Bush vs. Kerry at a glance

Wow. Summarized very well why I like Kerry so much more than Bush.

I love the fact that the man from the "less government!" party has inflated government, sunk the economy (although he talks about continuing to "strengthen" it), and is trying to pass an amendment to tell me what I can and can't do with my body. Creep.
I still have an Ookie feeling in my stomach about Kerry.

I really really get a strong "Senator Palpatine" feeling whenever I listen to him speak. I cannot put my finger on why that is exactly. I only hope I am wrong when he wins.
Technopunk said:
I still have an Ookie feeling in my stomach about Kerry.

I really really get a strong "Senator Palpatine" feeling whenever I listen to him speak. I cannot put my finger on why that is exactly. I only hope I am wrong when he wins.
:) I don't know what the feeling comes from, but I hope it fades away.... Ookie feelings - feel bad!
great comparison, the first i've seen of it's kind. just reaffirms my reasoning why kerry should not be the next president. remember all you liberals, it's much easier to criticize from the sidelines. do the job he's doing, live one day in that man's shoes and tell me you could do better :rolleyes: BS :idunno:

GO BIG W!!!!!!! :partyon:
do the job he's doing, live one day in that man's shoes and tell me you could do better
No offense, but for some of the things he's done, I think a highly intelligent chimp could do better.
Feisty Mouse said:
No offense, but for some of the things he's done, I think a highly intelligent chimp could do better.

just out of curiosity, feel free to list some of those things and tell us all what you would have done better and why :rolleyes:

EDIT: oh i almost forgot, according to the liberal monkeys, we're all "highly intelligent chimps" anyway...LOL, gotta love that theory of evolution. LOL :idunno:
Sapper6 said:
just out of curiosity, feel free to list some of those things and tell us all what you would have done better and why :rolleyes:
When Andrew Card comes to me and whispers in my ear, "Mr. President, a second plane has hit the World Trade Center. America is under attack."

I would get up from the second grade childs chair, realizing that the President of the United States of America is a target, and by removing myself from the classroom, increase the safety level of those young students and hardworking teachers.

But, that's just me.
Patrick Skerry said:
Kerry is scoffed at here in Massachusetts.
Tgace said:
Why is that?
Yes, Patrick, as the Senator has been serving in the Senate, apparently, longer than you have been alive, I too am interested in your insights. Of course, I voted for the Senator in 1984 and 1990, Perhaps you can tell my how I went wrong.
michaeledward said:
Yes, Patrick, as the Senator has been serving in the Senate, apparently, longer than you have been alive, I too am interested in your insights. Of course, I voted for the Senator in 1984 and 1990, Perhaps you can tell my how I went wrong.
Well, first of all you went wrong by voting for him in the first place. Kerry is scoffed at because he is a do-nothing senator, just like Moakley was a do-nothing Congressman, and Stevie Lynch is also a do-nothing (and hypocrite) congressman.

I cannot find a single advantageous thing that Kerry has done for the residents of Massachussets, except be a puppet for Kennedy.
Tgace said:
Why is that?
First of all, believe it or not, the majority of registered voters in Massachusetts are not democrats, which is why we have had several republican governors in a row.

Out of 6,200,000 residents of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, only 13% are registered republicans and 33% are registered INDEPENDENT. The rest are the sleaziest registered social democrats like Kennedy, Barney Frank, former Gary Studds, and scary Kerry.

So even though Kerry is scoffed at, he wins by the narrowest of margins.

Don't forget, that Homosexual marriages was defeated in the Massachusetts State House, but forced on us by the decision of six non-elected bureaucrats on the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Now all responsible and concerned Massachusetts registered voters have to wait until the 2006 referendum to overturn the illegal court decision.

The court decision on Homosexual Marriage in Massachusetts is very illegal because it violates the Seperation of Powers Act, but our week kneed politicians won't break out the National Guard and arrest the judges.
Patrick Skerry said:
First of all, believe it or not, the majority of registered voters in Massachusetts are not democrats, which is why we have had several republican governors in a row.

Out of 6,200,000 residents of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, only 13% are registered republicans and 33% are registered INDEPENDENT. The rest are the sleaziest registered social democrats like Kennedy, Barney Frank, former Gary Studds, and scary Kerry.
Wow ... Mass education standards are slipping.

100% of voters
  • 13 % registered Republicans
  • 33 % registered Independents
That leaves.... let's see ... 54% for the Democrats; which is not a majority. Some Fuzzy Math goin' on there.
Patrick Skerry said:
First of all, believe it or not, the majority of registered voters in Massachusetts are not democrats, which is why we have had several republican governors in a row.

Out of 6,200,000 residents of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, only 13% are registered republicans and 33% are registered INDEPENDENT. The rest are the sleaziest registered social democrats like Kennedy, Barney Frank, former Gary Studds, and scary Kerry.

First you say the majority of registered voters are not democrats, then you present figures that show that 54% (a majority) are registered "sleazy social democrat". Math a problem for you?

By the way, practically nothing about the American Democratic party meets the common definition of the term "Social Democrat".

Patrick Skerry said:
Don't forget, that Homosexual marriages was defeated in the Massachusetts State House, but forced on us by the decision of six non-elected bureaucrats on the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court. Now all responsible and concerned Massachusetts registered voters have to wait until the 2006 referendum to overturn the illegal court decision.

What does this have to do with Kerry? And how do you know that responsible people don't support homosexual marriage? Or does "responsible" mean "right-wing evangelical Christian" in your world?

Patrick Skerry said:
The court decision on Homosexual Marriage in Massachusetts is very illegal because it violates the Seperation of Powers Act, but our week kneed politicians won't break out the National Guard and arrest the judges.

