bush in wonderland


Brown Belt
Jun 30, 2002
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Iraq supports Iran’s nuclear program and this is today’s news. Our coalition is dwindling as countries pull their troops out quietly; the only significant force other than the USA, the brits, are putting a “suggested” timetable for 2007. Egypt released Ayman Nour to our state dept’s praise, then tossed him back into prison a few weeks later-- other egyptian reforms have been essentially trashed for now. Afghanistan's drug trade made nearly nonexistent by the Taliban (after we put pressure on them)-- has come roaring back to soaring new heights now that we run things there. Diplomacy and reason, we’re told is the best policy with the mobocrasy of North Korea—formerly known as the MOST INSANE country in the world with the MOST INSANE leader on the planet—who just happens to have nukes. Oh, yes, now Gaddaffyduck is our friend and takes tea with Tony Blair.

am i missing anything?

oh my, i'm late, late, late....

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