Build Your Super Group


Senior Master
Mar 6, 2006
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File Cabinet
If you could build your own super group (living or dead), who woul you pick to join the band?

Feel free to compile a few for different genres.

Lead Guitar?
Rhythm Guitar/Additional Guitarist?
Keyboards (if needed :))?

Modern Rock...
Perry Ferrel on vocals
Flea on bass
Dave Grohl on drums
Tom Morello on lead guitar
Chris Cornell Rythm guitar/backing vocals
Vocals: Max Brand
Bass: Geddy Lee
Drums: Neil Peart
Guitar: Rik Emmet
'kay, this might be weird:

Chris Cornell (Soundgarden, Audioslave) - vocals
Nuno Bettencourt (Extreme) - guitar
Muzz Skillings (Living Colour) - bass
Travis Barker (Blink-182, The Aquabats) - drums
Mmm ... Supergroup ... self-build ... difficult ... let's try

David Gilmour (Guitar)
Steve Hacket (Guitar)
Jon Lord (Organ)
Chris Squire (Bass)
Jon Anderson (Vocals)
David Coverdale (Vocals)

Ah, I see the problem. All the ingredients are great but I suspect that this cake would 'seperate' :lol:.
Genre: Black Metal (what a surprise, right?)

Vocals: Ihsahn (Emperor)
Drums: Nicholas Barker (Testament, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, and on and on...)
Bass: Tchort (Carpathian Forest)
Lead Guitar: Bill Steer (Napalm Death, Carcass)
Rhythm guitars and backing vocals: Satyr (Satyricon)
Keyboards: Mustis (Dimmu Borgir)
Pigface touches on this concept with a new line up every year.

Lets see though...
Stewart Copeland one drums
Brian Eno on sound engineering
Carl Palmer to Smoke Stewart Copeland when need be(Drums)
Jeff Beck Guitar
Chris Squire Bass
Mike Oldfield (He needs the job; he can play the silver wear)
Lets throw Kate Bush on vocal
Elton John on Piano
David Guilmore can play Guitar when Jeff isn't feeling well.

Darn! I forgot the Drummer - wondered why the back row sounded so thin :lol:.

Mmm ... gets distracted by Kate Bush walking by ... and "Hi!" Jeff! ... Ooh, Mr Palmer :bows: ... :eek: Randy Rhodes ... ZOMBIE!!!! ... oh, shh, no, be cool ... er, yes drummers ...

Ian Paice perhaps? Neil Peart's great but has been snaffled a couple of times now. I have to vote with my heart on this one and say John Henry Bonham (yes, he's been a long time dead but I'm sure he's been practising :D).
Since Led Zeppelin isn't together I guess this would work:

Roy Clark on Guitar for his ability
Stanley Jordan on Guitar for his ability
Drums would go to Neil pert for his ability
Base Gene Simmons because I kike Kiss and I'm choosing MY dream band.
Vocals Shania Twain All the mmen know why I picked her. (she is a singer right?)
Vocals: Max Brand
Bass: Geddy Lee
Drums: Neil Peart
Guitar: Rik Emmet

Don't know Max Brand ... but, with Geddy and Rik you still have a hellofa band. I still think Emmet would be a better choice than Lifeson every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

... turning to my own youth ...

Bradley Delp _ Vocals
Kerry Livgren _ Keyboard & Guitar
Steve Vai _ Guitar
John Entwhistle _ Bass
Steve Smith _ Drums

Vai doesn't fit well with this group... but his playing is so incredibly 'inside' for all the weird stuff that goes on around him. It would be interesting to hear his take on The Wall.

Bradley Delp's vocal prowess was not only accurate and balanced, he could do things in the studio that vocal quartets could not do.

Kerry's listening skills are amazing. He can get all the influences throughout music history into the songs he writes. As a technician, he is very good, but his real strength is composition.

Steve Smith's Vital Information showed how much class a rock drummer could posess. Does anyone know what he has been doing for the last two decades?

But, Mr. Entwhistle ... I was never a fan of The Who. Trying to cop the bass lines in My Generation damn near killed me. I was at a trade show once, with Eddie Van Halen, Neal Schon, and John Entwhistle on the same stage, at the same time. And I spent all my time watching and listening to Entwhistle. He was Amazing.
Nice to have a little background on your 'picks' Mike. I'm going to have to show my ignorance now and ask, "Who is Steve Smith?".

I have to confess that I'd never heard of any of JB's choices either but that's hardly surprising as I have little love of what passes for metal these days (I derisorily call it "Shouty - Stampy", sorry JB :eek:).
Vocals: Ronnie James Dio
Drums: Tre Cool (of Green Day)
Bass: Gene Simmons
Lead Guitar: Angus Young
Rhythm Guitar/Additional Guitarist: Eddie Van Halen
Stevie Ray Vaughn on guitar and vocals
Randy Rhodes on guitar
Cliff Burton on bass
Mickey Hart on drums

The name of the band...Not Dead Yet
Nice to have a little background on your 'picks' Mike. I'm going to have to show my ignorance now and ask, "Who is Steve Smith?".

He was the second drummer for Journey, and played on their most popular albums. Then he formed the jazz group 'Vital Information', where he got to show his chops.
Ahh! Well, that just goes to show my guitarist prejudices for not recognising who he was :blush:.


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