How does the Separation of Powers act come into play here?

And even if the act were illegal, why would the National Guard be needed? Can't Federal Marshals arrest people better than military authorities, who actually have no civilian investigation or arrest privileges under the Posse Comitatus Act?
michaeledward said:
Wow ... Mass education standards are slipping.

100% of voters
  • 13 % registered Republicans
  • 33 % registered Independents
That leaves.... let's see ... 54% for the Democrats; which is not a majority. Some Fuzzy Math goin' on there.
Sorry, my mistake. The percentages are correct. 13% registered Republicans, 33% registered Independents. But the 54% registered democrats seem to have been voting for a republican governor, and, unfortunately for Kennedy, Kerry, Franks, and Lynch.
"Sleaziest registered social democrats," eh?

I'm from New England. Never heard a peep about Barney Frank being corrupt, or that Kennedy took money in office---heard Frank had enough guts to be in Congress after coming out openly gay, that Kennedy carried on his two dead brothers' social ideas as best he could--and that's what really bothers you, ain't it?

Somewhere, somebody gay might be...you know, doing it. Somewhere, some...some liberal...might see the world in rational terms that I despise, eh?

Mr. Skerry, you might want to take a little peek at Kerry's testimony before the Senate in 1971. If that's the sort of stuff you're opposed to, well, shame on you.

Hey, is Cheney still saying that Nelson Mandela was a terrorist who oughta be kept in jail by the apartheid government? Your man Bush planning any more sweetheart deals like the one where he made 14. 2 million on a 600,000 investment (which he borrowed from one of his dad's friends) for buying the Texas Rangers? Hey, heard from Buddy Cianci (seconding speaker, 1976 Republican National Convention) since he went to the slammer on RICO violations, ten years after his first nolo plea? Those contributions from Ken Lay still coming in? Hey, that's right--how's the prosecution of Tom De Lay's (Republican House Majorty Whip) Texas political cronies going?

Yep, that gay Barney Frank. A real disgrace. That Jonh Kerry--vet, VVAW speaker, prosecutor, Lt. Gov., Senator---what a sleaze. No wonder you write such stuff.
michaeledward said:
When Andrew Card comes to me and whispers in my ear, "Mr. President, a second plane has hit the World Trade Center. America is under attack."

I would get up from the second grade childs chair, realizing that the President of the United States of America is a target, and by removing myself from the classroom, increase the safety level of those young students and hardworking teachers.

But, that's just me.

yeah that's interesting. you're right, perhaps the president of the country should have gotten up in the middle of that 2nd grade class and yelled, "everyone run for your lives, the END IS NEAR"...LOL too funny. although i dont really see the need for that seeing over 100 secret service agents were within miles of him, over 50 within 100 yards of him and an entire infantry guard battalion were on orders within several miles of him (per commander in chief travel regs).

at time when you are asking the countries citizens to remain calm in time of certain distress, it's always best to lead by example. im rather entirely certain the chiefs security team felt confident that NOTHING was going to get within 10 miles of the president. just out of curiosity, have you ever been involved in the process...? i doubt serisously you have because you certainly wouldnt have made that comment if you had. in my most honest opinion and pure experience, at a time like that, near the president of the united states of america is the safest place to be.

nice try in aiming to discredit the action of our commander in chief. try again :rolleyes:
Hi PeachMonkey,

O.k, I made a mistake with the 54% registered Mass. democrats not being a majority, its late here in Boston almost midnight, I'm tired.

The current status of the American Democrats are that they are 'de facto' a party of the left, the democratic party is no longer composed of the WWII era blue collar fundamental family oriented wage earners and the common man; the American Democratic Party today is composed of members of the defunct American Communist Party, left-wing special interest groups, and liberals with an open socialist agenda for America. The majority of conservative 'Tip O'Neil' democrats fled to the republican party over 12 years ago.

No responsible voter in Massachusetts will vote for homosexual marriage, it is that plain and simple. As an Irish Roman Catholic, the "right-wing evangellical Christian" doesn't care for me one bit and has no bearing on the upcoming 2006 referendum.

The federal marshals are not going to arrest a state judge, it is a state matter! (Seperation of powers act). In the chain of command, If the state police are duped into protecting the Supreme Massachusetts Judicial Court from arrest, then the Governor can order the Massachusetts National Guard to arrest both the State Police and the Judges.

The judges broke the law with their court order on homosexual marriages by violating the Seperation of Powers act because they do not have the right to ignore the vote of our lawfully elected representatives in the state house who voted against homosexual marriages. Judicial activists are ignoring the seperation of powers which exist between the Judicial, executive and legislative branches of government. It is illegal and they should be arrested, but for some reason our politicians are not doing it. The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts is in clear violation of the law and they are not being arrested. Not a good thing!

Nitwit Kerry, as our state senator, is ignoring every violation of the seperation of powers committed by the Mass. Supreme Court, which makes him complicit with law breaking. Again, nothing is being done.

PeachMonkey said:
First you say the majority of registered voters are not democrats, then you present figures that show that 54% (a majority) are registered "sleazy social democrat". Math a problem for you?

By the way, practically nothing about the American Democratic party meets the common definition of the term "Social Democrat".

What does this have to do with Kerry? And how do you know that responsible people don't support homosexual marriage? Or does "responsible" mean "right-wing evangelical Christian" in your world?

How does the Separation of Powers act come into play here?

And even if the act were illegal, why would the National Guard be needed? Can't Federal Marshals arrest people better than military authorities, who actually have no civilian investigation or arrest privileges under the Posse Comitatus Act?

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