
Thank you for your kind words here... Training with you and your dojang is awesome. I am looking forward to being there with all of you again soon.

As Bernard stated: The Pyong Ahn Hyung are Okinawan, as are ALL of the hyung in Tang Soo Do (not Soo Bahk Do).

In my 37+ years of cross training in Tang Soo Do, Shotokan, Isshinryu, and Motobu-Ha Shito Ryu I have learned all of the hyung/kata I have found that all of these systems, and many others share many of the same hyung/kata, but perform them differently.

It isn't a matter of one or some doing them correctly while others do them incorrectly. It is a matter of understanding what the intent of each technique is when executing them. As I teach practitioners from different systems about Bunkai, Henka and Oyo I find that very few have any real understanding that goes beyond "Blocking, Kicking and Punching". Most use hyung/kata as an exercise to take them from one rank to the next, and nothing more.

Ask yourself; Does my fighting look anything like my hyung/kata?

Or; Does my hyung/kata look like traditional technique and my fighting looks more like kickboxing?

If you understand "Bunkai, Henka and Oyo", and how to apply it your fighting will look like your hyung/kata. If you don't, it won't...

If your training has been exclusively in Tang Soo Do or Tae Kwon Do and you have never been exposed to training in Okinawan Karate Jutsu, chances are good that you have no idea of what I am discussing here and may even take offense to what I am saying. Please don't take offense. You can't know what you have never been exposed to.

There are many of you who have met and trained with me in person, such as:
Bernard Redfield-Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan
Michael Pope-Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan
Peter Miles-Tae Kwon Do
Graham Lau -Tang Soo Do/Tang Soo Jutsu

If you have trained with me and are not listed here, please take a moment to sign in and let us know that you are here...

For those that I did list, please post what you found regarding Bunkai, Henka and Oyo as they pertain to hyung/kata and the way that you now view technique as a result of our training.

I will look forward to your responses...
If you are really interested in the applications for hyung, Master Penfil is an excellent resource.
Yes, MBuzzy, Master Penfil IS an excellent resource. He's also an excellent practitioner of martial arts and an excellent person.

My father has over 22 years of training, almost solely in Tang Soo Do, and yet he is astonished by what he has learned from Master Jay S. Penfil in just the past year. I feel, after my 19 years in the martial arts, that Master Penfil is helping me to finally begin perfecting my techniques, and I'm now beginning to fully realize the meanings of my hyung. Just being near to Master Jay S. Penfil while he instructs seems to improve my knowledge of the martial arts. He is truly a deep well of inspiration and knowledge.