybe? Any other good tablet?
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